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1、学而优 教有方 九年Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?一、 必会单词restroom n.(美)洗手间;公共厕所stamp n.邮票;印章bookstore n.书店beside prep在旁边;在附近postcard n.明信片pardon v原谅interj请再说一遍washroom n.洗手间;厕所bathroom n.浴室;洗手间normally adv.通常;正常情况下rush vn.仓促;急促suggest v.建议;提议staff n.管理人员,职工grape n葡萄central adj中心的,中央的

2、nearby adj附近的;邻近的 adv.在附近;附近mail v.邮寄;发电子邮件 n.邮件;信件east adj东方的;东部的adv.向东;朝东n东;东方fascinating adj迷人的;极有吸引力的inexpensive adj.不昂贵的uncrowded adj不拥挤的;人少的convenient adj便利的;方便的mall n.商场;购物中心clerk n.职员corner n.拐角;角落politely adv.礼貌地;客气地request n.v要求;请求direction n.方向;方位correct adj.正确的,恰当的polite adj有礼貌的;客气的direc

3、t adj.直接的,直率的speaker n.讲(某种语言)的人;发言者whom pron.谁;什么人impolite adj不礼貌的;粗鲁的address n.住址,地址;通讯处underground adj地下的n地铁course n.课程;学科Italian adj.意大利(人)的n.意大利人;意大利语二、 常考短语a pair of一对;一双;一副between.and在和之间on ones / the way to在去的路上pass by路过;经过pardon me什么;请再说一遍look forward to盼望;期待excuse me劳驾;请原谅get some magazine

4、s买一些杂志get some information about.获取有关的一些信息turn left/ right向左/右拐go past经过;路过the shopping center购物中心the corner of .的角落/拐角处lead in导入;引入on time准时,按时get to到达have dinner吃晚餐on ones/ the right在右边come on快点儿,加油,振作起来a little earlier早一点儿a good place to eat一个吃饭的好地方in different situations在不同的情况下parking lot停车场;停车区

5、need to do sth需要做某事Lets do sth!咱们做某事吧!start doing sth.开始做某事spend time doing sth花费时间做某事thank sb. for( doing)sth为(做)某事而感谢某人would like to do sth.想要做某事look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事三、基本句型1. Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?2. Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass

6、 Center Street3. Do you know when the bookstore closes today?4. Before we decide, could you first tell me where the restrooms are?5. Both are correct. but the first one sounds less polite6. Sometimes we even need to spend time leading into a request四、重点语法(3)疑问词引导的宾语从句1. Could you please tell me wher

7、e the restrooms are?请你告诉我洗手间在哪里好吗?2. Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?打扰一下,你能告诉我们今天晚上乐队什么时候开始演奏吗?以上句子均为含有宾语从句的复合句。第一句中含有疑问词 where引导的宾语从句,第二句中含有疑问词when引导的宾语从句。当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,疑问词就是引导词,包括连接代词what,which,who,whose,whom和连接副词 where,when,why和how等疑问词,且这些连接代词和连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个

8、成分。连接代词充当主语、宾语、定语等,连接副词充当状语这时疑问词不可省略,而且宾语从句要用陈述语序,即:疑问词十主语十谓语+其他.I wonder what I should do next.我想知道下一步我该做什么。Could you please tell me where we will have a meeting?你能告诉我我们将在哪儿开会吗?注意:宾语从句后的标点要根据主句的句子类型来确定。当主句是陈述句时,句末通常用句号。当主句是疑问句时,句末通常用问号。拓展:含有宾语从句的复合句与简单句的转换若主句的主语或宾语与从句的主语一致,则由疑问词引导的宾语从句可变成“疑问词十动词不定式

9、”的复合结构。I dont know how I should do it next. I dont know how to do it next我不知道下一步应该怎样做Can you tell me where I can get the scarf? Can you tell me where to get the scarf?你能告诉我哪里能买到这条围巾吗?当主句谓语动词是see,hear, watch等时,其后的that从句常简化为“宾语十动词原形/动词ing形式”。I saw some boys were playing basketball on the playground ju

10、st now. I saw some boys playing basketball on the playground just now刚才我看到一些男孩正在操场上打篮球。当主句的谓语动词是hope,agree,wish等,主句的主语或宾语与从句的主语一致时,其后以that引导的宾语从句可简化为动词不定式结构。He agreed that he could help me with my English. He agreed to help me with my English.他同意帮我学习英语。五、知识点解析、拓展1. 教材17 Sure, just go along Main Stre

11、et until you pass Center Street.当然可以,沿着主街走,直到你通过中央大街。本句中的 until you pass Center Street是 until引导的时间状语从句,until是连词,意为“直到为止”。同义till, until可放于句首,till不能。“延肯瞬否”拓展: until用在肯定句中 主句的动词只能是延续性的,它所表示的动作一直延续到until表示的时间为止,意为“直到.为止until用在否定句中 主句的动词一般是非延续性的,它所表示的动作直到 until所表示的时间才发生,意为“直到.才Lets wait until the rain st

