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1、英语辅导练习(十) Dec , 30th完形填空:Anna Douglas was 72 years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been a school teacher before she retired, but she needed to keep 1 . She was even willing to work without pay. She then offered her 2 to a business that helped other businesses find jobs for

2、 old people. Every day she 3 other old folk like her, by talking with them, she 4 two things. Old people had abilities that were not 5 . But old people also had some 6 . She found a new purpose for herself then. Through the years, she 7 to write stories about people for national magazines. There was

3、 now a new 8 : Old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Sixty Plus”, which was about 9 old. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems with being 10 . Anna Douglas uses her 11 ability to see the truth behind a problem. She understands 12 prob

4、lems begin. For example, one of her 13 said that his grandchildren 14 the houses as soon as he came to visit. Mrs. Douglas 15 some ways for him to understand his grandchildren. 1. A. free B. rich C. powerful D. busy2. A. services B. money C. students D. books3. A. observed B. met C. comforted D. ans

5、wered 4. A. enjoyedB. followed C. recognized D. demanded 5. A. studied B. agreed C. gave D. used6. A. mistakes B. problems C. questions D. characters7. A. had B. ought C. was D. used8. A. subject B. life C. way D. plan 9. A. getting B. respecting C. employing D. supporting10. A. unknown B. refused C

6、. misunderstood D. discouraged11. A. thinking B. working C. reading D. leading 12. A. that B. when C. whetherD. why 13. A. visitors B. readers C. listeners D. friends 14. A. got B. entered C. left D. passed15. A. suggested B. chose C. invented D. imagined语法填空:(1)Perhaps I am Courageous, but thats be

7、cause Ive had some inspiring teachers. Ill tell you about one of them. Many years ago, when I worked 16_ a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liza 17_ was suffering from a rare and serious disease, Her only chance of 18_ (recover) appeared to be a blood transfusion (输血

8、) from 19_ five-year-old brother, who 20_ (survive) the same disease and developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy 21 _ he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for a moment 22_ ta

9、king a deep breath and saying, Yes, Ill do it if it will save Liza. As the transfusion progressed, he lay in a bed next to his sister, 23_ (smile). But then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked at the doctor and asked with 24_ trembling voice, Will I start to die fight away? Being young

10、, the boy had misunderstood the doctor. He thought he was going to have to give her 25_ his blood.(2)The white envelope has been on our Christmas tree for the past 10 years.My husband Mike didnt like the overspending for buying Christmas gifts for friends and families, so I decided one year to find

11、him something special.The idea came in 16_ unusual way. Our son was 12 that year and studied at a junior high school. There was a match against a team from a church school before that Christmas. Those boys, in 17_ (compare) with our boys in the beautiful sports suits and new shoes, 18_ (dress) in wo

12、rn clothes. I noticed that they were wrestling without helmet 19_ was used to protect a wrestlers ears. 20_(apparent), they could not afford that. Our boys ended up 21_ (win).Mike, 22_(seat) beside me, felt sorry for those potential kids. He loved them and kept in touch with them. Then the idea of 2

13、3_ gift came. That afternoon, I went to a sports store, bought some wrestling suits and shoes and sent them to the church. 24_ Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree with a note inside telling Mike that this was his gift from me his smile was the 25_ (bright) thing I had ever seen. For each Christmas, I followed the tradition and the envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. Our children would cry as their dad took the envelope from the tree and opened it. 2


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