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1、职称英语理工类A级词汇选项部分历年真题及答案(2002年-2010年)2003年1. The union representativeput acrossher argument very effectively. A explained B invented C considered D accepted答案:Aput across:讲清楚;使人信服2. He talks tough but has atenderheart. A heavy B strong C kind D wild答案:C3. It is no usedebatingthe relative merits of thi

2、s policy. A making B taking C discussing D expecting答案:C(讨论争论)merit:优点、价值、功过 4. Our statistics show that weconsumeall that we are capable of producing. A waste B buy C use D sell答案:C(消费、消耗) 5. The fuel tanks had acapacityof 140 liters. A function B ability C power D volume答案:D(容量) 6. Our lives arein

3、timatelybound up with theirs. A tensely B nearly C carefully D closely答案:D(亲切地;熟悉地;私下地;紧密地)tensely:拉紧地、紧张地 7. Her faithupheldher in times of sadness. A supported B excited C inspired D directed答案:A(支持) 8. The book provides aconciseanalysis of the countrys history. A clean B perfect C real D brief答案:

4、D(简洁的、简明的、概括的) 9. It islaid downin the regulations that all members must carry their membership cards at all times. A suggested B warned C stated D confirmed答案:C(主张、断言、规定、制定) 10. The council meetingterminated at 2 oclock. A began B continued C ended D resumed答案:C(结束) 11. Red flag was placed there as

5、 atokenof danger. A sign B substitute C proof D target答案:A(标志、象征、记号) 12. However bad the situation is, the majority isunwillingto risk change. A reluctant B eager C pleased D angry答案:A(不情愿的) 13. It has been said that the Acts provided a new course of action and did not merelyregulateor enlarge an ol

6、d one. A limit B control C replace D offset答案:B(调节,规定;有系统的管理;控制;校准) 14. The secretary is expected toexploreideas for post-war reconstruction of the area. A deny B investigate C stress D create答案:B(探索、探测、调查研究) 15. Thesteadilyrising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shi

7、pping cargo by water. A gradually B suddenly C excessively D exceptionally答案:A(稳定地、稳固地、有规则地) gradually:渐渐地、逐步地。 waterfront:水边、海滨 cargo:货物、船货。2004年1 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth A take out B break off(折断、断开) C push in D dig up(挖掘)2 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline

8、 in September(展示、展现) A play B show C send D tell3 This table is strong and durable(耐用的、持久的) A long-lasting B extensive C far-reaching D eternal(永恒的、不朽的)4 He endured great pain before he finally expired(终止、期满、死亡) A fired B resigned(辞职) C died D retreated(撤退)5 The girl is gazing at herself in the mirr

9、or A smiling B laughing C shouting D staring6 The index is the governments chiefgauge of future economic activity(尺度、标准、规格)A measure B opinionC method D decision7 Its sensible to start any exercise program gradually at first(明智的)A workable B reasonableC possible D available8 A lot of people could fa

10、ll ill after drinking contaminated water(被污染的)A boiled(煮沸的、沸腾的) B pollutedC mixed D sweetened9 You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position A maintain B better C acquire D support10 She stood there,trembling with fear A jumping B crying C moving D shaking11 Medical facilities are bein

11、g upgraded A expanded B repaired C improved D transferred12 Rock climbing is hazardous A interesting B dangerous C attractive D useful13 John is eligible for this job(合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的)A accepted B recommendedC rejected D recommended14 In order to improve our standard of living,we have to acceler

12、ate productionA involve B decreaseC speed up D give up15 Mary looked pale(苍白的) and weary(疲倦的、困乏的) A worried B ugly C silly D exhausted2005年1 These are theirMotivesfor doing it动机 目的 主题A. reasons B excuses C answers D plans2 The riverwidensconsiderably相当地 非常地 as it begins to turn west放宽 变宽A. twists 拧

13、扭曲 编织 B. stretches 伸展 张开C. broadens扩大 变宽 变阔 D. bends 弯曲3 Henry cannot resist抵抗 thelure of drugs 诱惑A. abuse 滥用 B. flavor 风味 滋味C. temptation D. consumption 消费 消耗4 These programmes are ofimmensevalue to old people 巨大的A natural B fatal 致命的C tiny 微小的 很少的 D enormous5 A great deal has been done toremedythe

14、 situation补救 治疗 纠正A.maintain B.improveC.assess D protect 保护6 John iscollaboratingwith Mary in writing an article合作A cooperating B competing 竞争C combining 合并 D arguing7 He is determined toconsolidatehis power 巩固 加强A strengthen B controlC abandon 放任 放弃D exercise8 Many scientists have been probingpsych

15、ologicalproblems调查 探测A solving B exploring 探测 探索 探险 C settling D handling9 Hearing problems may bealleviatedby changes in diet and exercise habits减轻 缓和A removed B cured C worsened D relieved 解除 减轻10 All the cars are tested fordefectsbefore leaving the factory 缺点 缺陷 不足A functions B faults C motions 移

