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1、Unit 9 What does he look like ?Section A Period 1(1a-1c)巢湖市夏阁镇中心学校 马丽 一、教学目标:1、知识目标:.描述人的外貌的单词:hair,curly,long, short, straight , height, tall, medium, thin,heavy,build.询问并描述人的外貌的句型: - What does he/she look like? -He/She is tall and has long hair.-What do you look like? -Im thin2、语言技能. 让学生能积极思维,在生活中

2、灵活运用所学单词,短语及句型。. 使学生能概括人物的外貌特征或根据人物特征描述来判断猜出是某一人物。. 学以致用,使学生能利用所学知识与同学们共同探讨,互相交流,从而能替自己和别人进行新形象的设计。3、情感态度.通过对同学、教师或自己偶像友好地外貌描述,让学生在人际交往中能多发现别人的优点,从而学会理解他人、尊重他人、让学生真正懂得心灵美才是最美,千万不要以貌取人。. 在完成学习任务的前提下,同学间的积极协作,团结互助,不仅增强了学生的情谊,还能在提高英语的同时共同尽情享受学习的乐趣。二、教学重难点:教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型及怎样描述一个人的外貌。教学难点:(1)新词汇的运用,特别是h

3、as与is的正确使用,是本节课的一个难点。(2)掌握描述人物外貌的方法。三、教学方法(1)情景交际法:(2)任务型语言教学法:(3)开放性教学策略:四、教学设计:Step I Leading-in Invite some students and let others describe about their height / build / hairstyle. . Let students understand the words in class like short /long/ no hair ; tall / short / medium height ; fat ( heavy)

4、/ thin / medium build. Step II Presentation: 1、Show some famous stars pictures and asks students to describe about their height / build / hairstyles .Teach some new knowledge about hairstyle and write them on the Bb: 描述发型 :漂亮+ 长短+ 形状+ 颜色+ 头发 What does she look like ? She has beautiful long straight

5、black hair .2、Show some pictures on the screen and introduce them who you like best to students . Yao Ming is tall ;Zhao Wei is of medium height ;Han Hong is short ; Lucy is fat (heavy); Mary is of medium build ; Alice is thin . Step III Do 1a Now please look at P41, Use the letters to match the peo

6、ple in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sample answer. (Keys: c, f, a, a, d, h, e, b, g, e)StepIV Listening Practice :(Listen 1b)播放听力,让学生通过完成听力练习后更近一步掌握今天的词汇和句型。能互相提问并描述出其外貌特征。)StepV Practice

7、 : 1、Teacher-student interaction:Show some pictures,the teacher makes a dialogue with a student. And ask other students to guess the person you describe. 2、Group work : 课堂上分小组, 描述班上任意某个人的外貌和个性,让全班同学猜一猜他(她)是谁。任务布置下去后, 同学们马上投入到紧张的讨论中去了。Step VI Summary 描述人物的句型: 1、 人物+be+形容词(身高/体型):be + tall/short /of m

8、edium height + heavy/thin / of medium build2、人物+have/has+形容词(发型)have / has + short hair/long hair + straight/curly hairStep: Moral education :T: Everyone is special ; Everyone is useful ; Everyone is important ; Dont judge the others by appearance ! Homework :1 、Write the words and useful expression

9、Families HairstyleHeightBuild LikeFather short tallthin bananas Mother Brother Sister 2、Make a survey about your families ,then describe them and fill in the blank.板书设计:What does he look likePeriod 1 (1a-1c)What does he look like ? short - long curly - straightHe has long / short / curly / straight hair .What does she look like ? thin fat /heavyShe is thin / of medium build / heavy .What do you look like ?Im tall / of medium height / short . tall - short英语公开课内容:What does he look like?Period1教师:马丽时间:2016-6-20 班级:7(1)


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