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1、Lesson J How Old Are You?Teaching Goals:1、能听懂、会说基数词0和610,要求发音准确,理解词义。2、能听懂并初步运用句型,How old are you? 和“I am”询问年龄并进行回答。3、培养学生乐于游戏和主动将教学内容用于日常生活中的良好习惯。Important points:单词的发音及词义的理解Difficult points:学#科#网1、能正确使用询问年龄的句型How old are you? 及其回答“I am来源:学科网ZXXK2、情感和策略的渗透。Emotions:培养学生的交际能力和主动将所学内容用于日常生活的良好习惯。Tool

2、s:PPT、实物 、卡片来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KTeaching Procedures:Step1 Warming - up 1、Greetings 2、将学生分组,以小组竞争的方式激励学生,增强学习积极性3、Review the last words from one to five .(课件)a: Look and say .老师快速地伸出手指复习15的基数词T: First Let us play a game “Look and say” Ready?S:Yes T:Look, How many?S:Five.T:Good! How many?S:TwoT:Well done !

3、 This time. How many?S:ThreeT: . . .b : Clapping game . 将全班分成若干组,每组五对,进行接龙游戏,看哪一组先完成。T:Now clapping game, please work in pairs. One two go Pair1 I clap one . You clap one . You and I clap one one one Pair2 I clap two . You clap two . You and I clap two two twoPair3 : . . T: Good ! All of you did a g

4、ood job来源:学科网ZXXKStep2 Leading - in指着班上的任意一个孩子问你今年多大了,引入课题 How Old Are You? T: Whats your name , please? S: I am T : How old are you? ( 你几岁了)S: 8 岁T: Say it like this “How old are you? “ Today we will learn Lesson J How Old Are You ? (板书) 教读三遍S: How old are you?Step3 Presentation1、Words teaching.a:

5、教学单词sixT: Whats this ?S : CatT : Right .How many cats ?S: 6只T: Yes, there are six cats. Please read after me, six six . S: Six s i- x six sixT: 老师教读几遍,然后抽学生读。” 同时把6的英文six 板书在黑板上。来源:学,科,网 b : 以相同方式教学seven(PPT bird)、 eight (PPT apple ) 、 nine ( PPT ice cream ) 、 ten (PPT egg )、 zero ( PPT 0) c : Teach

6、 these words a few times and then give two minutes to read them . Then ask some students to read them . d : Practice :老师选择以下方式巩固基数词6-10 和0 。(1)、让学生指着magic box 中的数字,老师按顺序读,学生边指边读,老师打乱顺序读,学生用手指。(2)、出示课件,让学生读单词(3)、 两人猜数字,小组内两人所喊数目在10以内,边喊边用手指表示所喊数目,然后上台展示,错的少的获胜。2、 教学句型 How old are you? 及其回答“I am”老师创设情

7、境,通过一个叫Tian Ye 的同学,帮助学生理解句型。 T: Im Tian Ye , Im six . How old are you? ( 指着一个学生问,并帮助他进行 回答 )T:Yes, youre seven, speak it in English “Im seven,read after me 我7岁”。S1: Im sevenT; S1 Once again, How old are you? S1: Im seven T: Good, How old are you ? S2S2: Im eight T: How old are you? S3S3: Im nine . .

8、 . Step4 Work in pairs1、老师任意取出一张写有数字的卡片让学生用英语读 。(读得好的给一个奖章,并且在本小组加一个五角星 ) 2、学生小组内进行句型操练 。 How old are you? Im * * * 老师四处走动,辅导学生。最后几组上台展示。For example S1: How old are you ? S2 : Im seven . How old are you ? S3 S3: Im eight . How old are you ? S4 S4: Im nine 3、小组活动 学生写出自己家的任意一个电话,让对方用英语读出,错的及时纠正,表现好的组加

9、一个五角星。 4、连一连(课件展示)zero 7 one 5 three 4 seven 1 nine 10 two 3 eight 6 ten 8 five 2 six 9 four 0 Step 5 Summarize T:What have we learned? Ss: Step 6 Homework 1、课后用 How old are you ?询问家人或同伴的年龄 2、 用学过的数字在家人面前数数 。 Step7 Say goodbye 1、一起数五角星,哪组得第一,表扬获胜组的孩子,并且鼓励其他孩子下节课加油 2、告别板书设计: Lesson J How Old Are You? six seven How old are you ? eight Im. nine ten zero


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