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1、员工培训技巧教程Pull Production Workshop大 纲第一部份:前言第二部分:管理型态第三部分:因材施教第四部份:员工教导的四个阶段第五部份:教导常犯的错误第六部分:特殊状况的教导方法Pull Production Workshop企业成功的关键 得人:拥有优秀且称职的人才; 得法:具备良好的制度;企业发展的前提:管理与教导 前言 Pull Production Workshop“管”Pull Production Workshop管理型态管理型态即他人认定你所长期使用的行为管理模式;管理型态的两大重点:不是你对部属做什么,而是你和部属一起做什么;作为主管,重要的不是你在场时发

2、生了什么,而是你不在场时发生了什么。Pull Production Workshop因材施教关于人的信念与价值观人们能够并且希望发展;领导时的伙伴关系;人人渴望参与和沟通Pull Production Workshop因材施教同样的人,目标或工作不同,施教方式也不同没有“最好”的领导型态或固定的教导方式,一切依情境而定;Pull Production Workshop因材施教教导的三项技能1、诊断:即愿意并有能力研究某一工作并评估他人发 展的需要;2、灵活性:自如地运用多种领导或教导型态的能力;3、结成伙伴关系:即与员工达成共识,关于他们达成 个人目标和企业目标,希望你提供的领导或教导方 式;

3、Pull Production Workshop因材施教员工的工作形态主要表现在两大方面,工作能力与工作意愿; 工作能力:即工作目标或工作任务的知识与技能, 经验、包括可转移的知识或技能; 工作意愿:即工作的积极性和自信心、工作兴趣( 积极性主要表现在是否自动自发的工作,以及工作 成绩的及时反馈或汇报)Pull Production Workshop因材施教能力、意愿法则 能做不愿做:沟通激励; 愿做不能做:培训指导; 能做且愿做:放权晋升; 不能做又不愿做:淘汰;2431不愿做不 能 做愿做能 做Pull Production Workshop因材施教绩效、潜力法则 绩效好潜力差:适任(培训

4、) 潜力好绩效差:不适任(培训或调任) 绩效好潜力好:极适任(晋升) 绩效差潜力差:不适任(淘汰) 2431绩效潜 力好差好Pull Production Workshop工作教导的四个阶段 第一阶段:学习准备 使学员平心静气,营造学习的气氛; 了解学员对工作的认知程度; 使学员进入合适的角色;Pull Production Workshop工作教导的四个阶段 第二阶段:传授工作 工作分清主要与次要; 主要步骤一步一步地讲给他听,做给他看; 清楚、完整、耐心,不要超出学员的理解能力; 需要使用到机器等设备的工作,一定要教导员工机器 操作关键、机器性能等;Pull Production Work

5、shop工作教导的四个阶段第三阶段:试做 让学员尝试工作,且边做边说出主要步骤; 多做几遍,同时说出要点,不对的地方马上纠正; 直到学员确实了解工作步骤,操作要点且品质达到 要求为止,;Pull Production Workshop工作教导的四个阶段 第四阶段 指定协助学员的人员; 初期常常检查,适当给予学员鼓励或批评; 逐渐减少指导,多加鼓励;Pull Production Workshop教导常犯的错误 末给予充分的学习心理准备; 没有培训大致时间表; 不懂得如何教导及表达; 没有实做(做给他看); 没有考验成效(即成绩与效果的肯定与否);Pull Production Workshop

6、特殊情况的教导方法 嘈杂工作场所的教导方法: “讲给他听”,“做给他看” “边说边做”,直到员工明白为止。Pull Production Workshop Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over1. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quali

7、ty, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have mos

8、t control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over

9、 time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is th

10、e element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We o

11、nly have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most contr

12、ol over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price a

13、nd quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which d

14、o you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer deter

15、mines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time. Ask, “of quality, cost and delivery, which do you have most control over?” Speed is the element we have most control over. Customer determines selling price and quality . . . We only have control over time.


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