Topic1.I’ll kick you the ball again .doc

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《Topic1.I’ll kick you the ball again .doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Topic1.I’ll kick you the ball again .doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 八年级英语 导学案课 题:Topic1.Ill kick you the ball againB时 间 年级八主备人 审核人英语组学习目标:1、学会本节课的新单词及短语。2、 继续学习一般将来时- will+动词原形 学习重点:动词跟双宾语的用法. Pass sb sth 学习难点:本课固定短语很多需要记住教学方法:合理点拨,引导学生以自学为主。学 习 过 程环节五步导学备注栏一自主学习教师导学II在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1、朝大喊 _ 2、对生气 _3、尽力 _ 4、向某人道歉 _5、为而抱歉 _ 6、继续加油 _7、确信做某事 _ 8. 在的协助下 _9. 一会儿 _ 10.

2、让某人保持做某事 _ 12. 对很重要 _自学单词独立完成合作探究教师引领1.You shouldnt shout at me.译文:_shout at sb. 冲某人(生气地)叫喊。 shout to sb. 朝某人高声说2.I am very sorry for what I said.译文:_be sorry for 后加抱歉的原因。for 后的宾语可以是名词、代词、从句或动名词。3.Kangkang was angry with Michael and they had a fight.译文:_ be angry with sb. 生某人的气。 be angry at / about

3、sth. 对某事生气小组合作探究讨论重点句型学生展示展示探究和以下内容:With the help of Maria and Jane, Kangkang said sorry to Michael.with the help of sb在的帮助下,介词短语作条件状语。如:在我们的帮助下,他们赢了比赛。_ _ _ _ us, they won the match.with the help of sb. = with ones help四反馈提升1. I am sorry for your book.(lose)2 .I shout ( at/to) the driver, but he co

4、uldnt hear.3.The teacher is angry (with/at) his answer. 4.He was angry (with/at) us because we were late for school.五当堂测试1. You shouldnt _ the little boy. Hes afraid of you.A. shout B. shout at C. speak D. speak to2. I will do my best _you when you are in danger. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps3. Dont worry. Im sure _ there on time.A. get B. getting C. to get D. got1.课后反思


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