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1、 6一般现在时专练(A)一、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1.He often (have) dinner at home.2.Daniel and Tommy (be) members of the Reading Club.3.She and I (take)a walk together every evening.4.There (be) some water in the bottle.5.We (not watch) TV on weekdays.6.Nick (not do) his homework on Sundays.7.They (like) the World Cup?8

2、.What they usually (do) on holidays?9. your parents (read) newspapers every day?10.The girl (teach) us English on Sundays.二、 .按照要求改写句子。1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)Daniel TV every evening.2.I do my homework every day .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)- you homework every day? -No,I .3.She likes milk.(改为一般

3、疑问句并作肯定回答)-she milk? -Yes.,she .4. Simon is from Beijing.(同义句改写) Simon Beijing.5. Millie is clever at Maths.(同义句改写) Millie Maths .三、改错。 61.Is you brother speak English?A B C ( ) 2.Does he looks like his father?A B C ( ) 3. He likes play games after class.4. Mr Wu teachs us English.A B C ( ) 5.She do

4、esnt her homework on Sundays. A B C ( ) A B C ( ) 四、将下列句子译成英文。1.桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗? 不.她学习很用功.放学后她总是看书. Sandy play minton after school?No. She hard she always books after school.2.他在第三中学上学.他每天早上七点上学.He in No .3 Middle School. He to school at 7 a.m. everyday .3.父亲早晨送我到学校.My father me to school in the morning.

5、4.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐.My daughter TV and to music.5.西蒙朋友的姐姐长大后想当一位歌手.Simons friends sister to a singer when she up.一般现在时用法专练(B)一、按要求改写下列句子.1.Sandy has long hair in a ponytail.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Sandy long hair in a ponytail? Yes , .2.Simon and Daniel are good friends .(改为否定句)Simon and Daniel _ good friends.3.

6、We are in the school football team.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) you in the school football team? Yes, .4.Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ Amy _ playing computer games? No, _ _.5.We go to school every morning .(改为否定句) We _ _ to school every morning.6.She is always ready to help others.(改为一般疑问句并作

7、否定回答) _ she always ready to help others? No, _ _.7.The earth goes around the sun.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ the earth _ around the sun? Yes, _ _.8.He speaks English very well.(改为否定句) He _ speak English well.9.John comes from Canada.(划线提问) Where _John _ from?10.I like taking my dog for a walk after suppeWhat _

8、 you _ _ after supper?.二.改错1.Lily and Lucy doesnt want to clean the blackboard. 2.Mr Green likes work in China very much. 3.My mother often go to the shop on Sundays. 4.She doesnt likes bread or cakes. 5.Where is Jim and Kate now? 6.There are some water and leaves in the pool. 7.Please give a colour

9、 pencil for me. 8.They arent go to school at the weekend. 9.The dog sits between the chair. 10. She often works hard and goes to bed in night. 11. Millie is good in English.She speaks English well. 12. She is a member at the Computer Club. 13. Do you help your mother in the housework.? 14. Do Simon

10、often go home by a bus? . 15. I often take bus to school. 16. Do you want to play with us after the school? 17. Daniel and David want to play on us. 18. There is a lots of water in the bottle. 19. Wendy has much friends in class. 20. There are so lots of people in the hall. 一般现在时用法专练(C)一 用所给动词正确形式填空

11、1.He loves _ (read )newspaper.2.Nick goes _ (swim )every Saturday afternoon.3.Simon enjoys_ (play )football.4.Mr Mu likes _( walk) after school.5.Amy likes _ (talk) on the phone with her friends.6.Simon usually goes _ (run) for half an hour.7.Sandy enjoys _ (look )for things on the Internet.8.I dont

12、 like _ (dance).9.Eric is a member of the _ (read) Club.10. Its a fine day.What about _( play) badminton in the park?二 用适当的介词填空1.I go to school _ my friends.2.Daniel is clever _English.3.Millie takes Eddie _a walk every afternoon.4.Kitty lives _a flat _Beijing.5.Sandy sits _Kitty and Amy.6.Here is a

13、 picture _my family.Do you want to look _it?7.Does Simon often eat _a restaurant?8._ the weekend, Wendy and Kitty play tennis _an hour. 9.Sandy has black hair _ a ponytail.Kitty has long black hair _ bunches. 10. Mr Smith comes _ New York.He is American.三.根据中文意思翻译句子.1.我不喜欢玩电脑.2.Kate个子不高.戴着一副眼镜.3.大卫1

14、980年出生于北京.4.桑迪擅长语文和数学.5.马丁是哪里人?7.我得照看孩子.因此不能和你一起去.8.我们学校没有网球场.10. 汤姆效力于校足球队.11. 你喜欢和朋友在电话里交谈吗?12. 周末, 西蒙喜欢和朋友们踢足球.13. 彼得是羽毛球球兴趣小组的成员14. 你知道第一题的答案吗?15. 请你看看我家的全家福照片. 现在进行时练习一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式sing_play_study_have _dance _write_take_run_sit_shop_swim_lie_二.将下列句子改为1).否定句、2).一般疑问句并做肯定回答和否定回答、3).对划线部份提问 1.Th

15、e boy is playing basketball.1) 2) 3) 2.They are singing in the classroom.1) 2) 3) 4) 三.用现在进行时完成下列句子1.What _ you _ (do)? 2. I _ (sing) an English song. 3. What _ he _ (mend)?4. He _ (mend) a car.5. _ you _ (fly) a kite? Yes, _.6. _ she _ (sit) in the boat?7. _ you _ (ask) questions?8. We _ (play) gam

16、es now.9. What are you _(do) now? I _(eat) bread.10. Its nine oclock. My father_(work) in the office.11.Look, the boy_(put) the rubbish into the bin.12._he_(clean) the classroom? No, he isnt. He (play).13. Where is Max? He_(run) on the grass.14.Listen!who_(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary_(sing) th

17、ere.四.选择题 1. Who _ over there now?.A. singing. B. are sing. C. is singing. D. sing2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class.A. have. B. having. C. is having D. are having3. Listen! The baby _ in the next room.A. crying. B. cried. C. is crying. D. cries4. Look! The twins _ new sweaters.A.

