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1、,Analyze,DMADV Analyze,By The Completion Of This Section Participants Will Be Able To: Understand The Purpose And Outputs Of The Analyze Stage Flowdown CTQs To Function, Process And Design Requirements Develop Alternative Design Concepts And Select Best Alternative Develop High-Level Processes And I

2、dentify Interfaces With Existing Organizational Systems Develop A High-Level Design Analyze The Capability Gaps Between High-Level Designs And CTQs Develop And Finalize Design Requirements,Objectives,Alternative Design Concepts Developed High-Level Design Elements Developed Key Sourcing Decisions Ma

3、de Design Requirements Defined High-Level Design Capability Predicted,Develop A High-Level Product/Service Design,Analyze,Deliverables,Analyze - Introduction,Develop Design Concepts Perform Functional Analysis Define Product Functions/Service Processes Deploy/Allocate CTQs To Functions/Processes Dev

4、elop Alternative Design Concepts Develop Design Concepts Benchmark Best Performance & Processes Apply Appropriate Technology Select Most Promising Concept(s) Evaluate Against Criteria,Evaluate High-Level Design Capability Assess Capability Of High-Level Design Define Evaluation Criteria Perform Qual

5、itative/Quantitative Evaluation Generate Options For Remaining Gaps Select Best-Fit Design Integrate Design Concept Obtain Customer Feedback Conceptual Design Review With Customer/Stakeholder Finalize Design Requirements Perform Risk Assessment Develop Exit Strategies,Develop High-Level Design Devel

6、op High-Level Design Elements Process, Information, Facilities, Human, Materials, Equipment etc. Develop Requirements For Processes, Facilities, Jobs, Information Systems, etc. Deploy Functional/ProcessRequirements to Design Requirements Identify Critical Detailed Design Resources Systems, Logistics

7、, Marketing, Out-Sourcing etc.,Reviews: Tollgate 3 Analyze Phase,Road Map,Tools: Functional Analysis Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Benchmarking Pugh Matrix,Technology Visioning Process Maps IT Architecture Layout Diagrams Organizational Design,Design Scorecards Process Modeling FMEA Design Revie

8、w,Main Deliverable - High-Level Design,Analyze Model,Design,Analyze,Measure,Product/Service Idea,Identify ProductFunctions/ Service Processes,Critical-To- Quality (CTQ) Requirements,Develop Functional/Process Requirements,CTQ,Select Best-Fit Concept,Access CapabilityOf Design,NO GO,GO,Develop High-L

9、evel Design Product/Service Process Facilities Human Information Equipment Materials,Design Requirements Measure Target Spec Limits,Redesign,Product/Service Design Reqts,FreezeRequirements,Detailed Product/ServiceDesign,Assess Design Concepts,DevelopAlternative Concepts,Develop High-Level Design,Pro

10、duct Process,Integrated Service Concept,Alternatives,Alternatives,Alternatives,Alternatives,Functions/Processes,Generate/Evaluate,Best Fit,Capability/Analysis/Follow-Up,Integrated Design Concept,Definition Of Terms,An action to be accomplished, which transforms a set of inputs into outputs. A car st

11、ereos functions include signal reception, signal amplification, tuning and sound amplification. The loan request process transforms the information gathered from the loan customer into a completed loan application. A characteristic of a function or process, with an associated measure, target and spe

12、cification limit (i.e., a CTQ for a function). A description of what the product might be, or how the service could be performed. The ability of a product or service to meet its CTQs/functional requirements. The concept of Capability includes both the centering of the product or service on its targe

13、t as well as the variability of the product/service compared to its specification limits. A meeting scheduled to review outputs of the design process at various stages of the design. The design review aims to seek out and incorporate input from customers, stakeholders, experts and others into the de

14、sign. If an overall design effort has been split into subteams, the design review also aids the integration of the design efforts. A requirement (characteristic with associated measure, target and specification limits) imposed on some element of the conceptual design. The detailed design (DESIGN Ste

15、p) accepts these as input. For example, if a conceptual design included the customer calling to obtain some service, a design requirement would be that there be no more than 5 rings before the call is answered. The high-level design includes the description of the chosen product/service concept, pro

16、cess maps, facility layouts, etc. along with the design requirements associated with the design elements of product/service, production process, facility, equipment, information, material, and human. The design should be developed in enough detail so that it can be “tested” against the CTQs/function

17、al requirements.,Function/Process,Functional/Process Requirement,DesignConcept,Design Review,Capability,Design Requirements,High-Level Design,Develop Design Concepts,Functional Requirements: Quality 0 Defects Cost$200/Order Delivery1 Day,TRANSMIT ORDER,VE R I F Y,EXAMPLE,FLOWDOWN,Pilot Results,Perfo