12、ops 咱们等到雨停了吧。The boy didnt go to bed until his mother came back.那个男孩直到他妈妈回来才上床睡觉。2. 常见的方位介词(短语)有:beside在旁边;在附近in front of在前面between and在和之间behind在后面on the right of在右边near在附近in the east/west/ south/north of在东/西/南/北部across from在对面in the middle of在中间on the left of在左边next to靠近:紧挨着at the top of.在顶端3. 教材

13、18 Go past the bookstore.经过书店。go past意为“经过;路过”,相当于pass.其中past为介词,意为“从旁边过去”The train went past us without stopping at the station.火车没在站上停就从我们旁边过去了。拓展:past用作介词,还表示“(时间)超过,在之后,晚于” Its five past six now.现在是6:05。past用作副词,意为“经过,过去”。 I called out to him as he ran past.他跑过时,我大声喊他past用作形容词,意为“过去的,昔日的” I have

14、nt seen much of her in the past few weeks.近几周来,我很少见到她。辨析:past, over, across与 throughpast从旁边经过表示时间上的“超过”或空间上的“经过”over从上方跨越而过表示动作发生在物体的上方across横穿;越过表示动作是在某一物体的表面进行的,强调从一端到另一端through穿过;越过表示动作是在某一空间内进行的,强调从内部穿过The man is walking past a shop这个男人正走过一家商店There is a bridge over the river.河上面有座桥。The little bo

15、y is walking across the road.这个小男孩正在步行穿过马路。He can go through the forest by himself.他能独自穿过森林。4. 教材19 I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. 我建议去水世界的水城餐馆。suggest及物动词,意为“建议;提议”。其主要用法为 suggest sth(to sb.)意为“(向某人)提议/建议某事”。 He suggested a walk.他提议散散步。 suggest doing sth意为“建议做某事”。 She suggested goi

16、ng there by bike.她建议骑自行车去那儿拓展: 表示“建议某人做某事”不能用 suggest sb. to do sth.,可用 advise sb to do sth. suggest+ that引导的宾语从句,意为”“建议”,这时宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“( should+)动词原形”。He suggested(that)we( should) do it at once.他建议我们立刻做这件事suggest的名词形式为suggestion,可数名词, 意为“建议;提议”May I make a suggestion?我可以提个建议吗?5. 教材20 Pardon m

17、e, do you know if theres a restaurant around here?劳驾,你知道这周围是否有餐馆吗?pardon me的用法:要打扰别人时,意为“对不起,劳驾,打扰一下”,相当于 excuse mePardon me, is this your handbag?对不起,这是你的手提包吗?没听清对方的话,希望对方重复一遍时,意为“什么,请再说一遍”,读时用升调,相当于“ Pardon?”,“ Beg your pardon?或“ I beg your pardon?Pardon me, I couldn t hear it clearly.请再说一遍,我没能听清楚

18、对自己的过错、失礼等表示歉意时,意为“对不起”。Oh, pardon me, I didnt mean to interrupt you.哦,对不起,我不是有意要打扰你。6. 教材22 These are similar requests for directions.这些均是对问路去某处的类似请求。 request可数名词,意为“要求;请求”,多指对某事物所提出的礼貌或正式的恳请,当该词之后接具体内容时,常用介词for与之搭配We should make a request for help.我们应该请求帮助拓展:request 用作及物动词,意为“要求;请求”,常见用法有 request

19、sth( from sb)意为“(向某人)请求某事/某物The man requested some hot water from me.那个人向我请求要些热水 request sb. to do sth.意为“请求某人做某事”She requested me to stop to listen to her.她请求我停下来听她讲 request+ that从句(从句用虚拟语气 should+动词原形, should可以省略)意为“请求.”I requested that she( should) come an hour earlier.我请求她早一个小时来。7.教材22 Both are

20、correct, but the first one sounds less polite.两种说法都正确,但是第一个听起来没那么有礼貌本句中的 less polite是否定意义的比较级。less可以和多音节、部分双音节形容词或副词一起构成否定意义的比较级。(降级比较)The red car is less expensive than the yellow one 这辆红色的汽车比那辆黄色的便宜点。拓展: 多音节和部分双音节形容词或副词的比较级和最高级有两种形式:借助于more、most构成比较级和最高级more 表示“更”most. 表示“最”借助于 less 、least构成否定意义的比

21、较级和最高级less表示“不那么:稍许不”least表示“最不”The first question sounds less polite than the second one. 第一个问题听起来没有第二个问题那么有礼貌。She chose the least expensive of the hotels 她在这些旅馆中选了一家最便宜的8. 教材24 Id like to know about.我想知道would like意为“想;想要”,在语气上比want更委婉。 would like无人称和数的变化,变一般疑问句时,将would提到主语之前即可-Would you like to st

22、ay here with us?你想和我们一起待在这儿吗? -Yes, Id love to.是的,我想would like的主要用法有:would like sth意为“想要某物”。 Id like some apples.我想要些苹果。 would like to do sth.意为“想(要)做某事” Hed like to go to the beach.他想去海难 would like sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人做某事”Shed like me to go shopping with he.她想要我和她一起去购物。拓展:Would you like to do sth?

