仁爱英语八下Unit6 Topic3Section B教学设计.doc

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1、Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是1a和3。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words: warn, motorcycle, trouble2. Go on learning the usages of adverbial clauses of condition:If we ride at night, we should have lights on the bicycle or wear li

2、ght-colored clothes.If we break the traffic rules, we will get a fine and even be in danger.3. Talk about traffic rules, signs and warnings. Teaching aids 教具教学图片/录音机/实物. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习Section A的重点话题,并导入1a。1. (复习Section A中表现的骑自行车的好处。)T: Weve learnt lot

3、s of advantages in riding bicycles in Section A. Lets review it.(教师让学生思考片刻,随意抽查几名学生,说出骑自行车的好处,对说得又多又准的学生给予奖励。)S1: It saves money and energy. It doesnt cause air pollution.S2: 2. (检查在Section A中布置的家庭作业,即写出预防交通事故的建议。)T:Very good! You did a good job. Now its time to check your homework. I want to see ho

4、w many suggestions you made. S1, can you try?S1:We shouldT:How about you, S2?S2:(教师板书学生提及的建议,并给予评价。导入1a。)T: Im very happy you have made so many good suggestions. And I think there may be more suggestions. Do you want to know? Lets learn 1a. Youll get them.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 表现(时间: 10分钟)表现1a并讲解。

5、1. (教师利用实物或图片引出要求学生理解的单词。)T:(出示头盔的实物或图片。)Whats this?Ss:Its a helmet.(教师适当协助说出。)T:What do we use it for?Ss:We use it to(老师说出protect our heads。)(用同样的方法学习light-colored clothes。)T: Traffic accidents are really terrible. We should also know more about the traffic rules. If we dont obey them, what will ha

6、ppen? Can you guess?S1: Cause traffic accidents.S2: Lose our lives.S3: Get hurt.(学生可能会用中文说出要被罚款,教师即时教学fine。)T: Yes. Well also get a fine.(板书并教学生词,要求学生理解。)helmet, light-colored, fine2. (教师布置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音,降低听力难度并使其注意力高度集中。)T: Now, boys and girls, please look at the blackboard. Listen to 1a carefu

7、lly and find the answers to the questions. Are you ready? Lets begin.Why did the bike accident happen?Whats Kangkangs suggestion?Does Michael agree with Kangkang?(师生一起核对答案。)3.(让学生读1a,找出条件状语从句并标出疑难点。)T: Now lets read 1a and find out the adverbial clauses of condition and difficulties.(教师鼓励学生读出所找的条件状语

8、从句和疑难点,然后加以解释。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。1. (教师放1a的录音,让学生跟读。)T: Listen and follow the tape.(也可让学生进行人机对话。)(两人一组,根据黑板上的关键词,不看课本,自由操练1a。)T: Work in pairs, look at the key words on the blackboard and practice the dialog.(教师时刻关注学生动态,及时帮助有困难的同学,保证每位同学积极参与。)(板书)bicycle accidentterrible

9、carelessbike lightslight-colored clothesbreaktraffic rulesfine(几分钟后,选几组学生看关键词, 自由表演对话。)T: Time is up. Come to the front and act out the dialog. Be brave! Dont be shy. Which pair wants to have a try?T: Well done! You did a very good job!(对学生给予鼓励和肯定。)2. (让学生出示他们在上节课所讨论交流的交通图标,复习其含义,然后独立完成1b,核对答案。掌握单词w

10、arn;理解crossing。)T: Boys and girls, when we ride our bikes, we should obey the traffic rules. If we break the traffic rules, it will be dangerous and we will get a fine. Now Ill ask some students to show the traffic signs, and the others to tell what these signs mean. Then do 1b alone and well check

11、the answers together.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)完成2和4,并讨论3。1. (教师组织课堂活动,引导学生独立完成2。)T:Now you know so many traffic signs, and will you follow them when you see them? I hope all of you will obey the traffic rules. If everyone obeys the traffic rules, the road will be safer. Do you think so?S1:Yes

12、, of course.T:If you ride at night, what should you do?S1:I should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes.T:If you ride on the street, what should you wear?S2:If I ride on the street, I should wear a bicycle helmet.(教师尽可能地给出多种假设或条件,让同学们试着用条件状语从句来说句子。然后总结条件状语从句的用法,提醒学生条件状语从句中动词的时态。最

13、后让学生独立完成2。要求学生掌握motorcycle;理解Britain;了解left-hand。)2. (教师指导学生讨论,要求学生掌握trouble。完成3。)T: Please look at these pictures, discuss the results of breaking the traffic rules using “if” in groups and then Ill choose some students to report.3. (放4的录音,完成4。)T: Today many people like riding bicycles in the world

14、. Why? Please listen to 4 and fill in the blanks.(核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 8分钟)综合探究本课重点话题。1. (教师和全班同学一起复习所学的交通规则,并将其准确归类,看哪些行为是可行的,哪些是不可行的,列成表格。)T:Boys and girls, lets review the traffic rules together, OK?Ss:OK.T:First lets find out what we should do and what we shouldnt do.(板书)What we s

15、hould doWhat we shouldnt doobey the traffic lightsrush on the streetobey the traffic signspark in the wrong placesdrive/walkon the right-hand side of the road2. (教师将学生分成小组,每组4人,各小组推选一名组长,组长负责监督各组员完成调查表,并核对大家在平常的生活中是否遵守交通规则。)T: Work in groups of four. Look at the chart and check if you obey the traff

16、ic rules in your daily life. (教师让组长向全班汇报各组员遵守交通规则的情况,并作示范。) Example: S1: Always obey the traffic rules. S2: Sometimes obey the traffic rules. S3: Never obey the traffic rules. 3. Homework:(写出不少于5个由if引导的条件状语从句。)(1) Please make at least five sentences using “if”. Pay attention to the tense.(2) Look up the words in the box in 1a on P.45 and find out their meanings.(为新课做准备。)


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