16、动 意向 D parts11 The food isinsufficientfor three people不足的 不充分的A instant 立即的 紧急的 紧迫的 B infinite 无限的 无穷的C inexpensive 便宜的 D inadequate12 Thousands of peopleperishedin the storm 死亡 毁灭 毁坏A died B suffered C floated D scattered 分散 散开 撒播13 Butin the endhe approved of our proposal提议A undoubtedly毫无疑问地 B cer

17、tainly 确定地C ultimately最终地 终于 D necessarily14 For young children,getting dressed is acomplicatedbusiness复杂的A strange B complex C personal D funny15 In Britain and many other countriesappraisalis now a tool of management评价 估价 估计A evaluation B production 生产 C efficiency 效率 D publicity2006年1 She was apu

18、zzle(迷)A.girl B.woman C.problem D.mystery 神秘,秘密;神秘的事物;奥秘2 Herspecialityis heart surgery(外科、外科手术)-(专业、专长、特性)A.region B.site C.field 领域、范围 D.platform3 France has keptintimatelinks with its former African territories. 亲切地;熟悉地;紧密地;亲密地A.friendly B.private C.strong D.secret4 You should haveblendedthe butt

19、er (黄油)with the sugar thoroughlyA.spread B.mixed C.beaten D.covered5 The industrial revolutionmodifiedthe whole structure of English society,A.destroyed B.broke C.smashed 打碎、打破、猛击 D.changed6 Tickets are limited and will beallocatedto those who apply first.A.posted B.sent C.given D.handed7 The change

20、 in that village wasmiraculous.神奇的、不可思议的A.conservative 保守的、守旧的 B.amazingC.insignificant 无关紧要的 D.unforgettable 令人难忘的8 Customers oftendeferpayment for as long as possibleA.make B.demand C.postpone 推迟、延期 D.obtain 获得9 Canada willprohibitsmoking in all offices later this year.A.ban 禁止 B.remove C.eliminat

21、e 消除、排除 D.expel 驱逐、开除10 She read a poem whichdepicts(描画、描述)the splendor(光彩、壮丽) of the sunset(日落).A.declares B.asserts C.describes D.announces11 From mystandpoint, this thing is just ridiculousA.field B.point of view C.knowledge D.information12 The latestcensusis encouraging 人口普查A.statementB.assessme

22、nt 评定、估价 C.evaluation 评估、评价D.count13 The curious looks from the strangers around her made her feeluneasyA.different B.proudC.uncomfortableD.unconscious 无意识的、失去知觉的、不省人事的14 Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he waseligible,to apply for it合格的,合适的;符合条件的;有资格当选的A.able B.fortunate 幸运的 C.qualified有资格的;

23、合格的D.competent能干的;足够的;胜任的;有能力的15 He waselevatedto the post of prime minister.提升、提拔、使晋级A.pulled B.promoted C.lifted D.treated2007年1.The news willhorrifyeveryone.使恐惧、惊骇A. attract B. terrify C. tempt诱惑、引起 D. excite2.The articlesketchedthe major events of the decade.略图、梗概、素描A. described B. offered C. ou

24、tlined D. presented3.I wonttoleratethat kind of behavior.A. bear B. accept C. admit D. take4.Their style of playing football isutterlydifferent. 完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地A. barely B. scarcely C. hardly D. totally5.Her sisterurgedher to apply for the job.推进、催促、强烈要求 激励A. advised B. caused C. forced D. promi

25、sed6.Even sensible men doabsurdthings.荒谬的、可笑的、愚蠢的A. unusual B. ridiculous可笑的、荒谬的 C. special D. typical7.Shebumpedinto her boyfriend in town this morning. bump into:偶然遇上、不期而遇A. walked B. came(come into:继承、得到) B. C. fled(flee的过去分词,消逝、逃走) D. ran(run into:偶遇)8.This sort of thing isboundto happen.(一定会发生)

26、A. sure B. quick C. fast D. swift(敏捷的、迅速的)9.At the age of 30,Hersey suddenly became acelebrity.(名人、名声)A. boss B. manager C. star D. dictator独裁者;命令者10.He cannotdiscriminatebetween a good idea and a bad one.区别、区分A. judge B. assess C. distinguish D. recognize11.They are concerned for the fate of the fo

27、rest and the lndians whodwellin it.居住A. live B. sleep C. hide D. gather12.The index is the governments chiefgaugeof future economic activity.A. method B. measure C. way D. manner13.The architecture isharmoniousand no building is over six-storey high.和谐的、协调的A. old-fashioned B. traditional C. conventi

28、onal传统的、惯例的 D. balanced14.The food isinadequatefor ten people.不充分的、不足够的A. demanded B. qualified C. insufficient D. required15.Sheperseveredin her ideas despite obvious objections raised by friends.坚持A. persisted B. insisted C. resisted抵抗抗拒忍耐 D. suggested2008年1、 Withimmenserelief. I stopped running.巨

