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1、杭州市课改实验区中考英语模拟测试题PART I 听力部分 ( 25分)一、听小对话,选择图画。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( )1. Which sport does Mike like best? ( )2 What does the man want to buy for his daughter?( )3 Which sign are they talking about?( )4. When did Johns classmates start?( )5. How many people are there in the photo?二、听小对话,回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分,

2、计10分)( )6. A. Some fruit.B. Some drink.C. Some food. ( )7. A. Jack wanted to have the computer. B. Jack couldnt repair the computer.C. Jack could repair the computer.( )8. A. Do morning exercise.B. Do some reading.C. Do some washing. ( )9. A. David B. Tom C. Kate( )10.A. SunnyB. RainyC. Windy 三、听长对话

3、,完成下面的信息记录表。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分) Summer holiday in AmericaPlace: New York Time: From July 5th to 11 He went there to 12 He lived with 13 The course includes: listening, speaking, reading and writing, mostly 14 American classes are different from our class because the students are very 15 .( ) 11.A. Aug

4、.5th B. Aug.15th C. Aug.25th ( ) 12.A. see his father B. learn English C. teach Chinese ( ) 13.A. an American family B. his friends C. his family ( ) 14. A. speaking B. writing C. listening ( ) 15. A. few B. free C. funPART II 笔试部分 (95分)四、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分:共计l 5分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16

5、. How do you like_TV play Ren Changxia?Oh, its_ wonderful one. Its one of_best TV plays I have ever seen.A. a, a, the B. the, the, the C. the, a, 不填 D. the, a , the( )17. Is this Lucys schoolbag? No, its not_. Its_.A. her, mine B. hers, mine C, hers, my D. her, my( )18. Hello! May I speak to your fa

6、ther? Sorry, he_ Hangzhou.A. has come to B. has been to C. has been in D. has gone to ( )19. Listen, the wind is blowing strongly. Yes, tell Tom_ the windows.A. not to open B. to openC. open D. not open ( )_fine day! Lets go out for a walk, shall we? OK, Lets.A. What B. How a C. How D. What a( )21.

7、We wont go sightseeing if_ tomorrow. I agree.A. it rains B. it will rain C. it would rain D. it rained ( )22. Look at the students! Theyre all busy planting trees over there.Yes, I think theyre tired, but of them want to have a rest. A. neither B. none C. any D. all( )23.Could you please tell me_? L

8、et me see. About twenty months. A. when are you leaving for shanghai B. how often you go to the school libraryC. how many tickets have you booked D. how long you have been at this school( )24. May I leave now, sir? Youd better_ until they come.A. not to go B. to not go C. dont go D. not go ( )25. Di

9、dnt you come to school by bike today? _. Its broken.A. Yes, I did B. No, I didnt C. No, I did D. Yes, I didnt( )26. Are there any _on the farm? Yes, there are some.A. horse B. sheep C. duck D. chicken ( )27.I dont know its meaning.The sign at the crossing tells us which road_.A. to take , B. taking

10、C. take D. took( )28.How are you feeling now, children? The more we get together, _well be.A. happy B. happier C. the happier D. the happiest ( )29.Mum, Im hungry. Can I eat the food on the plate?Sorry, you cant. It_.A. smells badly B. smells bad C. smells good D. smells well( )30.How dirty it is! W

11、e should try to tell people to take care of the environment. Good idea! Lets put up a sign. It says that to protect environment is _to take care of our lives.A. important B. as important asC. more important D. the most important五、完形填空(本题有15小题。每小题1分,共计15分)。 阅读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The world is d

12、ivided into two parts. One half of the world is rich and 31 is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people have 32 got enough to eat. When they are ill, 33 the hospitals can receive them because they have 34 . In the rich part, people eat very well, even a dog 35 a cat in North America eats 36 than a ch

13、ild in poorer countries.The poor countries have some difficult problems. Sometimes the land is too poor to grow 37 on . People there have 38 rich land 39 enough water. The land can be made better, but a lot of things must be done. The people 40 be taught and water must be found. But rich countries h

14、ave problems, too. There are not always good places to 41 Sometimes the air is not clean and the rivers are 42 dirty to swim in or to drink. The roads and streets are full of people and cars. Cars and buses have to move 43 . Noise is too much. Some people have no houses to live in. Something must be

15、 done about these problems. The air and the rivers must be cleaned and be 44 clean. More houses have to be built. 45 these things can not be done easily.( )31. A. others B. the other C. another D. the others( )32. A. never B. didnt C. wont D. arent( )33. A. any B. all of C. some of D. none of( )34.

