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1、英语 Contents.Introduction.The importance of Interest.Reasons for pupils lacking interest3.1 Disadvantages of rural areas3.1.1 Lacking qualified English teacher3.1.2 Lacking modern teaching technologies3.2 Traditional teaching method3.3 Wrong thought.Suggestions to cultivate pupils interest in English

2、 learning4.1 Enhance the emotional education 4.2 The skillful teaching4.2.1 Starting an English lesson4.2.2 Organizing the lesson 4.3 Rich and varied extra-curricular activities.ConclusionReferencesAbstractIn recent decades,English become more and more important in the world.In China,English has gra

3、dually entered the primary school as an object just like Chinese and math.However,the current English teaching condition seems to be far from its point of satisfaction.For example,Chinese students still have little interest in learning English,especially in the rural primary school,pupils low level

4、of English has been a serious problem. This paper will analyze the reasons why rural pupils were not interested in English learning and will give some advice on how to cultivate their interest as well.Key words: English teaching,cultivate,interest How to Cultivate the Rural Pupils Interest in Englis

5、h learning.IntroductionPeople of many non-English-speaking countries show great enthusiasm in learning English. Take China for example,after the implement of inform and opening policy 1978 and the entrance into WTO, China has seen an increasing.demand for English in peoples careers and promotions. N

6、aturally,there is an impressive commitment to EFL teaching and learning from both teachers and learners.There is no doubt that much progress in English teaching and learning has been made in China in the last two decades.1But a lot of problems still exist in rural primary school.For instance, the tr

7、aditional teaching method, a tedious,dry-as-dust teaching process,the poor teaching conditions,negative attitude,etc.As a result,pupils are lacking of interest in English learning.We all known,childhood is a crucial period for laying the foundation of language learning.Therefore,it is especially imp

8、ortant to improve basic education in English.Interest is the best teacher,only cultivate primary students interest in English can we stimulate their curiosity,let them love English and learn English happily,easily,actively and effectively.The importance of Interest Psychology mentioned that the so-c

9、alled interest is a psychological phenomenon in the process of understanding and tendentious.Famous American psychologist Bruce said that the interest is a marvellous power to stimulate students to study .WeCan see that interest is not only the best teacher,but also a catalyst of hard working.There

10、is no interest, there would be no thirst for knowledge.The basis of interest is the demand for things,if we can satisfy the demand ,we will success.For students,the interest is the enthusiasm and motivation of learning ,and that is thirst for knowledge.According to psychological theory,interest is t

11、he main driving force of childrens activities.Always interest is linked to a mumber of positive mood of children,it can arouse the curiosity of children,reduce the extent of the childrens efforts and make children focus attention to some activities for a longer period of time .In addition,it can aro

12、use pupils rich imagination and the desire to create.With interest ,the child will be actively and consciously involved in the teaching process,they will be self-sufficient,self-perfection in the performance of the process of teaching.Whats more, Goethe said that where there is no interest,there is

13、no memory.The formation of habits of the English language habits and communication abilities are inseparable from the memory.Therefore,whether English teaching can stimulate pupils interest in study,and enhance pupils memory is the key to teaching success or not.Reasons for pupils lacking interest 3

14、.1 Traditional teaching method In rural school ,many teachers still take traditional teaching method such as “spoon-feeding”, the children are prone to suffer from fatigue after listening to teachers dull talking ,talkingand talking ,letting alone that the students can be active in the class . Stude

15、nts have so boring and mechanical classes that they dont have any interest in learning.3.1.1 Lacking qualified English teachersIt is obvious that the teacher and the teaching method are playing crucial roles in shaping and forcing childrens interest in learning.A lot of children like to learn the la

16、nguage simply because they like the teacher or they enjoy the classroom activities.2However,at the stage of basic education,especially in rural areas,there is a large gap of qualified English teachers.They are mostly non-professional with only half-hearted. In addition, they didnt graduate from norm

