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1、Book1 Unit1 Friendship一、短语翻译1.合计 2.写下、放下、登记 3.(使)平静;镇定下来_ 4.经历、经受 5.将(东西)装箱打包_ 6.遭受;患病 7.关心;挂念_ 8.不得不;必须 9.对厌倦 10.与相处;进展 11.相爱;爱上 12.不再 13.遛狗 14故意 15.在黄昏时刻 16.面对面地 17.一连串的;一系列的 18.为了 19.参加(正在进行的活动). 20.从恢复_ 21.为某事感到心烦_ 22. 因对某人表示感激_ 二、单词的正确使用第一节:用括号所给词的正确形式填空1. Chairman Mao compared (比作) the_(青少年) t

2、o the rising sun in the morning. 2. Nowadays with the help of modern science and technology, farming is no longer _(entire)dependent on the weather.3. Suzie lives in a small _ (dust) village on the edge of the desert.4. I told my decision to my father, but unluckily he _ (agree) with it.5. Actually,

3、all these _made their _in the USA before 1914.(settle)6. China is becoming more and more _(power).7. _(exact)speaking, he was very young.8. When he was young,he went to _to study_. (German)9. The book is full of useful_(建议)10. The flowers in the garden always keep me _(spellbind).第二节:根据短文意思,从下表所给的词汇

4、中选出合适的单词或短语,并用其正确形式填空。 calm, fell in love, recover, dislike, upset, be concerned about, outdoors, ignore, grateful, suffer from Last weekend, I was very (8)_ because I (9)_ my dog who_(10)_a strange illness. At the same time, I felt hateful toward people around me. My mother suggested me going_(11)_

5、 for a walk. So I did. It was the first time that I (12)_with nature, while at the same time I was forced to be alone and face all the things that I had_(13)_before. After the walk, I was (14)_and realized that the people and things around me were very important to me. I should be (15)_to all of the

6、m. I should love all of them, including the ones that I (16)_. Anyway, the doctor said my dog would (17)_soon.三、完成句子1.我必须请人修理好窗户。 I must_ _ _ _ 2. 为了赶早班车,他比往常早一个小时起床。_ _ _ _the early bus, he got up an hour earlier.3. 她碰巧认识那个演说家。She _ _ _ the lecturer.4. 这是他第五次故意不理睬我。This / It is the fifth time (that

7、) he_ _ me_ _.5.我们一直等到他回来才睡觉。 We _ _ to bed _ he came back.6. 曾有一段时间我厌倦了国外生活_ _ _ _ when I got tired of _ abroad.7. 她说她在发音方面有困难。 She said she_ _ _ _ pronunciation.8. 我发现写一篇好文章不容易。I _ _ _ _ write a good article.9. 如果您能够给我一些建议,我将不胜感激。I _ _ _ _ you could give me some advice.10. 参观同一个地方是没有乐趣的。_ _ _ _ the same place.四. 写作英语课上,老师让同学们用英语把自己在新学校结识的好友介绍给全班同学。假如你的好友是刘方(男孩),请根据下列特点,用英语来描述他。词数:80左右。1. 外貌:身材不高,略有点胖;2. 性格:诚实友善,勤奋学习,乐于助人;3. 课余爱好:喜欢流行音乐,爱好体育,擅长打羽毛球;4. 决心向好友学习。2


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