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1、单元学习主题Unit 1Great scientists单元学习目标1.Learn about the inventions and scientists.2.Develop the reading skills and improve reading speed.3.Understand that scientific ways in dealing with the problems.单元学习活动Step 1:Lead-in1.Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that hel

2、ps them float?2.Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed?3.Who invented the first steam engine?4.Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed from parents to their children?5.Who discovered radium?6.Who invented the way of giving electr

3、icity to everybody in large cities?7.Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people?8.Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground?9.Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened?10.Who put forward a theory about black holes?Ste

4、p 2:Reading1.Scanning Task 1:According to the passage,please put the 7 stages in right order.Draw a conclusionThink of a methodCollect resultsMake a questionFind a problemAnalyse the resultsFind supporting evidenceTask 2:Match them.Para.1Collect resultsPara.2Analyse the resultsPara.3Think of a metho

5、dPara.4Find a problemPara.5Make a questionPara.6Draw a conclusionPara.7Find supporting evidence2.Intensive readingTask 1:1.What was the problem?2.Which theory to believe in?(make a question)3.What method did he use?4.What happened to the pump water?5.What extra evidence did he find?Task 2:Comprehend

6、ingThe problemThe causeIdea 1:Idea 2:The methodThe results续表Idea 1 or 2?Why?The conclusionStep 3:Post-readingSummary:John Snow was a well-known in London in the century.He wanted to find the of cholera in order to help people to cholera.In 1854 when a cholera out,he began to gather information.He on

7、 a map where all the dead people had lived and found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the died.So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera.He suggested that the of all the water supplies be and new methods of with polluted water be found.Finally,“King Cholera” was defeat

8、ed.Step 4:Discussion Task 1:Discuss it with your partner.What should we pay attention to in our daily life in order not to get infected with cholera?Task 2:TeamworkAccording to the discussion,design a poster with your group,introducing cholera to people,and inform people of the ways to keep away fro

9、m getting infected with cholera.课后作业1.Surf the Internet to find out:What should we pay attention to our daily life to prevent ourselves from getting infected with all these infectious diseases?2.Write down the important words and phrases in your exercise books.3.Underline the difficult sentences tha

10、t you cannot understand.单元学习目标设计检验提示检验指标实现程度1.目标是否与课标相符合?是否切合单元学习主题?是否指向每一个学习活动的结果?国家课程标准、学年课程目标、单元学习目标和活动目标是否形成目标结构?是2.目标是否符合学生的知识经验水平和思维发展阶段?是否能满足学生的兴趣、需求和问题?是否能适当地让学生参与制定?是3.目标是否能反映学科本质?是否能反映学科专家在该单元主题时所运用的知识、方法、过程、形式和价值观?是4. 目标是否指向学生思维习惯养成和实际应用能力提升?是5. 目标是否能具体清晰说明期望学生实际学到什么及学到何种程度?是否能告知学生?是单元学习活动设计检验提示检验指标实现程度1是否能将单元学习目标转化成问题,形成对学生具有挑战性、趣味性的任务?在教学实施设计中是否把单元目标从陈述句转换成了引导深度学习的疑问句? 是2.学习活动是否直接针对目标中的关键概念和学科本质?是3.学习活动设计是否考虑了学生的多种学习倾向?是4.学习活动是否能促进学生的“高级”思维能力的发展?教师是否能在学生进行探究时提供必要的支持?是5.学习活动的阶段性是否清晰合理,符合导入、探究、总结、迁移的逻辑?是6.学习活动是否能展示出学生对目标的达成状况?是


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