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1、Chapter 5:Writing the Discussion Section,报告人:孙岩 2018.6.8,Purposes,The Discussion section can stand alone or can be part of a combined Results and Discussion (R&D) section. In either case, it serves the same major purpose: to interpret the results of the study. Organize a Discussion section following

2、 the major moves: Interpret your results (but avoid overinterpretation) Describe the greater importance of your findings Follow appropriate writing conventions,In the discussion section:,interpret their data address why and how questions (e.g., Why was the reaction faster? How did the mechanism proc

3、eed?) extend their findings to a larger context (e.g., What value will these findings have to the scientific community?) 完整的讨论部分应该是首先展示实验数据说明的问题以及得到的结论,对观察到的现象的原因进行解释说明或者提出假设,最后进一步深化我们的基础发现,提出启示或者应用。,Note : Be careful not to overinterpret your data, misinterpret your results, overstate your assumpti

4、ons, or stray too far from scientific evidence.,Such words as fact, truth, and prove are rarely used in a Discussion section. Hedging words, such as theory and evidence, are much more common, as are such verbs as appear, indicate, seem, and suggest. By hedging, writers acknowledge that their knowled

5、ge is limited and will be subjected to scientific scrutiny over time.,Analyzing Organization,Note: The order in which you present findings (in Results) and interpret findings (in Discussion) should be parallel.,Note,Two additional submoves, associated with move 2, that are less common today than in

6、the past: (1) indicate limitations of the work (2) suggest ideas for future work Thus, as you prepare your paper, check to see if these submoves are expected in Discussion sections in your targeted journal.,Move 1 Discuss specific results,Move 2 Conclude the paper,直接Move 2,Remind readers of the resu

7、lts,Suggest overall implications,Summarize the work,Interpret results,1. Hedging words,Words should be used to clarify, not convince. Chemists soften their interpretations and claims to “truth” by using hedging words.,Notes: Interpretations and mechanisms in Discussion section are often present tens

8、e active voice.,2. Tense and voice,The work was done in the past, but knowledge exists in the present. Examples Three Cr3+ compounds were examined. (work done in the past) Hydroxyl radical is a known mediator of DNA damage. (knowledge that exists in the present),3. Use of ”We”,The word we (used to refer to the authors of the work) is commonly used to achieve the following purposes in the Discussion section: To indicate a decision or course of action To compare findings with previous works To offer an interpretation To report or summarize findings,Thanks for your attention !,


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