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1、人教版 高二英语必修五 Unit2 The United Kingdom姓名张银霞单位中山市龙山中学高二备课组学生高二(3)班课时1课时课型Reading Puzzles in Geography一、主题语境人与社会重大政治,历史事件,文化渊源。二、语篇类型说明文三、语篇分析 本课选自人教版英语必修五第二单元,本单元的中心话题是英国,选材从地理、历史、政治、文化等多角度说明了联合王国的形成。通过上一课时的学习,学生已经初步了解英国的概况。在本课时中,学生对英国有一个更详实的认识,拓宽知识面,有助于深入地理解和领悟英国语言和英国文化习俗。针对本课的内容和主题,本课应用了2017年版普通高中英语课

2、程标准中提倡的“六要素整合的英语学习观”,将学习的主题还给了学生。以学生为中心,通过小组合作,竞赛等方法对学生进行进一步的语言准备,最后通过合作创作的方式设计出自己的思维导图,并运用课堂里学到的语言和文本结构进行展示。四、学情分析授课对象为中山市龙山中学2010届高二3班的学生。本班学生在高二年级中分班排名中上,学生基础整体一般,但学习积极性很高,具有一定的表现欲,能积极配合老师参与课堂。但运功英语连贯地描述事物,阐述表达自己的观点能力相对较弱,需要循序渐进,多给予鼓励和学习方法上的指导。五、教学目标知识与技能:1、通过阅读,能训练一些常用的阅读技巧prediction, scanning,r

3、eorganizing information对课文进行较好的理解,即了解英国的地理构成和形成历史。2、根据图片提示,能简单复述部分课文。学习策略:1、采用多媒体互动平板电视和电子白板为载体,通过学生自主对思维导图描述来介绍有关英国概况的知识,使学生对英国的政治、历史、经济等诸多方面有一个整体的认识。2、采用独学、群学的教学模式,让学生体会和理解文章内容,同时激发学生参与课堂的热情。并让小组间相互合作,增强学习竞争性,使学生的自主学习能力达到更快、更高地提升。3、情感态度与价值观:1)、通过这节课的学习,使学生自然而然地对英语的理解和领悟更加深入。2)、尝试用跨学科的角度分析和解决问题六、教学

4、重难点1.教学重点:运用不同阅读技能(重点培养阅读技能)理解文章。2.教学难点:如何理解英国的地理之谜。七、教学活动Step One:LeadinandRevision(3mins)1. Watch a video. 2. Use one or two sentences to talk about what we learned about the United Kingdom. 设计意图:这个部分是在让学生重新回顾warmingup部分所了解的知识,Step two ScanningTask 1: Predictive reading Reading Skill 1: prediction

5、(预测)How do we guess or predict?From the title, pictures and the first paragraph.So when you read, please read the title, pictures and the first paragraph carefully, they may tell you what the whole passage talks about. What is the main idea of the text? A. The formation of the United Kingdom .B. The

6、 three zones of England.C. London, the cultural capital of England.D. A brief introduction to the UK.设计意图: 通过解读题目把握文章中心线索。Task 2: Fast Reading Reading Skill 2: Finding topic sentenceMatch the main idea of each paragraph Para. 1. A. Explains what Great Britain means and how it came about.Para. 2. B.

7、Introduces the topic to the readerPara. 3. C. Explains the importance of London as a cultural and political centre in the UKPara 4. D. Explains differences in the four countries Para 5-6 E. Explains how England is divided into three zones设计意图:这个步骤中告诉学生运用寻读和查读的方法找课文中心句去阅读,让学生通过这两种方法的运用去提高阅读能力。Step th

8、ree Intensive reading Reading Skill3: Information reorganizingTask 1 Draw a picture or a map to describe the puzzles in paragraphs.(Finished)Task 2 Read para2 and fill the blank. (Group 1&4 Explain what Great Britain means and how it came about)How was the UK formed?TheUKcontainsfourcountries_,_,_,_

9、Inthe13thcentury_waslinkedtoEngland.Inthe17thcenturyEnglandandWaleswerejoinedto_.Intheearly20thcenturySouthernIreland_and_IrelandjoinedwithEngland,Walesand Scotland.Thusthe_came intobeing.Task 3 Read para 3 and answer questions.(Group 3 & 7 Explain differences in the four countries)1. Find out what

10、does the UK do to keep politically united and powerful? Common areas:_Different institutions:_2. Whats the writers attitude in Para. 3?A. supportive B. opposed C. critical D. doubtfulTask 4 Read para 5-6 and answer the following questions:(Group 2&5 Explain how England is divided into three zones)1)

11、 Most population settled in _.2) Most of the large industrial cities are in _. 3) Many cities have famous _.Task 5 Read para 5-6 and answer the following questions:(Group 6&8 Explain the importance of London as a cultural and political centre in the UK)1) In the England history, there have been four

12、 sets of invaders. They are: _, _, _, _.2) What did they leave?_.设计意图:通过学生自主学习,组员合作思维导图,利用思维导图进行描述,更直观地解开英国地理之谜。Step 4 post-readingTask1:Free talk about the UK Retell one part according to your mindmap Introduce famous sights Talk about your dream university Sing a pop song Introduce somebody from t

13、he UK设计意图:针对本文所学知识,鼓励学生进行跨学科思考,通过学科间知识的碰撞,激发学生学习兴趣。Step 5 Homework1. Read the text again and find out some words, expressions and sentence structures that seem difficult.2. Supposing you just finished your trip around the UK, so please write a brief report on your enjoyable and worthwhile experience

14、 in the UK.(Requirements: 1: Figure out a suitable title by yourself. 2: You are to write in no less than 120 words.)设计意图:复习课文,旨在将复述课文和巩固关键词结合起来,在对文章进行再理解的同时也应用了所学语言要点。八、板书设计 九、教学反思本节课是依据普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)规定的授课内容,在“六要素整合的英语学习活动观”指导下设计的阅读课。课题是人教版英语必修5 Unit2 The United Kingdom:Puzzles in Geography.本节课整个设计以学生的学习为中心,对学生掌握知识与技能的指导基本上是到位的。在学习策略方面,能指导学生通过画思维导图,整理相关信息。在情感策略方面,让学生通过小组合作完成思维导图和free talk,培养学生的合作学习意识,愿意与他人分享学习资源,提高学习英语的兴趣和主动参与学习的意愿。总的来说,这节课教学目的明确,设计清晰,语言和内容两条线,为目标输出活动做好充分的准备。这节课也有做的不足的地方,课堂时间和节奏把控上仍有不足的地方,欠缺文化或价值观上的引导。因此,我希望自身在日后日常教学中继续充分学习和整合新课程标准六要素, 设计和打磨出更多紧跟信息技术潮流又蕴含丰富文化气息的精品英语阅读课。5


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