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1、课时跟踪检测(十七).阅读理解AIt was time for a school holiday and I was at home. My familys house was located in(位于) an area by the sea.I just sat down in front of the television.Suddenly I heard a loud noise and then the first shock started to hit. My mom and I ran to the front door. We got out and we were stan

2、ding in the street holding on to each other to stand up.The ground was covered with snow. I could remember watching black cracks in the earth snaking their way along the ground. A tree in our back yard was actually cut in half.As suddenly as the earthquake started, it was over.Dead silence. Then a l

3、ight snow began to fall. All the power was offno radio, no TV and no communication with the outside world. We found out later that the ground area was lowered an average of 35 feet.My dad succeeded in getting home from where he worked in the city centre. Later that evening we were told to leave the

4、area because a terrible ocean wave was expected. We spent the night and the next day and night away from home at the shelter.I often think about the courage my dad showed during that time. Before Dad retired, he was a senior manager of a famous local company. This company was damaged because of the

5、quake. Dad stayed in the company to rebuild the business and rebuild our family home.语篇导读本篇是记叙文。文章讲的是一个冬天,一个小镇发生了地震,以及地震后的一些情况。1In which season did the earthquake take place?ASpring.BSummer.CAutumn.DWinter.D推理判断题。根据第二段第五句话“The ground was covered with snow.”可知是冬天。2After the earthquake,the writers fat

6、her_.Aopened up his own companyBlived with his family and did a better jobChelped neighbors build their housesDbecame a famous person in their townB细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“Dad stayed in the company to rebuild the business and rebuild our family home.”可知,那次地震后,作者的父亲留在公司重建公司,重建家园。3What would be the best title

7、of the passage?AMy FatherBMy Mother and ICA Quake in My TownDEarthquake TipsC主旨大意题。纵观全文可知,文章讲的是一个冬天,一个小镇发生了地震,以及地震后的一些情况。所以C项是文章主题。BA little knowledge and a few precautionary measures (预防措施)can greatly increase your chances of surviving an earthquake. The keys are education and preparing in advance.

8、Or when it happens, it is too late that you take a booklet to learn then.The earthquake safety tips below will not make you an expert. However, they could make a lifesaving difference if you find yourself in an earthquake situation.Before the EarthquakeTeach all members of your family about earthqua

9、ke safety.This includes the actions you should take when an earthquake occurs,the safe places in a room such as under a strong desk, along interior walls, and places to avoid such as near windows, large mirrors, hanging objects,heavy furniture and fireplaces.During the EarthquakeIf you are indoors,

10、stay there. Quickly move to a safe location in the room such as under a strong desk, under a strong table, or along an interior wall.If you are outdoors, move to an open area where falling objects are unlikely to strike you.Move away from buildings,power lines (电线杆) and trees.If you are driving, slo

11、w down smoothly and stop on the side of the road. Avoid stopping on or under bridges and overpasses (天桥),or under power lines,trees and large signs.Stay in your car.After the EarthquakeCheck for damage. If your building is badly damaged you should leave it quickly until it has been inspected by a sa

12、fety professional. If you smell or hear a gas leak (煤气泄漏), get everyone outside and open windows and doors.If you can do it safely, turn off the gas at the meter. Report the leak to the gas company and fire department. Do not use any electrical appliances because a tiny spark could make the gas burn

13、 suddenly.语篇导读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了震前、震中和震后要注意的事。4What are the key points of surviving an earthquake?ALearning some tips when an earthquake happens.BConsult the experienced survivors.CLeave where earthquakes often happen.DEducation and preparing in advance.D细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The keys are education and prepari

14、ng in advance.”可知,在地震中生存的关键是教育和预防。5What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refer to?AThe booklet.BThe earthquake.CThe survival.DThe tool.B词义猜测题。本段主要说的是地震,因此“it”指的是“the earthquake”。6What do power lines mean when an earthquake happens?AHelp.BEnergy.CSafety.DDanger.D推理判断题。根据During the Earthqu

15、ake标题下第二段中“Move away from buildings,power lines and trees.”知,当地震发生时电线是危险的,所以远离。7What should you do when you find your house is badly damaged after the earthquake?AStay where you are.BPhone 119.CLeave the house quickly.DFind your dear possessions.C细节理解题。根据After the Earthquake标题下的第二句“If your building

16、is badly damaged you should leave it quickly.”知,如果房子被地震破坏了你应立即离开。.七选五Floods are one of the most common disasters in the US. Some floods develop slowly. But flash floods (暴洪) can develop quickly, sometimes in just a few minutes and without any signs of rain. _1_ It carries rocks and mud and can sweep

17、 away most things in its path.If a flood is likely in your area, you should:Listen to the radio or television for information.If there is any possibility of a flash flood,move at once to higher ground. _2_If you have time to prepare, you should:Make your home safe by bringing in outdoor furniture. _

18、3_ Do not touch any electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.If you have to leave your home right away, remember these tips:Do not walk through moving water. _4_ If you have to walk in water, walk where the water is not moving.Use a stick to check the ground in front of you._5_ If fl

19、ood water rises around your car,give up the car and move to higher ground if you can do so safely.Otherwise you and the car can be quickly swept away.ADo not drive into flooded areas.BDo not wait for instructions to move.CTurn off all pieces of electrical equipment.DMoving water can make you fall.EF

20、loods can cause death and loss of treasures.FFlash floods often have a dangerous wall of water.GMud left from floodwater can contain chemicals.语篇导读本文是一篇说明文。洪水是美国最常见的灾害之一。有些洪水发展缓慢。但是暴洪会迅速发展,有时几分钟就会爆发,而且没有任何降雨的迹象。文章主要介绍洪水到来时应该采取的措施。1F下文语境题。根据空格后的“It carries rocks and mud and can sweep away most things

21、 in its path.(它携带着岩石和泥土,可以扫除路上的大部分东西)”可知洪水有一堵危险的水墙。2B上文语境题。根据空格前的move at once to higher ground 可知不要等着指令。3C下文语境题。根据空格后的“Do not touch any electrical equipment if you are wet or standing in water.(如果你是湿的或站在水里,不要触摸任何电器)”可知是关掉所有的电器。4D上文语境题。根据空格前的“Do not walk through moving water.”(不要在流动的水中行走)”可知在水里行走是很危险的,流动的水会让你跌倒。5A下文语境题。根据下文中的“If flood water rises around your car,give up the car and move to higher ground.(如果车周围的洪水上涨,你就放弃车,到更高的地方)”可知不要开车去洪水区。下面是一篇有关自然灾害报道的小短文,请在临摹过程中注意上一课时所学语言知识,临摹之后再利用课余时间背诵。提醒每个字母圆润饱满,压线书写;宜用0.5或0.7 mm中性笔。


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