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1、公共事业管理论文 - 经典论文 (文章一):本科毕业论文(公共事业管理专业) 本科毕业论文 姓名: 学号: 学院: 专业: 公共事业管理 题目:农村养老保险基金的筹集问题研究 指导教师:本科毕业论文 第2页 共14页 中 文 摘 要 农村养老保险制度是一项重要的社会政策,对保障农村老龄人口的基本生活、转变农民的传统观念、促进计划生育、完善农村社会保障体系、维护农村社会稳定、促进农村经济发展和社会进步,都有重要的作用。它不仅事关广大农民的切身利益,也直接关系到整个社会稳定和发展的大局。目前我国农村养老保险存在的最主要问题是资金的筹集,而我国农村人口众多且老年人口比重较大,农民收入较低、缴费压力过

2、大,缺乏国家的财政支持和集体单位的配套交费,并且养老基金的运营及管理不合理。这些就要求我国对农村养老保险金的筹集建立科学高效的体系,要实行个人、集体、政府三者筹集相结合,建立多层次的缴费标准和缴费方式,设立专门的资金管理机构,合理科学的运用筹集的资金,使其产生最大的效果和效益。 关键词 : 农村养老保险必要性 基金筹集筹集设想 Abstract The village endowment xxurance system is an importance of society policy, to guarantee village advanced age population of basi

3、c life, change farmer of tradition idea, promote planned parenthood, perfect village society guarantee system, maintenance village society stability, promote village economy development and society progress, all have importance of function.It not only matter pass the slice of large farmer body benef

4、its, also direct relation arrive the whole society stability and development of general situation.Currently our country village endowment xxurance existence of the most problem be a raise of funds, but our country the village be densely populated and old age population specific weight more big, the

5、farmer ine be lower and pay fee pressure to lead big, lack nation of public finance support with collective unit of the kit hand over a fee, and retire to enjoy life a fund of luck c and management not reasonable.These will beg our country to village endowment xxurance gold of raise and build up sci

6、ence efficiently of system, practice personal, collective, government three raise to bine together, establishment multilayers of pay fee standard and pay a fee way, establish specialized of funds management organization, reasonable science of usage raise of funds, make it creation the biggest effect

7、 and performance. Keyword Village endowment xxurance necessityThe fund raiseRaise to conceive 目 录 中 文 摘 要 . 2 Abstract . 3 引言 . 5 1 农村养老保险时代的必然产物 . 6 1.1农村养老保险的形成发展 . 6 1.2农村养老保险的意义 . 6 2养老保险基金筹集遇到的困难 . 7 2.1农民收入水平低,缴费压力过大 . 7 2.2缺乏国家的财政支持和集体单位的配套交费 . 8 2.3养老基金的运营及管理不合理 . 8 2.4农村社会养老保险法律法规的缺失 . 8 3国外保险基金的筹集途径和经验 . 9 4关于我国农村养老基金筹集的设想 . 10 4.1资金的来源 . 10 4.1.1 各级财政给予补贴。 . 10 4.1.2土地资本化。 . 11 4.1.3 税收。 . 11 4.2缴费标准和方式 . 12 4.2.1缴费标准 . 12 4.2.2缴费方式 . 12 4.3基金管理和运营 . 12 5 结束语 . 13


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