17、al school without receiving a formal teaching training .So most of them teach English without rich experience.Whats more,.they dont meet the requirements of the new teaching curriculum and their teaching quality is not high.For example ,some teachers are so strict that pupils feel scared when the te

18、acher called their name.The reason is that students will be beat, criticized or published by the teacher if they can not answer the question.Day after day ,they hate the teacher and never like learning English. The teachers behavior has made a bad impression on them.3.1.2 Lacking modern teaching tec

19、hnologiesTo simulate students interest in language learning , sensitivity is the main objective of English in primary schools,which was told by The New Curriculum Standards of English,the schools should make use of the network,multimedia and some essential technologies to create a good environment f

20、or English learning so that students can form a good voice,tone,language and basic skills in language development.Appropriate using of multimedia is also a perfect method to improve the childrens interest in learning.Therefore,teachers must learn to make the best use of multimedia for teaching . How

21、ever,the modern teaching equipment is quite limited in rural areas.3.2 Disadvantages of rural areas With weak economic foundation, the learning condition in rural areas is extremely poor, such as lacking qualified teachers and modern teaching facilities, “mother tongue”also has a deep impact on lear

22、ning. Indeed, it is difficult to nurture the environment for learning English,.The rural pupils are not interested in English learning and also even loss confidence.3.3 Wrong thoughtSome primary schools in rural areas do not attach much importance to English teaching .There are few course offered as

23、 a deputy class ,whats worse,there is only one English teacher in some primary schools,who even the taught other objects before.English class begins to be offered in the third grade,but to our surprise,pupils in the fourth grade even cannot read the most basic 26 letters.Although the traditional exa

24、m-oriented education is under attack by quality-oriented education,the root of exam-oriented education still affect deeply in rural education.Most teacher think it is not necessary to cultivate students interest of English learning and what they concerned is just the scores the students get.There is

25、 also a thinking that the Chinese people learning English is not the performance of patriotic,thinking of all sorts of errors do not allow students the importance of English,are not interested in the English language.The another wrong thought that learning English is not a patriotic behavior in soci

26、ety,which made the pupils not attach importance on English and also not take interest in English learning.According to all these phenomena which is above-mentioned, it seems to be of great urgency on how to cultivate the rural pupils interest in English and we must have the right approach.Suggestion

27、s to cultivate pupils interest in English learning4.1 Enhance the emotional educationEnglish teaching is not only a cognitive process ,but also a emotional activity .If the English teachers know how to control the pupils emotion ,they can turned the childrens passive learning into active learning.4A

28、s teachers ,how can we do it better?Firstly ,the teacher should lead students to realize that learning English is a necessity .We can combine the content of learning and professional teaching practice with telling pupils the interesting stories,.cultures and some information of the Britain.During th

29、e process of knowledge-gaining and problem-solving,the learners are full aware of the wide usage of English.They will have a thirst for English learning,resulting in a positive emotion of learning,they can recognize that if they want to qualify the job that they want in the future,they must learn En

30、glish and learn English well now.Secondly ,teachers should enhance emotional input to their students.Establishing a harmonious relationship between teachers and students can enhance pupils confidence in learning English. In our educational work,students should be given correct evaluation,recognition

31、 and encouragement. When pupils have difficulties in learning,teacher must be patient to help them .For example ,when students in the classroom made an error to answer questions .the way how to correct pupils errors is very important.The ways the teachers used can reflect their beliefs in language t

32、eaching.Below are two different classroom ectract when teachers correct their childrens error:3A) T: Make a sentence with “have”! B) T: Whats your mothers job ?S: He HAVE a car? S: He isT:He HAVE a car? T: Oh, not he ,your mother is a woman S :He HAS a car . you should use She.T: Great. S: She is Th

33、e first teacher repeated the wrong sentence after the pupil answered the questions .He/She cares about only fluency and meaning.He/She does not correct the errors at all as they did not affect any understanding and communication.But the second teacher is obvious not tolerant as the first one,He/She