23、 的肯定回答通常用“Yes,Id love / like to.”;否定回答通常用“Id love/ like to,but”,but后接句子,表示不能去做某事的理由七、书面表达假如你是李思,要去澳大利亚的Melbourne High School留学,需要在当地找一个寄宿家庭(host family).请按照要求写一封不少于80字的电子邮件给寄宿家庭中介公司经理Mr. Peter。内容包括:(1)简单介绍个人情况,如语言、爱好等;(2)提出自己对寄宿家庭的要求(如下表所示)注意:邮件需要涵盖以上所有要点,可适当发挥;开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数);文中不能出现真实的人名校名等相关信息。参考

24、词汇:makefriends交朋友;beweak in不擅长;native English speakers以英语为母语的人;havechances todo有机会做;as for至于Dear Mr. Peter,My name is Li Si._. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes,Li Si八、语法专练: 宾语从句 中考必考 : 单选考查点:1)引导词+句意 2)引导词 3)语序 4)时态完型考查点:引导词辨析句子翻译考查点:否定转移、与特殊疑问词+不定式转换12-10考查点:选填引导词做题顺序:语序 时态 引导词

25、1、(2018抚顺14题)-Wow, your dress is really nice. Could you tell me_? -In Beauty Clothes StoreA. when you bought it B. how much you spent on it C. where you bought it D. how long you have had it2.(2018铁岭14题)- -Michael, could you tell me_? -She has gone to the marketA. How your mother is B. what your mot

26、her does C. where your mother is D. when your mother is leaving3.(2018辽阳14题)- Pardon me. I wonder_. -Im not sure. Maybe by busA. how he likes this new book B. how Mrs Smith fixed up her umbrellaC. how you can make fruit salad D. how the students will get to the farm4.(2018葫芦岛13题)- I want to visit Re

27、d Beach in Xingcheng. Could you tell me_? -Its free all the timeA. how far it is B. how much the ticket is C. how I can get there D. how long it takes to go there5.(2018锦州4题)-Excuse me,could you tell me_? -Sure. Go along the street to the end. Its just on your rightA. where is the Science Museum B.

28、how can I get to the Science MuseumC. which is the way to the Science Museum D is there a Science Museum near here6.(2017抚顺14题)- I hear theyll visit the museum,and I wonder_. -The whole morning.A. how often they visit it B. how much the tickets cost C. how many tickets they will buy D. how long they

29、 will stay there7.(2017本溪14题)-I saw Peter running on the play ground an hour ago. Could you tell me_ now?-Oh, yes, he is still thereA. why he is running B. who he is visiting C. what he is doing D. whether he is there8.(2017铁岭14题)-Excuse me, could you tell me_ ? -The one on the tableA. where your di

30、ctionary is B. which balloon is mine C. what the chair is made of D. why the table is so dirty9.(2016辽阳11题)- Could you tell me_ we can get there in time? -Im afraid you cantA. that B. if C why D how10.(2015鞍山12题) Please pass me the instructions of the ipad. I dont know_.A. what to use B. which to us

31、e C. what to use it D. how to use it11.(2013锦州12题)-Could you please tell me_ ? -Yes, sure.A. if there is a bookshop near here B. where can I buy a stamp C, when will the next bus arrive D. you like to eat what1.(2018天津)- Please tell me_. -At ten oclock.A. where you have your English lesson B. where

32、do you have your English lessonC. what time you have your English lesson D. what time do you have your English lesson2.(2018河北)-Hi,Ken. Did Mrs. Zhang tell us_? -Yes. She said we should meet there at nine.A. which was the way to the station B. why we should meet at the stationC. when we should get t

33、o the station D. who we should meet at the station3. (2018 )What lovely flowers! Could you please tell me_ ?A. why did you get them B. where you got them C. when will you get them D. how will you get them4.(2018宿迁)- -Could you tell me_? -In five minutes, at 10:25A. when did the next underground arrive B. when the next underground arrivedC. when will the next underground arrive D when the next underground will arrive参考答案:八、1-11 CCDBC DDBBDA 1-4CCBD


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