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1、高二英语阅读理解分类训练(生活类)(1) Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we wont have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the Internet. There will be no

2、more books because we will be able to get all texts from computers. The Internet will be used to play games, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers, too.Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communicating(交际). Others do not think that computers wil

3、l replace our old ways. Lets look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time. We w

4、ont need to turn lots of pages and paper will be saved. Computerized(计算机化) books will be used more and more. Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say it is not. It is a pleasure to go in to shops and look at things you want to buy. It is also unlikely that many peop

5、le will want to read large texts on our computers. Because paper books will perhaps be more friendly. Maybe computers wont change these two habits.1. In paragraph(段落)1 it is thought people will use computers for _.A. playing games, shopping and making telephone callsB. making telephone calls, having

6、 meals and seeing filmsC. seeing films, buying food, and going for holidaysD. playing games, making telephone calls and seeing the doctor2. Which reason for using computerized books is NOT said in the passage?A. Computerized books wont be very expensive.B. Computers can keep many different books in

7、them.C. We wont have lots of pages.D. We wont need any paper.3. Paragraph 4 tells _.A. about the old and new ways of shopping and communicatingB. if the Internet will change our habitsC. about computerized booksD. about future uses of computers4. The title for this passage is _.A. Computers will Rep

8、lace Shops and BooksB. Computers Are the FutureC. Computers will Do Everything for ManD. How Computers Change Our Habits (2) Most people around the world are right-handed. This also seems to be true in history. In 1799, scientists studied works of art made at different times from 1,500 B.C. to the 1

9、950s. Most of the people shown in these works are right-handed, so the scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common through history. Today, only about 10% to 15% of the worlds population is left-handed. Why are there more right-handed people than left-handed ones? Scientists now k

10、now that a persons two hands each have their own jobs. For most people, the hand is used to find things or hold things. The right hand is used to work with things. This is because of the different work of the two sides of the brain. The right side of the brain, which makes a persons hands and eyes w

11、ork together, controls the left hand. The left-side of the brain, which controls the right hand, is the centre for thinking and doing problems. These findings show that more artists should be left-handed, and studies have found that left-handedness is twice as common among artists as among people in

12、 other jobs. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed instead of left-handed. Scientists have found that almost 40% of the people become left-handed because their main brain is damaged when they are born. However, this doesnt happen to everyone, so scientists guess there must be a

13、nother reason why people become left-handed. One idea is that people usually get right-handed from their parents. If a person does not receive the gene(基因) for right-handedness, he / she may become either right-handed or left-handed according to the chance and the people they work or live with. Thou

14、gh right-handedness is more common than left-handedness, people no longer think left-handed people are strange or unusual. A long time ago, left-handed children were made to use their right hands like other children, but today they dont have to.1. After studying works of art made at different times

15、in history, the scientists found _.A. the art began from 1,500 B.C.B. the works of art ended in the 1950sC. most people shown in the works of art are right-handedD. most people shown in the works of art are left-handed2. How many people in the world are left-handed now?A. Less than one sixth. B. Mor

16、e than a half.C. About 40%. D. The passage doesnt tell us.3. What is the hand for most people used to do?A. Its used to find or hold things.B. Its used to work with things.C. Its used to make a persons eyes work together.D. Its the centre for thinking and doing problems.4. According to the passage,

17、which of the following is NOT true?A. No one really knows what makes a person become right-handed.B. Left-handedness is cleverer than right-handedness.C. Today children are not made to use their right hands only.D. Scientists think there must be some reason why people become left-handed.5. The best

18、title for this passage is _.A. Scientists New Inventi* B. Left-handed PeopleC. Which Hand D. Different Brains, Different Hands (3) How do you address(称呼) people in English when you want to talk to them? The following may be some simple rules the beginners should follow.1. When talking to strangers t

19、here is often no special form of address in English. Usually, if you want to catch the attention of a stranger it is necessary to use such phrases as “Excuse me”. 2. In British English “Sir” and “Madam” are c*idered to be too formal(正式) for most situati*. They are used mostly to customers(顾客) in sho

