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1、Unit one Identity,Outline,Im Nobody! Who are you? (by Emily Dickinson) Theme for English B (by Langston Hughes) Literary Focus,Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?, Paul Gauguin(高更). 1897.,Emily Dickinson (1830 -1886),a recluse in Amherst “美国隐士女诗人” she was delighted in solitude.(孤

2、独是迷人的) Nature is the permanent motif for her poems. one of the most innovative poets of 19th-century American literature (frequent use of dashes, sporadic capitalization of nouns, off-rhymes, broken metre, unconventional metaphors ),Im Nobody! Who are you?,Im Nobody! Who are you? Are you Nobody Too?

3、 Then theres a pair of us! Dont tell! Theyd banish us (advertise) you know!,How dreary to be Somebody! How public like a Frog To tell ones name the livelong June To an admiring Bog!,我是无名人物!你是谁? 你也是无名人物? 那么我们俩就是一双!但别声张! 你知道吗,他们容不下我们俩! 做个名人多么无聊! 像只招摇的青蛙 向着仰慕它的池沼 在漫长的六月里自吹自擂,我是无名人物!你是谁?迪金森,Questions,1.

4、 What does “I” refer to? 2. Who are the “pair of us” and “they”? 3. In what way is “somebody” comparable with “a frog”? 4. What does “the livelong June” refer to?,5.What does “an admiring bog” refer to? How to understand the word “admiring”? 6. What is like to be “somebody”? Do you want to be “nobod

5、y” or “somebody”? Explain. 7. What is the function of dashes?,Terms in “Theme for English B”,Harlem美国纽约市的黑人居住区 Bessie黑人女歌手;布鲁斯 Bop (bebop)博普爵士乐 Bach巴赫,Questions,1. Who does “I” refer to? 2. What is special of this speaker in his class? What does it imply? 3. Why to the speaker “ Its not easy to know

6、 what is true for you or me”? 4. How do you understand the sentences “ So will my page be colored that I write?/ Being me it will not be white.”?,5. Why does the speaker say “You are white -/yet a part of me, as I am a part of you. Thats American.”? 6. What questions does the poet pose in the poem?,

7、I, Too, Sing America Langston Hughes,Tomorrow,Ill be at the tableWhen company comes.Nobodyll dareSay to me,Eat in the kitchen,Then.Besides,Theyll see how beautiful I amAnd be ashamed-I, too, am America.,Literary Focus (Page 6),The Speaker and the Poet or Author “I” - the speaker; the voice, or mask

8、or persona(角色) that speaks the poem.,Literary Focus (Page 15),Image(意象) - it is a concrete representation of an object or sensory experience./it is whatever appeals to any of our senses (including sense of hearing as well as of sight, smell, taste, touch and sound). A literal image A figurative imag

9、e (“Frog”; “Bog”),Literary Focus (Page 13),What is Poetry? Poetry might be defined, initially, as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than does ordinary language. “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling, recollected in tranquility” (by William Wordsworth),Literature Fo

10、cus,Reading the Poem 1. Read a poem more than once. 2. Keep a dictionary by you and use it. 3. Read so as to hear the sounds of the words in your mind. 4. Always pay careful attention to what the poem is saying. 5. Practice reading poems aloud.,Writing assignment,“Who Am I?”,Preparations for the next class,Whats your favorite Hemingways work? How well do you understand it? Please read “A Clean, Well-lighted Place” (P20-24) by Hemingway.,


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