18、rmance Results,Detailed Design,Production Build & Test,I want the right trucks at the right place at the right time,Quality Deployment,CTQs:Quality 0 Defects Cost$1000/Order Delivery30 Days,DELIVER,Level 1 Process,Design Requirements: Quality Correct Translation Cost$100/Order Delivery3 Hrs,DEVELOP

19、SPECS,Level 3 Microprocess,REVIEW,BUILD,ORDER,CUSTOMER ORDER,APPROVE,Pilot Build & Test,Evaluate High-Level Design Capability,Process Variables Specification,Concept Development High-Level Design,Design Requirements,DE S I G N,A N A L YZ E,Level 2 Process,Evaluate Detailed Design Capability,Function

20、al Requirements,Quality Deployment,Functional Analysis,Product/Service CTQs,ME A S U R E,Variables Specification: Quality All Spec Fields Complete Cost$50/Order Delivery20 Minutes,FLOW-UP,OEM ORDER,Customer Needs,Requirements Flowdown And Capability Flow-Up,Develop Design Concepts,Identify Functions

21、,Functions - Actions to be performed which transform the inputs into outputs, which satisfy the CTQs.,The functions identified should be: -minimal (only those truly needed) -solution independent (WHAT must be done, not HOW it is done now),Examples: For a car stereo, we must receive a signal, amplify

22、 this signal, tune, and convert to audible sound. For a loan, we must make customers aware of the loan, allow them to apply, make a decision, transfer funds, and monitor over time.,For CQ, functions tend to be macro process steps, while for products they tend to be components.,Develop Design Concept

23、s,Locomotive Power Functions,FuelSupply,Drive Motors,Engine,Cooling System,Cooled Water,Fuel,Torque,Cooled Water,Mapping Functions To Show Relationships,Air IntakeSystem,Filtered Air,Controls,Generator,ElectricalPower,Develop Design Concepts,LoanMarketing,LoanApplication,LoanProcessing,Loan Review,L

24、oanServicing,Loan Customers,Completed Application,Completed Loan Case,Loan Approved Customer Notified,Loan Terms And Conditions,Mapping Functions To Show Sequence Relationships,Small Business Loan Service,Develop Design Concepts,What Are The High-Level Functions/ProcessesRequired To Clean Clothes? (

25、Your Facilitator Will Lead You Through This Example),High-Level Mapping Example,Question,Team Table Exercise,For your product or service, identify the functions.,Time - 15 minutes,Loan Servicing,Develop Design Concepts,CTQ,Small BusinessLoan Service,Function/Process,Loan Application Time Knowledge R

26、epresentatives Available Representative Interest Rate,LoanProcessing,LoanApplication,LoanReview,SetupAccount,Distribute Funds,Collect Payments,Which Functions Or Processes Impact The CTQs?,Close Loan,HOUSE 2,Develop Design Concepts,Brainstorm Benchmark Enhancement Innovation,“ .”,_ _,_ _,Application

27、,OrderFilling,Shipping,Product Functions/Service Processes,Conceptual Design,Develop Design Concepts,Small Business Loan Possible Concepts,Product Concept Ideas: Pre-Approved Line Of Credit Apply When Needed “Traditional” Loan Pre-Approval Prior To Investment Line Of Credit “Charge Card” Service Con

28、cept Ideas Internet Application/Approval Notification Central, Telephone Application/Approval Branch Office In-Person Application/Approval Separate, Small Business Services Department Electronic, Paperless Loan Processing,Generating Design Concepts Example,This DFSS/DMADV material is being delivered

29、 using the “classroom manual overheads facilitator” concept. What other concepts could have been considered for the material delivery?,Develop Design Concepts,Develop Design Concepts,To Practice Developing Alternative Design Concepts For Your Product/Service For Either Your Entire Product/Service/Pr

30、ocess Or One Of The Functions/High-Level Processes Identified Earlier Today (pg. 16 - Analyze): 1. Brainstorm Alternative Design Concepts That Will Accomplish The Required Function(s) 2.Pick One Of The Design Concepts whichyou consider most promising. 20 Minutes,Table Team Exercise,Develop Design Co

31、ncepts,Measure,Benchmarking Source Of Concepts,Analyze,Design,Benchmarking Definition: A Search For Best Practices That Leads To Superior Performance Benchmarking Types: Performance: To Assist in Assessing Business Competitive Position Process: To Focus On “Best” Work Processes And Operating Systems

32、 Application Within DMADV Process,Performance,Competition Comparison Technical Evaluation,Search For Best Practices,Search For Best Practices,Overall Product/ Service Concepts Functional Alternatives,Detailed Process Alternatives,Process,Develop Design Concepts,Benchmarking Opportunities Examples,De

33、velop Design Concepts,Define Scope,Develop A Plan,Learning,Measurement,Set Baseline,Select Partners,Planning,Collect/Interpret Data,Develop Interview Guide,Apply Learning To Design,Benchmarking Methodology: The Phases,Develop Design Concepts,Improvement Options,( Competitive ),(Functional),(Generic)