20、ps or restaurants. While in American English “Sir” and “Madam” are not so formal and are commonly used between strangers, especially with older people whose names you dont know. 3. When you talk to some people you know, you can use their names. If you are friends, use their first names; if your rela

21、ti*hip is more formal, use “Mr”, “Mrs”, “Ms”, etc, before their family names.4. There are many other forms of address which can be used between friends and strangers. However, many of these are limited in use.For example, “pal” and “mate” can be used between strangers, but are usually only used by m

22、en talking to other men.1. According to the passage, “Excuse me” is mainly used to _. A. address a person you dont know B. apologize to others C. catch the attention of a stranger D. suggest good manners2. If John Smith is your best friend, according to the passage you should often call him _. A. Jo

23、hn B. Smith C. Mr John D. Mr Smith3. Which of the following is NOT true? A. “Sir” and “Madam” are used more often in America than in England. B. People often use “Mr”, “Mrs” or “Ms” before thefirstnamesof those people who they dont know very well.C. “Pal” and “mate” are usually only used between men

24、.D. While addressing friends, people just use their first names4. The passage is most likely taken from an English _.A. textbook B. card C. storybook D. grammar book (4) A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. Six or se

25、ven sleeping hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isnt it? Sleep puzzles science. Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one cant fall asleep. They are not sure what causes sleep. The best conditi* for sleep are good health and meal neither too big nor too small. No worries and a co

26、mfortable place are important, too. They advise against two in bed. Strange things happen during sleep. For example, they move often. You would feel tired if you didnt. You also dream. Part of your brain is still awake when you dream. Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination in parts of your

27、 brain are still awake. Experiments have shown most of us dream in color. Bad dreams may be caused by stomachache. Dont worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were begun while their writers slept.1. Sleep puzzles scientists because they are not certain _. A. why one cant fall asleep B. why

28、 one wakes up C. both A and B D. what causes sleep 2. The best condition for sleep are _. A. good health B. a meal neither too big nor too small C. no worries D. good health, limited meal, no worries and a good place 3. You would feel tired during sleep if you _. A. moved too often B. slept on your

29、back C. didnt move D. went to sleep late4. The best title for the passage is _. A. How Can You Get a Good Sleep B. The Strangeness of Sleep C. What Happens During Sleep D. The Causes of Dream (5) When you are travelling, whether on business or for pleasure, you often need to stay in a hotel. The kin

30、d of hotel you choose probably is decided above all according to how much money you want to spend. There are small hotels with very few services, where the prices are low, or there are large hotels with all the very latest comforts, where you could spend all the money you have in the bank for one ve

31、ry comfortable night. There are several different kinds of people who go to hotels. Some want to live, rather than just stay, in a hotel; the hotels which are designed to meet their needs are called residential hotels. However, most people who stay in hotels are either business people or tourists on

32、 holiday. In most hotels, there are two kinds of rooms: single rooms, for the use of one person, and double rooms, for the use of two people. In addition, in large hotels, there are also suites(套房), which include two or more rooms connected togetherperhaps a bed-room and a living room. They are for

33、people who are very rich or very important. 1. Ones choice of a particular hotel is made mainly according to _. A. how much one is willing to pay for a nightB. whether one is travelling on business or for pleasureC. whether the hotel is in the central part of a cityD. how good the services of the ho

34、tel are2. If the president of a certain country comes, he will _. A. live in a new hotel with a suite B. stay in a single room of a hotelC. stay in a double room of a hotel D. stay in a suite of a modern hotel3. If a person stays in a modern hotel with latest comforts for a night, _. A. he will become poorB. he has to pay a lot of moneyC. he has to spend all the money he has in the bankD. he has to pay some money4. The title of the article is probably _. A. Rooms of a Hotel B. Cost of a HotelC. Hotels D. People staying in Hotels4


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