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1、perspicacious betoken nicety ritualistic one-up reciprocity benefactor proclivity,frivolous allergy prone clich fabulous pamper altruism dispense,Key words and expressions,Key words,perspicacious: able to understand s.b/ sth quickly e.g. It is very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the troub

2、le so quickly. 你真是明察秋毫,问题的原因这麽快就找出来了。 betoken: verb, to be a sign of e.g. A clear blue sky betokens a fine weather. It is out of proportion to send gift that betokens an intimacy that doesnt exist.,Key words and expressions,ritualistic: of fondness for ritual e.g. It is purely ritualistic to send ex

3、pensive gifts on wedding ceremony. Each evening, she bursts into her apartment with a ritualistic shout of “Honey, Im home.”,Key words and expressions,One-up: verb, having a psychological advantage over someone e.g. youre always trying to one-up whoever youre with. reciprocity: noun, the practice of

4、 exchanging things with others for mutual benefit e.g. a reciprocity treaty Reciprocity includes more than gifts and favors; it also applies to concessions that people make to one another.,Key words and expressions,benefactor: a person who gives money or other help to a person or cause e.g. we colle

5、cted 478, but a very generous benefactor made it up to 500. The chieftain of that country is disguised as a benefactor this time. Proclivity: a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition e.g. a proclivity for hard work/ for dancing/ laziness/ to faultfinding,Key w

6、ords and expressions,frivolous: adj, not having any serious purpose or value e.g. There should be rules to stop frivolous law suits. This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem. Allergy: n, damaging immune response by the body to a substance The patient had an allergy to penicillin,Key words an

7、d expressions,prone: (to/to do something) likely or liable to suffer from e.g. His nose is prone to be allergic to roses. People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone to develop skin cancer clich:陈词滥调 You should always try to avoid the use of clich.,Key words and expressions,fabulous: adj

8、, extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large e.g. This is a fabulous sum of money. We had a fabulous time at the party. pamper: verb, indulge with every attention, comfort, and kindness; spoil e.g. Famous people just love being pampered.,Key words and expressions,altruism: mass noun the belief

9、in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others e.g. some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism. dispense: verb, distribute or provide (a service or information) to a number of people e.g. The machines dispense a range of drinks and snack

10、s. The Red Cross dispensed charity to refugees.红十字会向难民放赈。,Key words and expressions,Outline of the article,Para 1-3 My once failure experience of giving a gift to my ex-girl friend and why Para4-9 Niceties for gift-giving: ritualistic, reciprocal, thoughtful, decorated. Para 10-14 when you generousl

11、y give gifts and harbor good motivation, your altruism and egoism melted Para15. as long as we dont deceive ourselves for expecting more, we couldnt be disappointed about gift-giving.,. Translation and analysis of key sentences,People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone to develop skin

12、cancer 1.I date a woman for a whileliterary type, well-read, lots of books in her placewhom I admired a bit too extravagantly (unusually unreasonably high; exorbitant), and one Christmas I decided to give her something nice and, Im afraid, unusually expensive. 我曾与一位女子约会过一段时间她属于文学爱好者之类,博览群书,其寓所藏书甚丰我对

13、她的倾慕有点过分。有一次圣诞节,我决定送她一样非同一般的好东西,其价格也是贵得吓人。,2. She insisted that I take the books back or sell them or keep them for myself. When I protested, she just got more upset, and finally she asked me to leave and to take the books with me. Hurt and perplexed, I did. 她坚持认为我把书拿走,要么卖掉,要么自己留着。见我不肯罢休,她越发不安。最后,她请

14、我带着书离开。我伤心困惑地离开了。) 1). insist+that clause should+v. or v. in its original form Review: suggest decide propose recommend urge demand order etc. 2). Hurt and perplexed, I did. Adj. or adj.phrase is used as adverbial of manner - Hungry and thirsty, they went into the restaurant. - Curious, the little b

15、oy looked around for other guests.,3. But I have it in me, obviously, to be, as my ex-girlfriend said, totally out of proportion: to give people things I cant afford, or things that betoken an intimacy that doesnt exist, or things that bear no relation to the interests or desires of the person Im gi

16、ving them to. 但我的毛病也是明摆着的,正如我的前女友所言,送的礼物根本就不合适。比如说:送给人家的礼物自己难以支付, 或者把象征亲密关系的礼物送给与自己没有那层关系的人,或者送的礼物与所送之人的兴趣或渴望的东西毫不相干。 1). out of proportion: not according to real importance; not sensibly - Its out of proportion to send gifts that betoken an intimacy that doesnt exist. 2). Repetition ( figure of spe

17、ech ) e.g - Scrooge went to bed again, and thought ,and thought, and thought it over and over again. - Blood must atone for blood.,4. In most cultures, most of them more sensible than our own, the giving of gifts is highly ritualisticthat is, it is governed by rules and regulations; it is under stri

18、ct social control. It is also, more or less explicitly, an exchange. 在大多数文化中(其中多数文化都比 我们的文化更明智), 送礼是很讲究规矩的也就是说,受到条条框框的限制和严格 的社会制约。送礼多少有点明显地也是一种交换。,5. Gift-giving involves the expectations of reciprocity therefore, but we wise men of the western world avoid this fact; we paper it over with rhetoric a

19、bout selflessness, about how much better it is to give than to receive. 因此,送礼涉及到对互惠的期待,但我们西方世界的智者却回避这个事实:我们高谈无私之道,阔谈给予如何 胜于接受,以遮掩这一点。,6. Ive given some thought to my own proclivities in this matter and have concluded that even at my most ridiculously generous, my most spontaneously giving, I expect