34、correct the pupils serror right after hearing his utterance.The second way will hurt the pupils confidence and they may have no interest in answering any questions later.We should also take the skill of asking into consideration, that is to say ,asking different pupils with different questions.In ad

35、dition, whats one of the most important way to cultivate pupils positive emotion is often giving them applause or praise ,and saying like that “Right”, “Great”, “well done”, “Good job”, “You are clever!”, “You can do better with help !” “Be brave, I believe you !” and so on when it is needed.5In the

36、 teaching process ,teachers should also create opportunities for competition and success,pupils will appreciate their own efforts through the joy of success.On the dairy teaching ,teacher should guide pupils fairly and scientificly and help them with patience and passion.In return, the pupils will l

37、ike you and your class.4.2 The skillful teaching Whether the class is successful or not just depend on the teachers level of knowledge and skills .A skillful teacher know how to use the textbook and how to design classroom activities in order to achieve the stated objects and cultivate the pupils in

38、terest in learning.4.2.1 Starting an English lessonIn Chinese, we have an old saying :A good Start is halfway to success. Leading-in is the beginning of a class ,so we should pay attention to the arts when leading in a class.According to the teaching contents,you can set up a suspense or come up wit

39、h a thought-provoking issues to attract students attention.4.2.2 Organizing the lessonDuring the teaching process, teacher should take visual method and be good at using resources and design classroom activities to manage the class.There are some good advice as following:(a)Using materials .In teach

40、ing English ,teachers will need a lot of support to be able to teach effectively,such as pictures,toys,different objects and perhaps photos,.If we link the new words (such as foods ,fruits , stationery with the materials ,we can increase pupils interest ,and make the effect vividly.For example ,when

41、 teaching the colors .children can listen to the teacher saying the colors by looking at the color papers on the board and repeat each color for children to right paper .Pupils can understand well and make shorthand ,the learning will be easier and more effective.(b)Using drawing .A very simple way

42、to make our teaching more efficient and easier is to be able to draw pictures ourselves .The pictures we need do not have to be very complicated and fancy .For example, teaching the words :eye ,nose,mouth ear. We can draw a face ,at first ,draw a circle for the head ,then learn a word and draw it on

43、 the head ,after teaching the words ,we can let the pupils draw a face by themselves and ask someone to show and describe their pictures. In that way ,we must make a success in this class .(c) Using songs and rhymes.The value of using songs and rhymes in the primary English classroom has been widely

44、 recognized.It is a good way to deal with the difficult of the pupils memorizing the newly learned words and structures and their short attention span .And also it is a magic teaching tool to develop learners language interest and abilities.Both teachers and learners will be interested and relaxed i

45、n songs and rhymes.In a relaxed classroom and atmosphere ,learners will feel safe and non-threatened.(d)Using classroom games.Classroom game is to make it easy for students to take part in teaching and also a magic bullet .Children do not often have a clear purpose for learning .They learn perhaps s

46、imply because they are happy and enjoy the activities. So teacher need to make the learning experience very enjoyable and pleasant .When teaching the word ,the teacher can use a number of small game ,such as : “Golden finger,” “Read in low and high voice” “Bury landmine”, “Guess who is speaking ”and

47、 other interesting games in group or have a competition .In the games we can not only cultivate pupils interest and focus their attention,but also can enhance pupils enthusiasm for learning and can build an active classroom atmosphere. The form of games are too numerous to account ,as long as teache

48、rs use their wisdom,or stimulate their students to use their brain,we can make much more interesting game which are of great significance.4.3. Rich and varied extra-curricular activitiesTo carry out a variety of extra-curricular activities after class for pupils not only can enrich their knowledge ,

49、broaden their vision and ,most importantly ,can stimulate pupils interest in learning .The form of extra-curricular activities should be flexible and colorful ,students can have a free choice to learn and exercise according to their own personal interests and hobbies.In addition ,the conduct of Engl


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