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1、If you can dream it ,you can do it!,敢于梦想,定能实现!,Bingo!,Lesson 17How do you do?,New Words,employee implii: 雇员 employer,assistant sistnt 助理,助手,hard-working 勤奋的,我是个勤奋的人。 Im a hard-working man. = Im hard-working. -Is she hard-working? -Yes, she is. / No, she isnt,sales rep 推销员,man 男人 woman 女人,office 办公室,

2、want wnt n. 缺乏,欲望,需要v. 要,希望,必须,表欲望,需要,想要 - What do you want? -I want your money. I want to (do) 我想要(做) 我想笑。(laugh) I want to laugh. I want to die!,employee implii: 雇员,word link: employ impli v. 雇请,聘请 employer implin. 雇主 He is my employer. 他是我的老板。= He is my boss.,hard-working 勤奋的,hard h:d 硬的,努力的 work

3、ing w:ki n. 工作 我是个勤奋的人。 Im a hard-working man. = Im hard-working. -Is she hard-working? -Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.,assistant sistnt 助理,助手,-I was wondering if you can be my assistant. -My pleasure. / Yes, I do. assist v. 协助,帮助 She will assist you! 她会协助你的!,job db n.工作,-Do you have a job? - Do you l

4、ike it? The difference between job and work job 你的工作,n. work 工作,有效 This is my job. 这是我的工作。 Im at work. 我在工作。/我在上班。 It works! 管用了,有效果,Other words: boss 老板 manager 经理 supervisor 主管 office clerk 文员 overtime 加班,Sales rep,Keyboard operator,mechanic,hairdresser,Customs officer,Air hostess,policemen,milkma

5、n,postman,policewoman,nurse,housewife,可数名词的单复数变化规则,一般情况下直接-s 当名词以-s,-ch,-sh,-x,或-o,结尾时,-es air hostesses 当名词是以-f或-fe结尾时,把-f或-fe改为-v,再加-es. housewives 不规则变化 man-men, woman-women Postman-postmen policeman-policemen 单复数一致 sheep-sheep,询问职业 what is his job? what are their jobs?,They are sales reps They a

6、rent sales reps,Or 表示或者 还是 用于选择疑问句,Are they mechanics or sales reps ?,They arent mechanics. They are sales reps 作业,Lesson 17 How do you do ?,If you are the boss Mr Jackson.,Mr. Jackson,You have some employees,You have a friend Mr. Richards,Mr. Richards,One day, Mr. Jackson want to introduce (介绍 ) hi

7、s employees to Mr Richards,公司职位,Keyboard operator Sales rep Office assistant,Nicola Grey 尼古拉 .格雷 Claire Taylor 克莱尔 .泰勒 Michael Baker 迈克尔 .贝尔 Jeremy Short 杰里米 .肖特 Jim 吉姆,Richards ritdz Jackson dksn Nicola nikul Claire kl Taylor teil Michael maikl Baker beik Jeremy derimi Short :t Jim dim,Those women

8、are very hard-working. They are keyboard operators,They arent very busy They are sales reps They are very lazy,He is our office assistant,二. Translate the following into English,杰克逊先生:来见见我们的雇员, 理查兹先生。 理查兹先生:谢谢,杰在逊先生。 杰克逊先生:这位是尼克拉.格雷, 这位是克莱尔.泰勒。 理查兹先生:你们好! 理查兹先生:那些姑娘很勤快。 她们是做什么工作的? 杰克逊先生:她们是电脑录入员。 杰克

9、逊先生:这位是迈克尔.贝克, 这位是杰里米.肖特。 理查兹先生:你们好! 理查兹先生:他们不很忙吧! 他们是做什么工作的? 杰克逊先生:他们是推销员,他们非常懒。 理查兹先生:这个年轻人是谁? 杰克逊先生:他是吉姆, 是我们办公室的勤杂人员。,人称代词 主格 放在句中做主语,单数 I 复数 we You you She He they It,J: This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor. R: _ _ _ _? R: Those _ are very _. What are their _? J: _ are keyboard operat

10、ors. R: They arent very _. What are their jobs? J: They are _ _ .They are very _. R: _is this young man? J: This is jim .He is our _ _.,How do you do,women,busy,jobs,They,busy,sales reps,lazy,Who,office assistant,Now, listen again, check the details, and follow the tape to read,Key Structures,A: How

11、 do you do ? B: How do you do ? A: What are their jobs ? B: They are keyboard operators. A: Who is this young man ? B: He is our office assistant.,Grammar,物主代词( 形容词性物主代词),单数 一 二 三 my your his/her/its,我的 你的 他/她/它的,形容词性物主代词,作用相当于一个形容词.后面直接加人或物.只能做定语.,例如: My father / name Your father / name His father

12、/ name Her father / name Its father / name 我(你/他/她/它)的爸爸/名字,物主代词( 形容词性物主代词),复数 一 二 三 our your their,我们的 你们的 他/她/它们的,例如: our father your father their father our names your names their names,我们的爸爸 你们的爸爸 他/她/它们的爸爸 我们的名字 你们的名字 他/她/它们的名字,物主代词( 形容词性物主代词),单数 一 二 三 my your his/her/its 复数 our your their 我/你/

13、她/他/它(们)的,物主代词( 名词性物主代词),单数 一 二 三 mine yours his/hers/its 我的 你的 他/她/它的 复数 ours yours theirs 我们的 你们的 他/她/它们的,Exercise,1. _(Our, We) have _(our, we) books 2. I like _ (he, his) watch . 3. Is this _(your, you) pen ? 4.She likes _(their,they) house. 5. _ (They, Their) are milkmen. 6.They likes_ (we, our

14、) job.,Exercise,The money is _(mine, my) She is _(his, he) sister. I like _(their, they) shoes. Im _(your, yours) teacher. The child is _(her, hers). The classroom is _(our,ours) The homework are _(your,yours).,Translation: Our English books are new. Your watches are ugly. Their jobs are policemen. 我们的英语书都是新的。 你们的手表好丑啊。 他们的工作是警察。,Lesson 18 What are their jobs?,可数名词的单复数变化规则,一般情况下直接-s 当名词以-s,-ch,-sh,-x,或-o,结尾时,-es 当名词是以-f或-fe结尾时,把-f或-fe改为-v,再加-es. 不规则变化 man-men, woman-women fish-fish, sheep-sheep,What are their jobs?,What is his job ?,What are their jobs?,What is her job?,What are their jobs?,


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