20、something in turn as much as the next man does. 我曾反省过自己在这方面的习性,并得出这样的结论:即使在我慷慨的最最荒唐,送礼完全是发自内心时,我也和别人一样期待着回报。 1).as much as 情况(程度)与相同 引导一个从句 - You hated him as much as I. - He is as much a stranger in the village today as he was the first summer he arrived . 2). Review: a. That is as much as to say t

21、hat I am a liar. b. She picked up as much information as she could . c. The cost of one day in an average hospital in the United States can run as much as $250. d. I havent got as much money as I thought.,7.We want those clichs. We want what everybody wants: the timeless, unchangeable gestures; the

22、rituals; the beautiful wrapping paper; the ribbonsironed, no less, and chosen to go with the color of the paper. 我们需要那些老一套的东西。我们需要人人需要的东西:亘古不变的姿态、各种仪式、漂亮的包装纸、缎带而且必须是熨过的、精选的、与包装纸颜色相配的缎带。 go with 1). Match or suit - Daniel, please buy a tie to go with your shirt. 2). Normally accompany - Money does no

23、t always go with money.,8. There are professional altruists, its truenurses, social workers, all these so-called “helping professions”but they get paid to dispense their services; as for governmental largess, ask any welfare recipient whether its given freely or grudgingly. 职业利他主义者的存在确实事实如护理人员、社会工作者

24、以及所有那些所谓的“助人行业”但他们提供的是有偿服务;至于政府的赏赐之物,出手大方还是给的勉强,去问任何一位领受福利的人便知。,9. None of the above, however, caught my interest; that belonged to Cesar Chavez, whom I met on the ninth day of his famous fast as he lay in his austere room in the farm workers center in Delano, California, watching the sunlight fade.

25、 然而,上述之事全然没有引起我的兴趣,我的兴趣在于塞扎夏维兹。我们见面的那天,正值他著名的绝食第九日。当时他躺在德拉洛农场工人中心自己那间陋室里观赏日落余辉。 watching the sunlight fade . ( present participle phrase-adverbial of attending circumstance) - Tony stood in front of the door, biting his nails. - Tine walked down the hill, singing softly to herself.,10. We want to gi

26、ve; beneath the neuroses, the compulsions, the fears, anxieties, desires, the self-pity, we harbor generous impulses, spontaneous warmth. 我们愿意奉献;在神经官能症、不自主的冲动、恐惧、焦虑、欲望以及自怜的背后,我们也怀有慷慨的冲动和自发的热诚。,11.Whitman gave himself to the world and made the bold, massively egoistic assumption that the gift measure

27、d up. This is spiritual theory; you pass on the gifts God has given you, and the more you give, the more you will receive. 惠特曼把自己奉献给世人,并且大胆地、毫不谦逊地臆断:他的礼物是合格的。这是一种崇高纯洁的理论: 你把上帝赐予你的礼物传送下去,你送出的越多, 得到的也越多。 measure up: have good enough qualities - Im afraid he just didnt measure up (to the job).,12. As l

28、ong as we dont deceive ourselves and imagine we dont want anything backwhen we all dotheres no danger of feeling the kind of unacknowledged disappointment over unacknowledged expectations that does turn people cynical. 只要我们不欺骗自己,在期待回报时想象我们不“图”回报,就不必顾虑期待落空造成的莫名失望会令人玩世不恭。,Main Idea of the Text,In the

29、text, Anthony Brandt claims that humans have a genuine desire to give freely to each other, but in reality most people are unable to do this without expecting something in return. Brandt argues that gift giving would be much easier if one were to accept such a fact rather than suppress it. The autho

30、r once had an experience of sending extravagant gift to a girlfriend, only to find it totally out of proportion. He came to realize he has a tendency to give people things that he cannot afford, or things that betoken an intimacy that doesnt exist, or things that bear no relations to the interest or

31、 desires of the person he is giving them to. He came to understand that its the niceties, not the raw act of giving, that count.,According to Brandt, there is no genuine altruism in the world. Even “helping professions” get paid by the government and institutionalized giving is an exchange of money

32、for power or prestige. When Whitman said that “When I give, I give myself,” he meant that by keeping nothing to yourself, everything comes to you. In so doing, altruism and egoism become one.,Translation Exercise B,Flowers are among the most frequently given gifts. Theres a traditional floral langua

33、ge, and a carefully selected bouquet or plant can convey a wide range of emotions and sentiments. Red roses symbolize love as well as the hopeful beginning of a new enterprise; violets beseech the recipient not to forget the donor; orchids and other exquisite blooms indicate that the recipient regar

34、ds you as exotic, precious and rare.,A floral gift that evokes warm recollections will be prized more than one that is simply showy and extravagant. Heres an example: Once a customer asked a florist to deliver a bouquet of a certain variety of rose yellow tinged with red to a hospital where her moth

35、er lay seriously ill. “Theyve been my mothers favorite flowers since she carried them at her wedding many years ago,” she said. The florist found the flowers she wanted after a week of searching. The customers mother was delighted at the sight of the flowers she had long cherished.,A floral gift can

36、 also strengthen the emotional ties between husband and wife. Heres a brief story of that nature: A doctor, on his 57th birthday, received an ambitious floral gift. What was it? Well, he returned home from work that day, much to his joyful surprise, he found his front lawn turned into a rose garden containing 57 bushes. “It was a wonderful, self-renewing gift from my wife a constant reminder of her and her love,” he said.,


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