国际经济学教学大纲(International Economics syllabus).doc

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1、国际经济学教学大纲(International Economics syllabus)Own collectionThink its usefulSo upload it to BaiduShare it with everyone!Distance Education College of University of International Business and EconomicsFirst semester of the 2004-2005 academic yearInternational EconomicsFinal exam review programThe first

2、chapter is introductionFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is the object and method of International EconomicsIt is recommended to study this chapterTry to relate some of the principles of Western EconomicsTwo, review range1., the research object and main content of International E

3、conomics2., the characteristics of International Economics3., the main content of International Economics4. research methods in International EconomicsThree, review thinking questions1. what are the subjects of international economics?2. why study international economics?The second chapter is the tr

4、aditional international trade theory and its modern analysisFirst, review the key pointsThe emphasis of this chapter is the theory of absolute advantage and the theory of comparative advantageTheory of mutual demand and factor endowmentThe leentiefWhen studying this chapterSome actual conditions in

5、international trade should be contactedFurther strengthen the understanding of this chapterTwo, review rangeFirst, the evolution of traditional international trade theoryThe second section is one of the traditional theories of international trade: Ricardo modelThe third section is the two of traditi

6、onal international trade theory: Standard Trade ModelThe fourth section is the three of traditional international trade theory: factor endowment modelThree, review thinking questions1. what is the trade view of mercantilism? What is the difference between their national wealth concept and the presen

7、t one?What is the substance of the theory of 2.H-O?3. what is the Leontief Mystery? What does it mean for the principle of comparative advantage and the H-O theorem?The third chapter is the modern international trade theoryFirst, review the key pointsThis chapter focuses on model economy and interna

8、tional trade, intra industry trade theory, technology gap theory and product life cycle theoryTwo, review rangeSection 1 development of modern international trade theoryThe second section is economies of scale and international tradeThird section, imperfect competition and intra industry tradeFourth

9、 Overlapping Demand TheoryThree, review thinking questions1., what is scale economy and how does it become the basis of modern trade theory?On the basis of theoryThe former is based on economies of scale and imperfect competitionOn the basis of imperfect competition theoryThe latter is based on cons

10、tant returns to scale and complete competitionBased on the theory of perfect competitionthereforeThe two are not substitutesBut a complementary relationshipThey have enriched and perfected the theoretical system of international trade2., compare and analyze the similarities and differences between i

11、ntra industry trade theory and overlapping demand theoryWhat is the essential difference between intra industry trade and inter industry trade in 3.?4. what is the product life cycle?The fourth chapter is international trade and economic growthFirst, review the key pointsThis chapter focuses on the

12、relationship between international trade and economic growth and changes in industrial structureSuch as goose model, poverty growth theory, etc.Two, review rangeSection 1 economic growth and trade changeThe second section is about the relation and function of international trade and economic growthT

13、hree, review thinking questions1., what are the conditions for the growth of poverty?TwoA brief account of the influence of Engels law on international trade3., what is the proportion of factors of production growth? What is the growth of different factors of production?4. what is the goose model?Th

14、e fifth chapter is tariff and non-tariff trade barrierFirst, review the key pointsThe emphasis of this chapter is tariff barrier and non-tariff barrierThe understanding of this part must have good knowledge of international trade practiceIn particular, the understanding of various types of trade fri

15、ctionsTwo, review rangeSection 1 tariff barriersSecond sections of non-tariff barriersThird export incentivesThree, review thinking questions1. analyze the economic effects of tariffs on small countries2. explain the economic effects of tariffs on big countries3. determine the optimal tariff rate4.

16、comparison of import quota and import tariff5. welfare effects of discriminatory government procurement policies6. the economic effects of export subsidies to small countries7. dumping and the profit maximization strategy of monopoly enterprisesThe sixth chapter is about the basis of trade protectio

17、nFirst, review the key pointsThis chapter focuses on the theory of infant industryDeteriorating trade conditions theorystrategic trade policyTwo, review rangeFirst, the theory of infant industryThe second section is the theory of deteriorating trade termsThird, the domestic market failure theoryThe

18、fourth section strategic trade policyThree, review thinking questions1. briefly describe the main viewpoints of infant industry theory2., the content of trade conditions deterioration theory and its evaluation3. comment on domestic market failure and the principle of symptomatic treatment4., explain

19、 Cournot model and game analysis of strategic trade policy5., try to explain the political economy of trade policyThe seventh chapter is about the theory and practice of economic integrationFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is tariff and review League theoryTwo, review rangeSecti

20、on 1 the development stage of economic integrationThe second section is the theory of economic integration the theory of tariff UnionThe third section is the practice of economic integrationThree, review thinking questions1. briefly describe the characteristics and evolution of different stages of e

21、conomic integration2. analyze the static welfare effect of the customs union3. analyze the dynamic welfare effect of Customs UnionThe 4. different types of national economic integration success and failure, gain and loss5., it briefly introduces the characteristics of open regional economic integrat

22、ionThe eighth chapter is the balance of paymentsFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is the balance of payments calculation and analysisAmong them, especially the analysis of the balance of paymentsIs an important part of learning international economicsTwo, review rangeSection 1 co

23、ncepts of the balance of paymentsThe second section of the balance of paymentsThe third section is the balance of payments analysisThe fourth section accounts for the relationship between the balance of payments account and other macroeconomic accountsThree, review thinking questions1. what does the

