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1、学习目标,(1)识别并使用可数名词和不可数名词。 (2)能够将可数名词变成复数,知道其变化规则。 (3)学会正确使用量词修饰不可数名词。,food and drinks,Nouns,Countable Nouns,Uncountable Nouns,名词,Countable nouns and uncountable nouns,Can you help the nouns in the box find their home?,可数名词 countable nouns,不 可 数 名 词 uncountable nouns,apple,rice,lemon,meat,hamburger,ca

2、rrot,juice,sheep,milk,sweet,man,pork,beef,chicken,Countable Nouns,an apple,a pear,an orange,a banana,an egg,a carrot,We use a or an before a singular countable noun. If the noun starts with a vowel(元音) sound, we use an.,More examples:,_ US ship _ hour _ uncle/aunt There is _ u and _ s in the word us

3、e.,a,an,a,an,an,a or an,a 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前,如 a pen / a desk a u etc,an 用于以元音音素开头的单词前, 如 an apple / an interesting story an h f l m n s x r etc,1. _ old bike 2. _ tall tree 3. _ orange coat 4. _ big apple 5. half _ hour 6. _English book 7. _ American boy,Fill in the blanks with a/an.,an apple,apples,a b

4、anana,bananas,a cake,cakes,a carrot,carrots,rule,可数名词复数一般是直接在名词后面加s,watches,boxes,fishes,buses,rule,以字母s,x,ch,sh结尾的单词, 变为复数时在其后加es,hero-heroes,tomato-tomatoes,potato-potatoes,mango-mangoes,Heroes like tomatoes, potatoes and mangoes.,rule,其他以“o”结尾的单词直接加“S”,piano-,radio-,photo-,pianos,radios,photos,zo

5、o -,kilo -,zoos,kilos,Heroes like tomatoes, potatoes and mangoes.,a story book,rule,元音字母+y结尾的:y +s,a toy,some toys,many stories,two story books,rule,以f或者以fe结尾的单词, 通常把f或者fe变成v,再加es,例:half, wife, knife, life,a knife,knives,Singular(单数) Plural(复数),P73,+S,-y +ies,+es,+s or +es,-f or fe +ves,Change the w

6、ords into plural forms.,bus _ bag_ half_ family_ photo_ tooth_ player_ kilo_ day_ wife_ potato_ child_ watch_ fish_,buses,halves,photos,players,days,potatoes,watches,bags,families,teeth,kilos,wives,children,fish,Uncountable Nouns,bread,water,chicken,salt,a piece of bread,a glass of water,a plate of

7、chicken,a packet of salt,Here are some examples:,gls,plet,pis,slt,rice,tea,meat,milk,juice,two bags of rice,three cups of tea,four kilos of meat,five cartons of milk,six bottles of juice,Tip,kil,kt()n,btl,At the supermarket Millie: Mum, what do we need to buy? Mum: We need some _, a _ of _ and a _ o

8、f _. Millie: Do we need to buy _? Mum: Yes. Lets buy some _ and _. Millie: I want to buy some _. They are Grandpas favourite. And we have only an _ at home. We need to buy some too. Mum : OK. We can also buy a few_of _.,chicken,bag,rice,packet,salt,vegetables,carrots,potatoes,oranges,apple,bottles,j

9、uice,bag,packet,apple,vegetables,carrots,potatoes,oranges,bottles,chicken,rice,salt,juice,可数名词 (1) 可以计数的名词。 (2) 可以用冠词a, an限定,表示一个。 (3) 可以用one, two, three限定。 (4) 有复数形式。,Summary: countable and uncountable nouns,不可数名词 (1)是指不能计数的名词。 (2)不可以用a , an限定。 (3)不可以用one, two, three限定。 (4)没有复数形式。 (5)计量用数字+量词+of+不可

10、数名词的结构。 a glass of juice, two kilos of meat,My breakfast, lunch and dinner,For breakfast: For lunch: For dinner:,Lets go shopping!,I want to buy .,Translation,一袋盐 两袋大米 三杯茶 四千克肉 五盒牛奶 六杯果汁,a packet of salt,two bags of rice,three cups of tea,four kilos of meat,five cartons of milk,six glasses of juice,几袋大米 八公斤牛肉 一张纸 两片面包 九杯茶 十盒牛奶,some bags of rice eight kilos of beef a piece of paper two pieces of bread nine cups of tea ten cartons of milk,Homework,1. Remember the rules of singular forms to plural forms for countable nouns . 2. Talk with your friends about healthy diet for three meals.,


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