九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(第3课时)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected(第3课时)学案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.【学习目标】1知识目标: 重点单词的用法、准确使用过去完成时态2水平目标:能在具体语境中准确使用过去完成时。3情感目标:培养学生良好的行为习惯.【自主梳理】costume, show up, exhausted, embarrassed, empty, fool, April Fools Day, go off, stay upWhen I got there, I found that he had fooled meAfter an hour, the other kids showed up, and I re

2、alized that my brother had fooled meBy the time I got to match class, I was exhausted because I had stayed up all night studyingI found out that my friend had fooled me【重点领悟】学习重点:重点词汇用法及过去完成时的用法。【探究提升】学习难点:过去完成时及所学时态的综合使用.【教学巩固】一、交待学习目标 3分钟二、任务(1) 1、自读理解Section B 1a,理解识记生词短语,完成1a表格。2、选用1a中的词语实行1b口语练

3、习,抽查指导。3、讨论完成下边习题,翻译下列各句、归纳掌握划线词语的用法。12分钟1 He is a fool. 。We cant fool our teacher. 。2. She didnt show up last night. 。3. My friend invited me to watch TV. 。4. They have set off to/for Shanghai. 。5Could you empty the garbage? ?Is the water bottle full or empty? ?6. I sometimes stay up till midnight.

4、 。7I get dressed quickly every morning. 。The little can dress himself. 。 She is wearing a red skirt. 。Put on your coat, its cold outside. 。8. Theyll set off on a journey around the world 。三、任务(2)1、自读理解1c、1d信息,2、听录音,完成2a和2b练习,交流核对答案。勾划识记短语,找出疑难问题。2、交流讨论疑难问题。2、解答学生提出的疑难问题。10分钟。【巩固训练】用动词的适当形式填空1. We _h

5、ad painted_ (paint) the house before we moved_ (move) in.2. That rich old man _had made_ (make) a will before he died(die).3. They _had studied_ (study) the map of the country before they _left_ (leave).4. The robbers _had run away_ (run away ) before the policemen arrived (arrive).5. I _had turned

6、off_ (turn off) all the lights before I _went_ (go) to bed.6. Paul had gone (go) out with Jane before he _made _ (make) a phone call.7. Tom _said_ (say) he had read_ (read) the book twice.8. Our plan _failed_ (fail ) because we _had made_ (make) a bad mistake.9. When the chairman _finished_ (finish) speaking, he _had left_ (leave) the hall.10.The Reads had had (have) lunch when I _got_(get) to their house.


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