新概念2lesson 45.ppt

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《新概念2lesson 45.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新概念2lesson 45.ppt(57页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 45,A clear conscience,1.What would you do if you lost 100? Would you expect to get it back? Why/why not? 2.Do you think anyone is 100% honest? Give examples to show that. 3.Honesty is the best policy. Is this always true? Why/why not?,Topics for discussion,New words and expressions,Clear kli

2、adj. 无罪的,不亏心的 Conscience knns n.良心,道德心 Wallet wlit n.皮夹,钱夹 Savings seiviz n. 存款 Villager vld n.村民 Per cent psent 百分之 Butcher bt(r) 屠夫,conscience n. 良心, 道德心;是非观念,E.G. I havent done anything wrongIve got a clear conscience. I had a bad/guilty conscience about not telling her the truth. She has no cons

3、cience at all about cheating. (=not feel guilty about it at all) Conscience-stricken: adj 良心不安的;内疚的,A clear conscience laughs at false accusation. 谚 只要问心无愧,旁人的指责可一笑置之。 A good conscience is a soft pillow. 谚 问心无愧, 高枕无忧。 A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. 谚没做亏心事, 不怕鬼叫门。,2. wallet n. Billfold(AmE) 皮夹

4、, 钱夹 (尤指男用) He opened/closed/folded his wallet. purse n. 钱包/手袋(尤指装零钱的女用钱包) handbag n. 手袋,3. savings n. 存款 Save v. 攒钱,储蓄;节省 e.g. Were saving for a new car. Time-saving/energy-saving Savings 存款;储蓄 Belongings 所有物 Happening 事件 Feeling 感觉/看法/知觉 feelings感情 Suffering 痛苦;苦难,4. cent 1 dollar=100 cents per ce

5、nt/ Percent adj/adv: in or for each 100 I am a hundred percent in agreement with you.=I totally agree with you. Percentage n. 百分比 A high/large/small percentage.,Listen and answer,What happened to Sam? Did he get all his money back?,Read and answer,1. What does Sam Benton do for a living? 2. When did

6、 he lose his wallet? 3. Was there only a little money in the wallet? 4. What was Sam going to do with the money? 5. Did anyone find the wallet? Did he return the money at once? 6. When did Sam find his wallet? 7. Why did the “thief” wrap the wallet in newspaper?,8. Was there any money in the wallet?

7、 9. What did the note say? 10. When did Sam get the second note? 11. Did the thief include a note every time he sent Sam more money or not? 12. What did the last note say? 13. Why did the “thief” return the money in this way? 14. Do you think the “thief” was an honest person?,True or False,1. Only a

8、 few villagers knew that Sam had lost his wallet. 2. Sam believed that the wallet had been found by one villager. 3. The villager returned the wallet and all the money three months later. 4. The villager had paid 75% of the money five months later. 5. The villager felt guilty for what he had done an

9、d proved he was honest in a special way.,Tell the Story,Background information: 3 months later; 2 months later; In time.,The whole village soon _ that _ money _. Sam Benton ,the local _, _ his wallet _ taking his _ to the post office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found _ one of the vi

10、llagers ,but it was not _ to him. Three months _, and then one morning ,Sam found his wallet outside his _ door . It had been _ in newspaper and it _ half the money he had lost ,together with a _ which said :“A thief ,yes , but only 50 per cent a thief!” Two _ later ,some more money was _ Sam _ anot

11、her note :“Only 25 per cent a thief now!” In time ,all Sams money was _ in this way. The last note said :“I am 100 per cent honest now !”,learnt,a large sum of,had been lost,butcher,had lost,while,savings,by,returned,passed,front,wrapped up,contained,note,months,sent to,with,paid back,1. The whole _

12、 soon _ that a large _ of money had been _. All the _ soon got to _ that a _ of money was missing. The whole village was excited by news. Ive just learned that she was ill. A large sum of money=large sums of money,很多的+ u.n.,a large sum of money a large amount of work a great deal of water,很多的+ c.n.,

13、a great many requests a large number of students,2、Sam Benton, the _ butcher, had _his wallet _taking his _ to the post office. Sam lost his wallet while _ _ taking the money he had _ for years to the post office. = Sam lost his wallet _ _ _ _ the post office. Youd better be careful while _ (drive).