29、大的、广大的 relief:减轻、解除、慰藉A some B、enormous庞大的、巨大的 C little D extensive广泛的、广阔的2 The scientists began toaccumulatedata积累积聚积攒.A collect B handle C analyze D investigate3 Jack eventuallyovertook赶上、超车the last truck.卡车A hit. B passed C reached D led lead的过去分词,通向、领导、指引4 Sometimes it is advisable to book hotel

30、s inadvance.明智的A possible B profitable C easy D wise5 The reason for their unusual behavior remains apuzzle.A fact B mystery C statement D game6 That guy is reallywitty.明智的、聪明的、有才智的、诙谐的A smart B ugly C honorable D popular7 The world champion suffered asensationaldefeat.轰动的; A reasonable B dramatic戏剧

31、的;引人注目的;激动人心的C humiliating丢脸的;羞辱性的 D horrifying令人恐惧的;使人惊骇的8 It seems that only Mary iseligiblefor the job.A prepared B trained C qualified D guided9 This poemdepictsthe beautiful scenery of a town in the South.A praises B writes C imitates 模仿D describes10 The meaning is stillobscure. 模糊的;晦涩的;昏暗的A va

32、gue不明确的;含糊的;模糊的;暧昧的B transparent 透明的C alien外国的;相异的,性质不同的;不相容的D significant 重大的 意味深长的11 Dumped waste mightcontaminateWater supplies.A destroy B decrease C delay耽误 D pollute12 One theorypostulates主张、假定that the ancient Filipinos came from India and Persia.A assumes B expects C predicts 预言D considers13

33、It is very difficult for a child toadhere torules.A remember B follow C understand D learn14 I hope that I didnt do anythingabsurdlast night. 荒谬的、可笑的、愚蠢的A awkward笨拙的;尴尬的;棘手的;不合适的B strange C stupid D awful 令人敬畏的、糟糕的15 There should be laws thatprohibitsmoking around children.A forbid B advocate 提倡、主张、

34、拥护C inherit 继承D withdraw 撤退、离开2009年1 Why cant you stop youreternalcomplaining? 永恒的 不朽的AlongB everlastingCtemporary 临时的D boring2Hundreds of buildings werewreckedby the earthquake. 破坏AdamagedB shakenCfallenD jumped3 These paintings are considered by many to beauthentic. 可信的;真正的,名副其实的Afaithful 忠诚的B roy

35、al 皇家的 盛大的Csincere 真诚的 诚挚的D genuine 真正的 名副其实的4Many economists have given in to the fatal致命的lure诱惑of mathematics. 数学运算AsimplicityB, attractionCpowerD rigor 严厉 苛刻 僵硬5Ten years after the event, her death still remains apuzzle.Amist 薄雾 模糊不清之物B fogCsecretD mystery6John wasirritatedby the necessity for po

36、lite conversation 激怒 刺激AtroubledB annoyedCthreatened 威胁D aroused 激励 唤醒7Academic records cannot beduplicated.复制AborrowedB purchasedCcopiedD rewritten8The emphasis on the importance of education hasspurredscientific researchAencouragedB fastenedC raised D initiated 开始 创始 发起9We haveamplemoney for the j

37、ourney丰富的;足够的;宽敞的AsomeB littleCenoughD exta10 The doctors pills workedmarvelsfor me. 奇迹Amiracles B patientsCillnessD recovery11 Marysperpetualmoaning抱怨 呻吟 nearly drove me mad.永久的 不断的AendlessB monotonous单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的CseriousD bitter12 It was hard to say why the man deserved suchshabbytreatment破旧的;卑

38、鄙的;吝啬的;低劣的 不公平的AoldB unforgettableCunfairD funny13 You didntadhere tothese principles.AorderB followCproveD handle14 The farmers also want to use the water to irrigate灌溉 thebarrenland.贫瘠的AemptyB hairlessCsmoothD bare15 Anyone who wants to apply for a loan need read the followingspecifications.说明书 规格

39、AexpressionsB warningsCadvertisementsD instructions 2010年1I cantput up withmy neighbors noise any longer,itS driving me madAtolerateBgenerateCreduceDmensure2Regular visits from a social worker can be ofimmensevalue to old people living aloneAequalBimmediateCmoderate 适度的 中等的 有节制的Dgreat3He was ratherv

40、agueabout the reasons why he never finished schoolAbrightBunclearCgeneralDbad4I want to provide my boys with adecenteducation得体的 正派的 相当好的AspecialBprivateCgeneralDgood5Sleep stairs can present a particularhazardto older peopleApictureBdangerCevidenceDcase6Our arrangements were thrown into completeturmoil混论 骚动AdoubtBreliefCfailureDconfusion 混论 困惑7Patricia stared at the other girls withresentment怨恨 愤恨AloveBsurpriseCangerDdoubt8Your dog needs at least 20 minutes ofvigorousexercise e


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