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1、2016年上期六年级英语毕业模拟测试卷班级_ 学号_ 姓名_A. 听力部分(40分)ABCABC A B C AB C A B C 1 听音,选出相符的图画。(10分) ( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.2 听句子,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)( )1. A .She has long hair B. She has big eyes. C. She has a round face.( )2. A. We shouldnt litter. B. You need water . B. We should keep the air clean.( )3. A.I like m

2、ilk. B. She likes bags. C. I love cakes.( )4. A. She is my mother . B. He is my father.C. She is my sister. ( )5. A. Children wear new clothes . B. They light firecrackers. C. Children get red packets. 3 听问题,找出相应的答语。(10分)( )1. A. This is a pen. B. Im eleven . C. I like red. ( )2. A. He is swimming.

3、B. We are going to put on a play . C. She went to the park yesterday.( )3. A. Its sunny and cool. B. Its a dog. C. Its ten.( )4. A. I feel happy. B. My hobby is playing the violin. C. I want the thin one.( )5. A. OK, Lets see a film. B. Lets see a play. C. No, I like bread .4 听对话,选出对话中所包含的正确信息。(10分)

4、( ) 1. A. There are 18 book. B. There are 60 books. C. There are 26 books.( ) 2. A. He is tall. B. He is young. C. He has a round face . ( ) 3. A. I get up at 6:50 a.m. B. I go to bed at 9:00 p.m. C. He has breakfast at 7:00 a.m. ( ) 4. A. He was in the park. B. He was at home . C. I am a teacher .

5、( ) 5. A. Id like some fish. B. Id like some beef. C. I dont like rice. B.笔试部分(60分)1 我能拼读单词 根据拼读规则,补全单词。(5分)( )1. p _ty (聚会) A. ar B. or C. ur( )2.diffi _lt (困难的) A. ca B. ea C. cu( )3. w _ld (世界) A. or B. oa C. ur( )4. fr _t (水果) A. ui B. ai C. oi( )5. homet _n (家乡) A. on B. ow C. en2 我能找出不同类的单词 选出

6、一个与其他两个不同类的单词。(5分) ( )1. A. three B. first C .nine ( )2. A. played B. wanted C. tired ( )3. A. smaller B. longer C. shortest ( )4. A. they B. ourselves C. we ( )5. A. hot B. land C. cool3 我能补全句子 选择答案,使句子完整正确。(6分) ( )1. Peter _reading a book. A. am B. are C. is ( )2. International Childrens Day is _1

7、st June. A. in B. on C. at ( )3. He always _up at 6:30 a.m. A. gets B. get C. getting ( )4. There are four _ in a year. A. seasons B. month C. weeks ( )5. Lingling can_very well. A. dances B. danced C. dance ( )6. We _keep the air clean and fresh. A. shouldnt B. should C. doesnt 4 我能给图画配上标题或说明 找出符合图

8、片内容的正确选项。(16分) 1. ( )A. Play chess B .Read a newspaper C. Take a walk 2. ( )A. a few cans of coke B. a box of cake C. a cup of tea. 3. ( )A. Chinese book B. English bookC. This is a dictionary 4. ( )A. Do not smoke B. Shouldnt litter . C. Do not pick flowers. 5. ( )A. Mothers Day B. The Spring Festi

9、valC. Childrens Day 6. ( )A. Listen to music. B. Put on a play.C. Play the piano. 7. ( )A. Turn left. B. Get off.C. Turn right. 8. ( )A. The Eiffel Tower. B. The Great Wall. C. The Golden Gate Bridge.5 我能在这样的情景中交际 根据情景选择合适的句子。(14分) ( )1.新年到了,你应该说: A. Happy new year! B. Happy birthday! C. Good mornin

10、g. ( )2.去商店买东西,服务员通常会这样跟你打招呼: A. Good bye B. How are you? C. Can I help you? ( )3.别人夸你的裙子很漂亮,你应该回答:A. No, its not. B. Thank you C. Yes, it is. ( )4.你想知道对方的生日,应该怎么问? A. What time do you go to school? B. Whens your birthday ? C . How old are you? ( )5想知道谁获得了第一名,该怎么问?A. Who was third? B. Who are you? C

11、. Who was first? ( )6.想问对方昨天做了什么事,该怎么问? A. What are you doing? B. How are you ? C. What did you do yesterday? ( )7.告诉对方这个蛋糕品尝起来很好吃,可以这样说: A. This apple tastes good. B. This cake tastes good. C. I will bring some fruit.6 我能看图写话 仿照范例写句子(注意标点符号)。(9分)1. (Present) (Christmas card) 例:Heres a present for y

12、ou . 1._2. (big /small) (long/short)例: Which one do you want, the big one or the small one. 2._3. (plant more trees) (waster water) 例: We should plant more trees. 3._7 我能读懂文章 阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致,如一致写“T”,否则写“F”。(5分) Mr Black is a policeman. He always gets up early. He goes to work by bike. He thinks

13、 it is good exercise. He likes to help people. He often helps old people on the road. Yesterday was Christmas. There were many people outside. He saw an old woman with a big bag. He helped her to carry the bag. The old woman said, “Thank you, sir. And Merry Christmas!” ( )1. Mr Black always gets up early. ( )2. Mr Black goes to work on foot. ( )3. Mr Black often helps old people on the road. ( )4. Yesterday was 24th December. ( )5. Yesterday Mr Black helped an old woman to carry a big bag.4


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