34、,(Internal),FedExvs. UPS,U.S. vs. Japanese Auto Companies,Xerox & L.L. Bean,The Limited&Walden Books,DuPont & Merck(Joint Venture),Division ACustomer Services&Division BCustomer Services,Benchmarking Select Partners,Fleet Client Sales Benchmarking Partner Search (1997) Found Automotive Finance Servi

35、ces (AFS) To Have Had Similar Broken Processes In 1995: Poor Input Quality No Ability To Prioritize Workflow No Proactive Customer Communication High Customer Dissatisfaction AFS vs. Fleet Performance (1997): AFSFleet Avg. Daily Volume400100 Days To Process516 Resources (FTEs)512 Issues Over 30 Days

36、064 % 1st Day Customer1000Contact For Defects Customer Input QualityFairPoor AFS Learnings: Cleanup Current State Correct Issue Resolution Improve Measure And Control Processes MGP,GE Capital Fleet Client Sales Benchmarking Example,Develop Design Concepts,Develop Design Concepts,Matching Benchmarkin

37、g Needs With Methods To Collect Data,The Process Emphasizes Learning, Not Finding Fault Externally, Not Internally, Focused Improving Performance, Not Dwelling On Past Failures Complement Other Improvement Efforts Learning, Not Blaming Uncovering Best Practices, Not Culprits Benchmarking Is Not Pure

38、ly Quantitative Analysis Review Of Our Operations Industrial Tourism Comparing To “Similar” Organizations Stand-Alone Exercise Buying In The Unproven Fad,Develop Design Concepts,Benchmarking Dos And Donts,Develop Design Concepts,Objective,Instructions,To Apply Benchmarking Concepts And Elements To Y

39、our Projects,Time,15 Minutes,Determine who you might benchmark to get ideas for your design, and what specifically you might want to see once you got there.,Benchmarking “Getting Started” Exercise,Develop Design Concepts,Pugh Evaluation Matrices Can Be Used To Compare Design Concepts Evaluation Crit

40、eria Includes: 1.Performance Criteria (CTQs From QFD) 2.Other Criteria Financial And Non-Financial A Baseline (Datum) Is Selected For Comparison (Usually The Best Current Concept) Team Should Consider How To Combine “Best” Features Of Various Concepts to Achieve World-Class And Six Sigma Performance

41、,Select Best Fit Design Concepts,Pugh Matrix Qualitative Approach To Concept Selection,Develop High-Level Design,Functional Requirements: Quality 0 Defects Cost$200/Order Delivery1 Day,TRANSMIT ORDER,VE R I F Y,EXAMPLE,FLOWDOWN,Pilot Results,Performance Results,Detailed Design,Production Build & Tes

42、t,I want the right trucks at the right place at the right time,Quality Deployment,CTQs:Quality 0 Defects Cost$1000/Order Delivery30 Days,DELIVER,Level 1 Process,Design Requirements: Quality Correct Translation Cost$100/Order Delivery3 Hrs,DEVELOP SPECS,Level 3 Microprocess,REVIEW,BUILD,ORDER,CUSTOME

43、R ORDER,APPROVE,Pilot Build & Test,Evaluate High-Level Design Capability,Process Variables Specification,Concept Development High-Level Design,Design Requirements,DE S I G N,A N A L YZ E,Level 2 Process,Evaluate Detailed Design Capability,Functional Requirements,Quality Deployment,Functional Analysi

44、s,Product/Service CTQs,ME A S U R E,Variables Specification: Quality All Spec Fields Complete Cost$50/Order Delivery20 Minutes,FLOW-UP,OEM ORDER,Customer Needs,Requirements Flowdown And Capability Flow-Up,Develop High-Level Design,From Concept To High-Level Design,Loan Product Telephone Application,

45、 Electronic Processing Loan Office Staff Networked PC/Server Hardware Electronic Funds Transfer,Loan T & C,Concept Description,Design Elements,Product Design,Process Design,Information SystemDesign,Human SystemDesign,Also: Facilities, Equipment, Materials Design,Application Process,Fran,Develop High

46、 Level Design,Depending On The Product/Service (Or Function) To Be Designed, The Following Design Elements Will Be Included:,Different Disciplines (i.e., Information Technology) Specific Design Methods Are Employed To Develop Elements And Further Details,The Total Design Elements,Develop High Level

47、Design,Small Business Loan Service Concept Description,Product/Service Concept,High-Level Production Process,Facilities Concept,Information System Concept,Equipment/Tools Concept,Materials/Supplies Concept,Human System,Small businesses loan service for businesses with $10 million in revenues Telephone or in-person loan application, electronic processing and approval, electronic funds transfer and loan payment Central facility to take phone applications, distributed offices for in-person applications, process loans Tel


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