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1、消费欺诈司法实践中遇到的困境研究3300字 本篇论文目录导航: 消费欺诈司法实践中遇到的困境研究消费欺诈与民事欺诈的含义消费欺诈与民事欺诈的关系消费欺诈司法实践中存在问题消费欺诈认定标准的进一步明晰消费欺诈认定标准的细化研究结论与参考文献 摘 要 欺诈,在合同法中是一种意思瑕疵。在信息社会里,欺诈作为误导公众的行为,是一种典型的市场不正当竞争行为。尤其在消费领域,消费欺诈使消费者难以获得满意的产品和服务,相当程度的侵犯了消费者的知情权与公平交易权。因此,消费欺诈问题应该得到足够的重视,而不应与一般民事欺诈的概念混为一谈。目前我国消费欺诈主要规定在消费者权益保护法和欺诈消费者行为处罚办法中,其认


3、认定标准,旨在还原其应有的制度功能和价值,为司法实务提供清晰有说服力的思路。关键词:消费者权益保护法、欺诈行为、因果关系、经营者ABSTRACTIn the contract law, fraud is defect of declaration. In an informationsociety, to mislead the public as a fraudulent act, it is a typical unfaircompetition. Particularly in the consumer field, consumer fraud makes itdifficult fo

4、r consumers to obtain satisfactory products and services, andviolates consumers right to know and to fair trade in a considerable degree.Thus, consumer fraud issues should be given adequate attention, and theconcept should not be confused with the general civil fraud. In China, atpresent, the main c

5、onsumer fraud provisions of the consumer protectionlaw and consumer fraud penalties, the standard are not mentioned in thelevel of existing laws and regulations. Also, in academia there is greatunderstanding variation in the relationship between consumer fraud andcivil fraud, consistent meaning; cla

6、ims that only as a result of intentionalfraud operators that consumers fall into error, and thus make the intention,which is considered as consumer fraud, when different meaning; deemsthat consumer fraud and civil fraud in the civil law and contract law shouldhave different meanings. On the other ha

7、nd, there are many problems in thejudicial practice of consumer fraud, which has seriously affected thefairness and justice of legal authority and the society. This paperindividually analyzes and compares the consumer fraud standards, andpresents through four aspects- operator subjective condition;,

8、 operatorobjective behavior;, consumer intention and causality;, and ultimatelyconcludes that consumer fraud is a behavior due to the operator subjectiveintent or gross negligence and objectively implement the fraud, thusencourage consumers to make the wrong behavior of intentions. Byclarifying and

9、refining the standards of consumer fraud, it should restorethe proper system function and value, thus to provide clear and convincingjudicial practice ideas.KEY WORDS:the consumer protection law;fraud;causality;operator目 录引 言一、研究背景及意义二、研究现状及文献综述三、创新之处一、消费欺诈与民事欺诈的含义(一)民事欺诈的含义1.我国民事欺诈的含义2.国外民事欺诈的含义(二)消费欺诈的含义二、消费欺诈与民事欺诈的关系(一)含义一致说;(二)含义区别说;三、消费欺诈司法实践中存在问题(一)在经营者主观状态中缺少对重大过失;的考量(二)经营者客观欺诈行为认定标准不一(三)在因果关系认定的必要性上认识不统一(四)证成产生误认;中判断主体不明四、消费欺诈认定标准的进一步明晰(一)经营者主观状态的扩大(二)明确经营者客观欺诈行为的标准(三)在消费欺诈认定标准中舍弃因果关系(四)以一般消费者的认识为标准结 论参考文献


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