14、 He listened to music while _(clean) the room.,3. Sam was _ that the wallet _ _ _ found _ one of the villagers, but it was not _ _ him. If we feel certain that someone is a thief, we say : “ He _ _ a thief.” If we feel certain that something was stolen by someone, we say : “ He _ _ _ it. Must + v Mu

15、st + have + p.p.,4、Three months _, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet _ his _door. 三种表示一段时间以后,另外一件事情发生的方式: Three months _ Three months had passed _ Sam found his wallet,5、It had been _ up _ newspaper and it _ _ the money he had lost, _with a note which _: A thief, yes, but only 50 _ _a thief

16、! half the money =half of the money Half (of) the apple was bad. It contained half _ the money _ he had lost,Together with : and; as well as He sent her some roses, together with a nice letter. 当主语后面有with,as well as, along with, together with等引导的短语时,谓语动词要与最前面的主语保持一致。 I with my son was there. My fath

17、er as well as his workmates has gone to Beijing.,6.Two months _, some _ money was _ to Sam with _ note: “ only 25 _ cent a thief now!” Another Another one, please. Other Are there any other books? The others We should help the others. Others In the room, some students are singing, and others are dan

18、cing.,7. _ time, all Sams money was paid _ in this _. The last note _: I am _ per cent honest now! In time: after some time has passes 迟早; 终于;过段时间 Ill tell you everything in time. In time youll forget him. pay back P204 in the way 以这种方式 You must pay attention to your spelling. In this way, you can i

19、mprove your written English in time.,phrases,1 整个村子(的人) 2 一大笔钱 3 当地屠户 4 确信 5 一定被找到了 6 某个村民 7 三个月过去了 8 大门外,包裹 一起 一半 的钱 两个月后 更多的钱 准时 用这样的方式,Grammar focus : passive voice 被动语态,Book II P204 exercises 将以下句子中用横线划出的动词改成被动语态,省略someone. Someone has prepared a meal for you. A meal has been prepared for you. S

20、omeone will translate the book into English. The book will be translated into English. Someone must send a telegram tohim. A telegram must be sent to him.,Someone had put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived. The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived. Someone gave the cat som

21、e milk to drink. The cat was given some milk to drink.,Exer book P91,将主动语态改为被动语态,用划线词语作为句子的开头。 Someone feeds the animals every day. The animals are fed every day. Someone speaks English here. English is spoken here. Someone made that car in Germany. That car was made in Germany. She said someone had

22、 stolen her bag. She said her bag had been stolen.,5、Someone has robbed the bank! The bank has been robbed! 6、Someone will repair it by tomorrow. It will be repaired by tomorrow. 7、You must do the job today. The job must be done today. 8、People are looking for the boy now. The boy is being looked fo

23、r now.,主动语态变被动语态应注意的问题 1.把主动语态变为被动语态时,应保留主动语态原来 的时态。如:She often cleans the house. The house is often cleaned by her. 2.有些动词可以有双宾语,在用于被动结构时, 通常变为主语的是间接宾语(sb.);,His mother gave him a present for his birthday,He was given a present by his mother for his birthday.,各种时态的被动情况: 一般现在时: 一般过去时: 现在进行时: 过去进行时:

24、现在完成时: 过去完成时: 一般将来时: 过去将来时: 情态动词变被动:,am / is / are done,was / were done,am / is / are being done,was / were being done,have / has been done,had been done,shall / will be done be going to be done,would/should +be+ done,情态动词+be+ done,1. I was given a book by him. (间宾作主),He gave me a book. (变被动),主语,谓语,

25、间宾,直宾,2. A book was given to me by him.,My mother bought me a birthday cake.,主语,谓语,间宾,直宾,1. I was bought a birthday cake by my mother.,2. A birthday cake was bought for me by my mother.,3)在使役动词have, make, let以及感官动词see, watch, notice,等变为被动结构时,要加to,They are made to work day and night.,带复合宾语的被动语态结构,()m

26、ake sb. do sth. sb. be made to do sth.,Mr Green made Jim do his homework at home.,Jim was made to do his homework by Mr Green at home.,watch let have hear see notice,We often hear them sing this song.,They are often heard to sing this song (by us).,This song is often heard (by us) to be sung (by the