24、 balance of payments include?2. what is the meaning of the balance of payments imbalance?3., what is the impact of the imbalance of international payments on the economy of a country?4., how can we distinguish and understand the autonomous transactions and compensatory transactions in the internatio

25、nal balance of payments?The ninth chapter is foreign exchange and exchange rateFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is on the calculation of exchange ratesSeveral specific ways of foreign exchange tradingTwo, review rangeSection 1 foreign exchangeSection second types of exchange rat

26、es and exchange ratesThird foreign exchange marketFourth foreign exchange transactionsFifth exchange rate systemThree, review thinking questions1. how do the exchange rates be priced? How do you understand the rise or fall of a currencys exchange rate under different pricing methods?2. briefly descr

27、ibe the types of exchange rates3. briefly describe the classification of the foreign exchange market4. briefly describe the types, characteristics and functions of foreign exchange transactionsThe tenth chapter is the exchange rate decision theoryFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter

28、 is the theory of purchasing power parityInterest rate parity theoryThese theories are the basis of exchange rate theoryNeed to seriously grasp and truly learnin additionThe theory of balance of payments should also be more familiar withTwo, review rangeSection 1 the basis of exchange rate decisions

29、 and the factors affecting its changeThe second section is purchasing power parityThe third section is interest rate parity theoryThe fourth section of the balance of payments theoryThree, review thinking questions1. briefly describe purchasing power parity and interest rate parity theory2. briefly

30、describe the basic content of the currency model3. briefly describe the dynamic adjustment process of exchange rate in overshooting model4. discuss the analysis method of portfolio modelThe eleventh chapter is the theory of balance of payments adjustmentFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this

31、chapter is the devaluation effect of the currencyj curve effectAbsorption analysis theoryMonetary policy; theoretical policy propositionsTwo, review rangeSection 1 elasticity theory of balance of payments adjustmentSecond section absorption analysis theoryThird currency analysisThree, review thinkin

32、g questions1. Marshall Lerner condition2., how do we understand the impact of changes in income on trade balance after depreciation?3. explain the basic formulas and policy implications of the absorption analysis theory4. what are the presuppositions of currency analysis theory and how do we underst

33、and this theory?The twelfth chapter is about the macro policy of open economyFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is the application of macro fiscal policy, monetary policy and exchange rate policy under the open economyThe difficulties are the Mundell - Fleming model and the theore

34、tical systemTwo, review rangeSection 1 objectives of opening economic policiesThe second section is about the policy tools and principles of open economyThe third section is the monetary policy and fiscal policy of opening up the economyThe fourth section is the exchange rate policy of open economyF

35、ifth, international coordination of macroeconomic policiesThree, review thinking questions1. what are the objectives of macroeconomic regulation under the open economy?2. briefly describe the relationship between internal and external balanced goals3. what kinds of policy tools are there in open eco

36、nomy?4. briefly describe the collocation of policy tools in the open economyThe thirteenth chapter is the international monetary systemFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is the entire process of the Bretton Woods system from birth to collapseThe process and function of euro and Eu

37、ropean Monetary SystemTwo, review rangeSection 1 an overview of the international monetary systemThe second section is about the evolution of the international monetary systemThe third section, the European monetary system and the euroThree, review thinking questions1. what is the international mone

38、tary system? What does the international monetary system include?2. how to understand the gold bullion standard and gold exchange standard?3. why did the Bretton Woods system collapse?4. what is the main content of the Jamaica agreement?FiveWhat are the main components of the European monetary syste

39、m?6. briefly introduces the reform and development prospects of the international monetary systemThe fourteenth chapter is international capital flowFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is on the types of international capitalInternational direct investment and transnational corpora

40、tion theoryThe role of international direct investment and transnational corporationsLearning this chapter should combine the current international direct investment and the development of Transnational CorporationsAnd the actual work of Chinas utilization of foreign capitalTo deepen the understandi

41、ng of this chapterTwo, review rangeSection 1. Overview of international capital flowsThe second section: international indirect investmentThird section of international direct investmentFourth multinational corporationsThree, review thinking questions1., briefly explain the reasons of international

42、capital flow2., what are the new trends in contemporary international capital flows?3., how does international capital flow affect capital exporting countries and importing countries?4. what are transnational corporations and their characteristics?5. what are the theories of transnational corporatio

43、ns?6. what is the economic effect of a multinational corporation?The fifteenth chapter, labor international flowFirst, review the key pointsThe focus of this chapter is the role of labor output and inputThe reasons and influencing factors of international labor mobilityIt is suggested that we should

44、 study and understand the export of labor services and international project contracting in international economic cooperationTwo, review rangeSection 1 an overview of international labor mobilityThe second part is about the reasons for international labor mobilityThird, the economic impact of inter

45、national labor mobilityThree, review thinking questions1., what are the two requirements for international labor mobility?2., what are the characteristics of the current international labor mobility?3., what are the direct causes of international labor mobility?4. in the case of wage rate difference

46、s still existHow does the international labor flow affect the welfare of different economic groups?5. what impact does the international labor flow have on finance?International Economics Course Study GuideInternational economics is the extension and expansion of micro and macro economics under the open conditionsFocus on the analysis of open market economy movement law and operation modeThe decisive factors, theoretical models, operational mechanisms and policy implication


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