英语口语语法研究The study on grammar of spoken English.docx

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1、英语口语语法研究The study on grammar of spoken EnglishThe study on grammar of spoken English 英语口语语法的研究1、 Introduction 引言在我们的日常生活中,有很多方式可以表达我们的想法,如演讲、写作甚至行动。英语作为一种语言形式,在世界的发展中起着越来越重要的作用,尤其是随着社会的发展,经济全球化逐步走进我们的生活。不同国家之间的交流比以往任何时候都要频繁得多。英语已经成为世界语言,它不仅在正式的国际会议中被广泛使用,而且在公共交流中也被广泛使用。无论是英语国家还是非英语国家,越来越多的人都在努力提高他们的



4、结论参考文献:volucri,M.(1984)语法游戏。剑桥:杯赛In our daily life , there are many ways to express our ideas such as speech、writing and even an action. As a language form, English language plays a more and more important role in the evolution of the world, especially with the development of society, economy global

5、ization has come into our life step by step. Communication between different countries will be much more frequent than any time before. English has become the world language and is the most popularly used not only in formal international meetings but also in common communication. Both in English spe

6、aking countries and non-English speaking countries, more and more people have tried their best to improve their ability of English application. In the whole, we can separate them into two forms: written English and spoken English. Maybe in English speaking countries nobody will doubt that spoken Eng

7、lish is one of the most convenient ways to communicate with each other. And lots of people may just take it as a born ability to communicate with others and even never think about what is spoken English. However in non-English-speaking countries, maybe it is one of the most important purposes to imp

8、rove their spoken English, and every one will agree that language is one of the most important ways to express our ideas. With the improvement of the nature of language, linguistics, as a science ,came into being and was generally accepted .Though there have been much argument about it , linguistics

9、 has firmly established its place as a major branch of social science, which now has a set of established theories, methods and sub-branches. From the perspective of academic study, language is a means of verbal communication and distinguishes us from animals ultimately because it is far more sophis

10、ticated than any animal communication system. As far as language functions are concerned, the following categories are usually mentioned : instrumental, rengulatory, representational, interactional, personal, heuristic and imaginative .There are still other classification using different terms , but

11、 all share a lot in common about the basic functions of language. As one of language forms, spoken English will play a much more important role in daily life, so it is very necessary to make relative study about spoken English. Based on the analysis of difference between written English and spoken E

12、nglish and the main features of spoken English, this paper demonstrates the different senses of ‘grammar’ and ‘grammatical’ of spoken English, In terms of the question can spoken language ever be grammatical Or is grammar; only for written language, detailed analysis is made

13、and corresponding suggestion is put forward in the paper , which will do great help to push the development of relative study about spoken English. And some conclusions about what FL teachers might do are drawn as well in this paper. 2、 What is Spoken English 3、 Difference between Written English and Spoken English 4、 Analysis about Features of Spoken English 5、 Discussion about Grammar of Spoken English 6、 Conclusion References: volucri, M. (1984) Grammar Games. Cambridge:CUP


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