16、A. too many B. much money C. money D. no money( )35. A. and B. like C. as D. or( )36. A. well B. more C. less D. better( )37. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing( )38. A. both B. no C. not D. neither( )39. A. either B. and C. but D. nor( )40. A. may not B. cant C. must D. neednt( )41.

17、A. stay B. live C. live in D. sleep( )42. A. more B. very C. so D. too( )43. A. dangerous B. slowly C. quickly D. carefully( )44. A. kept B. made C. done D. become( )45. A. And B. But C. Because D. So六、阅读理解(本题有15小题,共计30分) 阅读下面三篇材料,从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案或所给句子的最佳答案。 (A)Twin singers Take a careful look. The tw

18、o girls look very much like twinsthere are hardly any differences. But theyre not! They come from different parts of the world and got to know each other in (2)Climbing to the top It is wonderful and exciting. It is Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. For years, tens of thousands of peopl

19、e have tried to climb the dangerous mountain (6)Home of Olympic dreams When the 29th Olympic Games are held in Beijing in , sports players from all over the world will get together and it will be a place where many dreams will come true (9)Water for the future It is the source(来源)of all life and we

20、need it every day. But the worlds population is growing fast, and we are short of (2)( )46.Who can go to the youth club? A. An 8-year-old boy B. An 18-year-old boy C. An 18-year-old girl D. A 16-year-old girl( )47.If you go there every weekend, how much will it cost you a month? A. 2.50 B. 5.00 C. 1

21、0.00 D. 0( )48.If you want to read fast about sports, which dates will you choose?A.2 and 6 B.6 and 9C.9 and2 D.2 and2( )49.From this text, we know that A. the singers are really twin sisters B. climbing Qomolangma has become easyC. water is important to all life D. all the dreams will come true in

22、( )50.Where can you find this page? A. In a story book B. In a picture book C. On the Internet D. In a science book (B)Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win the mens 110m hurdles (跳栏) at the Olympic Games in Athens. After that he became an idol(偶像) to the young people. When Liu Xiang crossed the fini

23、sh line far ahead of the other players, in a world recordequaling time of 12. 91 seconds, many fans burst into tears. It was Lius first Olympics and he won the gold medal. I never thought I could run under 13 seconds, and I never thought I would break the Olympic record, said Liu in tears, I am very

24、, very excited. This is a wonder. Im proud not just for myself and for Chinese but for Asia. My race went wonderfully from start to finish. Liu added, It is an amazing(惊奇的) experience being the Olympic champion. I want to thank my coach and my friends for all their help. I think today we Chinese hav

25、e showed the world we can run as fast as anybody else. When Liu was a grade four student in a primary school, he was chosen by the Junior Sports School of Putuo District in Shanghai to practice jumping. But when a bone test showed he would not become a tall man, Liu was asked to give up practising a

26、fter one year although he had won the national championship for his age group. Liu s parents also wanted him to give it up and study more at school, but Liu decided to continue to practice jumping. In 1998 when Liu Xiang, aged 15, met the famous coach Sun Haiping, his career changed greatly. Sun bel

27、ieved Liu Xiang was a rising star and after visiting Lius parents several times, finally he persuaded them to let Liu practice the 110m hurdles. since his return from Athens, Liu Xiang has been at the centre of a media circus(媒体焦点). He has been to many press appearances and meetings. After Liu got t

28、he gold medal, he became well known all over the world. But Liu thinks is just the beginning, and he expects to be at his peak(顶峰) in the summer games in Beijing in . Liu Xiang said, For some players, its just a job. For me, its what I love. ( )51. At what age did Liu Xiang win the Olympic champions