27、m).,see sb. doing sth. sb. be seen doing sth.,I saw him playing football at that moment.,He was seen playing football at that moment.,hear / watch /.,4) 有些相当于及物动词的动词词组, 如“动词介词”,“动词副词”等, 也可以用于被动结构,但要把它们看作一个整体, 不能分开。其中的介词或副词也不能省略。,The meeting is to be put off till Friday,一、系动词 taste, smell, feel, soun

28、d, prove 等可用主动形式表达被动意义。如:,1这些花闻起来很香。 2那听起来很有道理。 3那食物尝起来很可口。,These flowers smell sweet.,That sounds very reasonable.,The food tastes delicious.,二、某些与 cant, wont 等连用的不及物动 词,如move, lock, shut, open 等可用主动 形式表达被动意义。如:,1盒子不能移动。 2门关不上。,The box cant move.,The door wont shut.,三、某些可用来表示主语内在品质或性能 的不及物动词,如 sell

29、, write, wash, clean, last(耐久), wear(耐穿), 等可用主动形式表 达被动意义. 如:,This kind of food sells well. 这种食物畅销。,This cloth washes well and lasts long. 这布料经洗、耐穿。,The floor doesnt clean easily. 这地板不容易弄干净。,五、形容词 worth 后面要用动名词的主 动形式表示被动意义。如:,1小说值得一读。 2事情值得做。,The novel is worth reading.,The thing is worth doing.,四、在动

30、词 require, need, want 等动词之 后,可用动名词的主动形式表示被动意义。,1树需要浇水。 2.电视机需要修理。,The trees need watering.,The TV needs mending.,六、动词不定式的主动形式表示被动意义:,不定式作定语与被修饰的名词或代词构成 动宾关系时,如:,我有许多事情要做。 他有几项任务要完成。,I have a lot of things to do.,He has several tasks to complete.,2. 在“系动词+形容词+不定式”结构中, 常见句型有:,n. +be + too + adj. + to

31、do The plane is too high to see. 2) n. +be + adj. + enough + to do The book is cheap enough for me to buy. 3) n. + be + adj. + to do The question is not easy to answer.,【Special Difficulties】,Steal and Rob steal (something from someone or somewhere) 偷(从某人或某处) steal (sth.) from (sb.) steal后跟(被偷)物 The

32、 man who stole my wallet took my address book as well. Someone has stolen my bag from me.,rob (someone of something )(a building,a blank,a house,etc.) 抢(某人的某物)(大楼、银行、房子等) rob (sb.) of (sth.) rob后跟人或地方 I lost my address book when that man robbed me of my bag. The police have caught the men who robbed

33、 the bank.,Pay back 偿还 Yesterday Sam borrowed some money from me and said that he would pay me back in a week. 报答;向报复(pay sb. back) Youve been very kind to me. How can I pay you back? Ill pay you back for what you did to me. 你对我这样,我一定会报仇的。 He embarrassed me at the party. Ill pay him back someday.,Ho

34、mework:,单词抄3 汉1 课文背诵& summary writing,1. The room needs _ every day. (clean) 2. When I lost my wallet, I never it to _.(return) 3.A piano concert_ here next Friday. 4. I didnt receive the letter. I think it _ in the post. 5. The PLA _ on August 1,1927. 6. He left home as a young man and _ since.(not

35、 see) 7. The thieves _ $50000 from the shopping mall.(steal),8. Our local bank _(rob) last week. 9. If you _abroad by your company, you will be paid a higher salary.(sent) 10. Japanese _ (learn) as the second language in China.,1. He returned the book to library_ time, so he was not fined. A. at B.

36、over C. in D. about 2. I was robbed _my wallet. A. for B. from C. of D. by,3. I cant decide _ to go and see Linda or not. A. whether B. if C.as D. so 4. The book is worth _A. to be read B. reading C. being read D. to read,5. The boy _ streets without pay in the old days. A/ was made to clean B. made clean C. made to clean D. was made clean 6. Well, at least I can face them all with a clear _/ A. consciousness B. conscientious C. conscience D. conscious,


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