文房四宝 英文介绍PPT.ppt

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《文房四宝 英文介绍PPT.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《文房四宝 英文介绍PPT.ppt(20页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、笔墨纸砚,The Brush,The Chinese Ink,The Paper,The Chinese Ink Slab,contents,Introduction,Introduction,Traditional Chinese writing tools include the brushes, the ink sticks, paper and the ink stones. It first appeared in people eyes at The Northern and Southern Dynasties .,They are used in study, therefor

2、e people praise the four objects as the four treasures of Chinese study. Till now it famous for Lake brush Xuan paper, Huizhou ink , and the Duan ink stone . It represented what we said as “Four Treasures”.,The Brush,Brush is the traditional Chinese writing or tool , different from the quill-pen use

3、d in the western world, it has special functions in ancient China.Like paintig writing or so on.,It said that the brush was first made by Meng Tian , a famous general of Qin Dynasty . Till now , it has survived over 2200 years.,In terms of the materials ,we can divide it into several kinds , such as

4、 rabbit hair ones ,horsehair ones or suchlike . While in terms of the quality ,we can conclude it into golden, silver, ivory, or bamboo.,The Chinese Ink,Before the manual ink invented, almost everyone used natural ink or semi-natural ink as the writing material . Many pictures were made by it ,like

5、the painted pottery .,The original ink was made from pine soot , the ink also named “The Pine-ink ”. It has an outstanding featurethe solid texture . So it can be preserved for years.,With these unique writing material ancient people created many masterpieces ,suchlike Xu Mos ink painting , Huai Sus

6、 cursive script and Yan Zhenqings simple cursive.,The Paper,I think that everybody here wouldnt be strange with it . Paper is one of the most famous invention in ancient China , and it contributed to the cultural communication greatly , also , the development of history is closely connected with it.

7、,Its alleged that the time that paper was made was about 49BC ,by an eunuch named Cai Lun,The Chinese Ink Slab,Last but not least , Ill show you the Chinese ink Slab. The slab , which is regarded as the king of Four Treasures ,was always used for mulling the materials .,It became popular in Han Dyna

8、sty, while in Song Dynasty ,it was commonly used by ordinary people.,Conclusion,Of course, apart from these tools , there are still many other study tools in Chinese study . Such as pen holders, brush holders, trays or seals.,Ok, I wont tell it detailed. If you are interested in it, you can surf it on Internet.,Thank you!,


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