29、hip?A. 12 B. 15 C. 21 D. 22( )52. What does the underlined word persuaded mean in Chinese?A支持 B说服 C教育 D阻止( )53. Why did Liu Xiang give up jumping? Because_.A. a bone test showed he wouldnt become tall enough to be a high jumperB. his parents stopped him from jumpingC. he was satisfied(满足) after winn

30、ing the national jumping champion for his age groupD. the famous coach Sun Haiping changed his and his parents ideas( )54. What does Liu Xiang think of being a sports player?A. It is just a job for him. B. It can bring him a lot of money.C. It is what he loves. D. It can bring him a lot of honor(荣誉)

31、.( )55. From the story, we know that_.A. Liu Xiang was not the first Chinese to win the sprint(疾跑) gold medal in AthensB. if Liu Xiang reached the finish line in 13 seconds, he would break the world recordC. the Chinese people can run as fast as the people in the other countryD. Liu Xiang didnt want

32、 to take part in the Olympic Games in (C) How many of you drink Cola? Nearly everybody. Did you know that Cola started out not as a soft drink but as a cure (疗法) for headache in the late 1800s? John S. Pamberton, a druggist (药剂师)from Atlanta, had experimented for many months trying to find a cure fo

33、r the common headache. He worked in his backyard, mixing and heating different mixture of oils and flavors (香料) until he found one that seemed to work well. Pamberton bottled the mixture and began selling it in drugstores as a concentrated syrup (糖浆) that the customer had to mix with water before dr

34、inking. The invention of Cola came about quite by accident (偶然). One day, a patient with headache came to a drugstore and asked for a bottle of Cola syrup. He wanted to take it right away. So he asked a shop assistant to mix the medicine while he waited. The shop assistant, instead of walking to the

35、 other end of the store to get water, suggested mixing the syrup with soda water (苏打水). The patient agreed, and after drinking it, he explained how good it tasted. Then the shop assistant started, selling the mixture and it became popular. Today this kind of Cola is sold in most countries around the

36、 world. And although it is no longer the medicine to kill headache, it can still make people feel comfortable and energetic (精力充沛的).( )56. In writing this text, the writer wants to tell the readers . A. how Cola was invented B. why Cola is so popular C. why Cola can cure headache D. why Cola was goo

37、d to peoples health( )57. How was Cola sold before it became a soft drink ? . A. It was sold as medicine B. It was usually mixed with water before it was sold C. It was sold to people who were thirsty D. It was sold after it was heated( )58. What do you know about John Pamberton? A. He was the first

38、 person that drank Cola B. He was the inventor of Cola, the soft drink C. He invented a kind of medicine which was finally made into a popular soft drink D. He was the first person to sell the same kind of Cola as people drink today( )59. The shop assistant happened to make Cola syrup into a soft dr

39、ink A. by adding more oils into it B. by adding more flavors into it C. by mixing it with water D. by mixing it with soda water( )60. Which of the following is the right order according to the passage? . a. The shop assistant happened to add soda water to the syrup. b. The syrup was sold in drugstor

40、es to cure headache. c. John Pamberton tried many ways to find a cure for the headache. d. The mixture became a popular drink all over the world. A. c, b, a, d B. c, a, b, d C. a, c, b, d D. a, b, d, c 七、词汇运用:(共有10小题,每小题1分,计10分)王梅星期六没有上课,去地里参加了劳动,晚上她在家写英语日记,但有几处不会写,请你帮助她,使日记完整。(请将所给的中文或首字母或首尾字母或整个单词

41、的正确形式填空.。)Sunday Fine March 10th. It was Sunday, so I 61 have to go to school. I helped my father in the f 62 . After two 63(小时)work, I was 64 . I rested under a tree on the bank of a river. I could see yellow leaves on the ground around me and on the water. 65 (突然) I saw something 66 (移动) under the

42、 leaves on the water. I looked at it c 67 . It was a small fish. I took 68 my hat. Slowly, I put it into the water, With a quick scoop(舀), I c 69 t the fish. 70 a beautiful fish!八、任务型阅读(共有5小题,每小题分,计5分)阅读短文,并完成表格。 If youre studying English, the Language Study Fair this month will certainly interest you. The show is taking place between the seventeenth and nineteenth of may at the National Education Centre. It aims to answer all your question about self-study, whatever your level. Over 350 leading prod


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