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1、2021高考英语语境高频单词识记(四十四)专题一:语法填空Dont Assess one by His AppearanceIts frequent that we tend to assess one by his appearance, is not always accurate.Once, in spite of our great endeavor, the technology (adopt) by my brewery couldnt efficiently prevent the beer component from going bad when the temperatur

2、e was beneath degrees centigrade. So I went to attend a seminar in New Zealand to find someone (consult) . I previewed the seminar manual in detail, and decided that, among all the names listed underneath the caption, Dr. Smith, famous technician and educator, was the competent one.Learning that I d

3、idnt prepare local currency at the airport, a blind man asked me to share a cab with him to the Lotus Hotel. He was in shabby clothes. And his vague oral English confused me a lot. His bag was in such a (mess) situation insiderecipes for cuisine, tickets for ballet shows, albums, cassettes and so on

4、, all were mixed up. Luckily, ( resemble) other blind people, his auditory and tactile (sense) were acute. However, later at the seminar, I learned that he was that famous Dr. Smith.The speeches were tiresome except Dr. Smiths. After the seminar, he presented me a booklet with a picture of a (bend)

5、rainbow on the cover, and said that it was up to me to digest the advanced technology and carry out. Finally, we (success).Besides the concrete technology, my acquisition of the knowledge about how to judge people was a bonus from Dr. Smith.专题二:翻译理解Dont Assess one by His AppearanceIts frequent that

6、we tend to assess one by his appearance, which is not always accurate.Once, in spite of our great endeavor, the technology adopted by my brewery couldnt efficientIy prevent the beer component from going bad when the temperature was beneath 10 degrees centigrade. So I went to attend a seminar in New

7、Zealand to find someone to consuIt. I previewed the seminar manual in detail, and decided that, among all the names Iisted underneath the caption, Dr. Smith, a famous technician and educator, was the competent one. Learning that I didnt prepare local currency at the airport, a blind man asked me to

8、share a cab with him to the Lotus Hotel. He was in shabby clothes. And his vague oraI English confused me a lot. His bag was in such a messy situation insiderecipes for cuisine, tickets for baIIet shows, aIbums, cassettes and so on, all were mixed up. Luckily, resembIing other blind people, his audi

9、tory and tactiIe senses were acute. However, later at the seminar, I learned that he was that famous Dr. Smith.The speeches were tiresome except DrSmiths After the seminar, he presented me a bookIetwith a picture of a bent rainbow on the cover, and said that it was up to me to digest the advancedtec

10、hnology and carry it outFinally, we succeededBesides the concrete technology, my acquisition of the knowledge about how to judge people was abonus from DrSmith 专题三:核对译文不能以貌取人我们时常会倾向于根据外来来评定一个人, 这并不总是准确的。有一回, 尽管做了极大的努力, 我的啤酒厂采用的技术总不能在温度低于 10 摄氏度时有效地防止啤酒成分变质。因此, 我去新西兰参加了一场研讨会, 想找个人请教。我事先详细查看了研讨会手册并决定,

11、 在标题下列出的名字中, 史密斯博士, 著名的技术师和教育家, 就是能胜任的人。在机场, 有位盲人得知我没有准备当地的货币后, 邀请我和他坐同一辆出租车到莲花洒店。他身穿破旧的衣服, 含糊的口头英语让我总是听不清楚, 而且他的包里也很杂乱烹饪菜谱、芭蕾表演的门票、相册、磁带等等, 都混杂在一起。所幸的是, 他和别的盲人一样, 有敏锐的听觉和触觉。然而, 后来在研讨会上, 我却得知, 他就是那位著名的史密斯博士。除了史密斯博士, 其他人的演说都令人厌倦。会后, 他送给我一本封面上有道弯弯彩虹的小册子, 说, 接下来由我自己好好理解消化这先进的技术并付诸实施。我们最终成功地解决了啤酒厂的问题。除了

