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1、 8A Unit2 重点词组归纳1. school life 学校生活2.have to work harder 不得不更努力工作3. Whats school like? 学习像什么样子?4. be like watching TV 像看电视5. fewer advertisements 较少的广告6. buy some biscuits 买一些饼干7. have some plans for the weekend 周末有一些打算8. the school football team 校足球队9.this Saturday 本周六10. have an important match 有一

2、场重要的比赛11.this autumn 今年秋天12. be in Year 8 / be in the 8th grade/ in Grade 8 在八年级13.a mixed school 一所混合学校14.have lessons together 在一起上课15.among all my subjects 在我所有的科目中16. like French best 最喜欢法语17. Learning foreign languages is fun.学外语是有趣的.18.Reading Week 阅读周19. during the week 在这周期间20. borrow sth fr

3、om 从借21. bring in books and magazines from home 从家里带来书和杂志22.near the end of the week 一周快结束时23.discuss the books with our classmates in class课堂上与同学一起讨论书的内容24.seem to go faster 似乎过得更快/ seem angry 似乎很生气25. go to the Buddy Club 去同伴俱乐部26. learn more about the school 更多地了解这个学校27. listen to my problems倾听我的

4、问题28. offer me help= offer help to me 给我提供帮助29. be my hero 是我的偶像30.have different classes 上不同的课31. end earlier than usual 比平时早结束32. do sports together 一起进行体育锻炼33.twice a week 一周二次34. play baseball 打棒球35.practice hard every time 每次刻苦练习/practice doing sth 练习做某事36. win two games 赢两场比赛37.on Friday after

5、noon 在星期五下午38.have off 休假(时间)/ have more weeks off 有更多的星期休假39.spend more time doing homework=spend more time on homework花更多的时间做作业40. spend the least time on homework=spend the least time doing homework花最少的时间做作业41.half an hour for playing computer games 半小时玩电脑游戏42. another half an hour for playing ch

6、ess 还有半小时下象棋43.at most/at least 至多/至少44.do some reading/cooking/shopping 阅读/做饭/ 购物45. two hours for sports 两小时体育活动46. among the four of us 我们四个人中47.have an English test 举行英语测试48. have a monthly test on each subject举行各科月考49.look through the questions quickly快速浏览问题50. keep writing in English about my

7、daily life 坚持用英语写关于我的日常生活51. learn to use English better 学会更好地使用英语52.watch English videos 观看英语录像53.at weekends 在周末54.have a lovely time 玩得很愉快55.leave school 学校毕业56. my ideal school 我的理想学校57.go on a school trip 进行学校旅游58. need to get up early 需要早起59. have lots of time for after-school activities 有许多时间

8、进行课外活动60. have an hour of homework 有一小时的家作61.have an hour for lunch 有一小时午餐(时间)62. a big clean dining hall 一个大而清洁的餐厅63. wear school uniforms 穿校服64. wear ties 系领带65.in each class 在每一堂课上66. choose some subjects to study 选一些学科来学习67. have computer lessons 上电脑课68.a football field 足球场69. a swimming pool 游泳池70.have fun= have a lovely/good/nice/great/wonderful time 玩得愉快71.British English 英式英语72.American English 美式英语73.do morning exercises 做早操 do some exercise 进行锻炼 do some maths exercises 做一些数学习题2


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