18、are wearing. B. wearing. C. are wear D. is wearing5. Dont talk here. Grandparents _.A. is sleeping. B. are sleeping. C. sleeping. D. sleep6. Tom is a worker. He _ in a factory. His sisters _ in a hospital.A. work/ work. B. works/ work. C. work/ works7. Who _ English best in your class?.A. speak. B.

19、speaks. C. speaking8. Mrs. Read _ the windows every day.A. is cleaning. B. clean. C. cleans9. We _ music andoften _ to music.A. like/ listen. B. likes/ listens. C. like/ are listening10. She _ upat six in the morning.A. get. B. gets .C. getting11. On Sundays he sometimes _ his clothes and sometimes

20、_ some shopping.A. wash/ do. B. is washing/ is doing. C. washes/ does12. The twins usually _ milk and bread for breakfast, but Jim _ some coffee for it.A. have/ have .B. have/ has. C. has/ have语法一般过去时复习题一、将下列动词变为过去式(规则动词和不规则动词)1.look 2.live 3.stop 4.carry 5.hope 6.trip 7.call 8.finish 9.want 10.are

21、11.go 12.have 13.do 14.get e 16.say 17.see 18.put 19.eat 20.take 21.read 22.catch 23.listen 24.arrive 25.plan 二、改错题. 1How is Jane yesterday? .2He go to school by bus last week. .3He often goes home at 6:00 last month. . 4I can fly kites seven years ago. .5Did you saw him just now. . 6Tom wasnt watch

22、 TV last night. 7I didnt my homework yesterday. 8He wait for you three hours ago. 9Who find it just now ? 三、句型转换1. The children had a good time in the park. (改为反意疑问句)The children had a good time in the park, ?2.There were about nine hundred people at the concert. ( 音乐会) 否定句: 一般疑问句: 对划线部分提问: 3.There

23、was only one problem. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 对划线部分提问: 4.Ann did her homework yesterday evening. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 对划线部分提问: 5.Last week I read an English book. (改为否定句)Last week I _ _ an English book. 6.My brother was in the park just now. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 对划线部分提问: 7.She had some bread( 面包) for lunch today. 否定句: 一般疑问句: 对划线

24、部分提问: 1. They read English last night(改为否定句) 四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night. So I _ (get ) up late.3Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.4There _ (be) no one here a moment ago.5I _ (call) Mike this morning.6I listened but

25、 _ (hear) nothing.7Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.8Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.10 She watches TV every evening. But she _ (not watch) TV last night.11_ your father _ ( go ) to work every day last year?12-What time _ you _ (get) t

26、o Beijing yesterday?- -We _ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening.13.What _ (make) him cry (哭) just now?14.Last year the teacher _ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.15.There _ a telephone call for lyou just now. (be) 16.There _ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be)17.There _

27、 any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. ( be not)18.There _ enough milk at home last week, wasnt there?19.Eli _ to Japan last week. ( move)20.When _ you _ (come) to china? - Last year. 21.Did she _ (have) supper at home? 22.Jack _ (not clean) the room just now. 23._ (be) it cold in your cit

28、y yesterday?24.How many people _ (be) there in your class last term?25.It _ (be) hot yesterday and most children _ (be) outside. 26.There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _(have) no time to watch it. 27.I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend.28._ she _(practice) her guitar y

29、esterday? No, she _.29.What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening? He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book.30.They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.31.She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning.32.When _ you _(write) this song? I _(write) it la

30、st year.33.My friend, Carol, _(study) for the math test and _ (practice) English last night.34._ Mr. Li_(do) the project on Monday morning? Yes, he _.35.How _(be) Jims weekend? It _(be not) bad.36._ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she _.37._you_(remember) to buy the oranges?38.Who_

31、(invent) the computer?39.We_(go) to the cinema last night. The film_(be) very good.40.What time _you_(get) to school this morning ?41.Jim_(do) a lot yesterday. He_(go) shopping and _(cook) supper .五、把下列句子改成相应时态.1.He usually gets up early in the morning . But _late today.2.She usually works from 8am

32、to 5pm. But yesterday _.3._on Sundays . They went to the park last Monday.4._at breakfast. But yesterday he didnt read the newspaper.六、 翻译下列句子1.我过了一个忙碌但却刺激的周末I _ _ _ _ exciting weekend.2.Jenny喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本地理方面的书籍。Jenny likes _ _. She _ a book _ last night.3.Emma每天都练习弹吉他。可是昨天他没有练习。他为数学考试作准备了。Emma _ the guitar every day. But he _ _ yesterday. He _ _ the math test.4.上周六他们做什么了?他们做作业和购物了。What _ they _ _ Saturday?They _ _ homework and _ _ _.


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