12、有形的技术, 获得如何判断人的知识是史密斯博士赠送的又一件特别奖励。专题四:单词解释1 frequent 2 assess3 accurate 4 in spite of 5 endeavor 6 adopt 7 brewery8 efficiently9 component 10 temperature11 degree 12 attend .13 seminar 14 consult 15 preview16 manual17 list 18 underneath19 caption20 technician 21 competent 22 currency23 shabby 24 vag

13、ue25 oral26 messy 27 recipe 28 cuisine29 ballet30 album 31 cassette32 mix up33 resemble 34 auditory35. tactile36. 36. acute37. tiresome38. booklet 39. cover40. up to sb.41. digest 42. advanced43.concrete 44. acquisition专题五:词汇检测Don,t assess one by His appearanceIts (时常) that we tend to (评定) one by hi

14、s appearance, which is not always (准确的).Once, (尽管) our great (努力), the technology (采用) by my (啤酒厂) couldnt (有效地) prevent the beer (成分) from going bad when the (温度) was beneath l0 (度) centigrade. So I went to (参加) a (研讨会) in New Zealand to find someone to (请教) . I (事先查看) the seminar (手册) in detail, a

15、nd decided that, among all the names (列出) (在下方) the (标题) , Dr. Smith, a famous (技术师) and educator, was the (能胜任的) one.Learning that I didnt prepare local (货币) at the airport, a blind man asked me to share a cab with him to the Lotus Hotel. He was in (破旧的) clothes. And his (含糊的) (口头的) English confuse

16、d me a lot. His bag was in such a (杂乱的) situation inside ( 菜谱) for (烹饪), tickets for ( 芭蕾) shows, (相册), (磁带) and so on, all were (混杂). Luckily, (像) other blind people, his (听觉的) and (嗅觉的) senses were (敏锐的). However, later at the seminar, I learned that he was that famous Dr. Smith. The speeches were

17、 (封面) except Dr. Smiths. After the seminar, he presented me a (小册子) with a picture of a bent rainbow on the (封面), and said that it was (由我) to (理解消化) the (先进的) technology and carry it out. Finally, we succeeded.Besides the (有形的) technology, my (获得) of the knowledge about how to judge people was a bo

18、nus from Dr. Smith.专题六:句型解析 Once, in spite of our great endeavor, the technology adopted by my brewery couldnt efficiently prevent the beer component from going bad when the temperature was beneath l0 degrees centigrade.句式分析:句中in spite of名词, 相当于despite名词, 或者 though/ although让步状语从句, 意为 尽管。 高考例句:尽管之前经

19、过多轮谈判, 但到目前为止双方没有达成任何协议。 句子仿写:尽管天气恶劣, 我们还是坚持原定的计划。 I previewed the seminar manual in detail, and decided that, among a11 the names 1isted underneath the caption, Dr. Smith, a famous technician and educator, was the competent one.句式分析:句中 among. caption 为 decide 宾语从句中的状语, 为平衡结构提到了从句句首; a famous. educa

20、tor 为 Dr. Smith 的同位语。在阅读时要注意找准主谓宾核心成分, 把握句子要义, 尽量排除非核心成分的干扰。句子仿写:我查看了自己能找到的 (available) 所有论文 (paper), 发现这些论文提及的所有理论当中, 美国著名教育学家和心理学家布卢姆的最为实用。 The speeches were tiresome except Dr. Smiths.Besides the concrete technology, my acquisition of the knowledge about how to judge people was a bonus from Dr. Smith.句式分析:第 3 句和第 4 句的except 及besides 注意区分用法, except 具有排它性质, 不包含其后的宾语, 而besides 具有附加性质, 包含其后的宾语, 另一短语except for 表示除去整体中的一部分。课文回顾:1)我们所有人都得参加晨会, 除了那些有其它信仰的男孩。(B72) 2)我们不鼓励 (discourage.from) 你吸烟, 除非在特定的区域。(B81) 高考例句:除了法语以外, John 还会其它外语吗?


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