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1、,Review,Translate the sentences: 1 我觉得我伤了后背。 I think I hurt my back. 2 试着站起来。 Try and stand up. 3 我觉得医生最好来看看你。 I think that the doctor had better see you. 4 医生说他尽快过来。 The doctor says that he will come at once.,Lesson 101-102,A card from Jimmy,UK,大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

2、 Northern Ireland,英国包括 英格兰England、 苏格兰Scotland 威尔士Wales 和北爱尔兰Northern Ireland四个部分,Scotland shepherd dog,postcard,Dear Mum I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel. Ill write to you soon I hope you are all. Love, Jimmy,1 Scotland sktlnd n.苏格兰(英国) 2 card k:d n.明信片 3 youth ju: n

3、.青年 4 hostel hstl n.招待所,旅馆 5 association susiein n.协会 6 soon su:n ad.不久 7 write rait v.写,F:新概念新概念一视频101.asf,1Card 卡片,明信片 ,纸牌 明信片 post card 身份证 ID card 名片 card 玩纸牌 play cards 信用卡 credit card 变形计: yard 院子 hard 努力 Mary 已经到了美国,昨天给我寄来了一张明信片。 Mary has arrived in American,she sent a post card to me yesterd

4、ay.,2 youth (1) 青年,年轻人(n) 单复数同行 这个城市的年轻人很有礼貌。 The youth of this city is polite. (2)青少年时期。 他在乡下度过了他的少年时光。 He spent his youth in the country. (3) 青春 她青春不再。 She lost her youth. 她青春依旧。 She spent her youth.,He lost his youth 他青春不在。,她青春依旧。 She kept her youth .,4 hostel 招待所,旅馆 Hotel 宾馆 student hostel 学生宿舍

5、青年旅社 the Youth Hostel 他说他住在青年旅社。 He says that he is staying at the Youth Hostel. 5. association 协会 美术协会 art association 我爸爸是艺术协会的会长。 My father is the president of art association.,Station , question, 6 soon 马上, 不久(adv)一般用于将来时。 他马上就要回来。 He will be back soon. as soon as. 一就 我一到就给你打电话。 I will call you

6、as soon as I get there. 越快越好。 The sooner, the better. 变形计: noon , moon, spoon,,7write: (v)鞋子 wrote, written 把你的名字和地址写在这里。 Write your name and adress here, please. write down 写下来,记下来。 你最好把你听到的写下来。 You had better write down what you heard. 变形计: white,Exercise asso_a _ y_ _ thho_t_l _oon W_it_ c_ _d 1.

7、I will tell him the news_ I see you . A and B but C soon D as soon as 2 He _ a letter to his mother last week. A writes B wrote C will write 3 The boys are playing the _ . A card B football C cards 4 Most of people often buy things with _. A ID card B post card C credit card,r,Jimmy,his family,Dear

8、Mum I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel. Ill write to you soon I hope you are all well. Love, Jimmy,youth hostel,Read Jimmys card to me please,Penny.,He says hes just arrived in Scotland. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. He says hell write a letter soon. He says he

9、 hopes we are all well.,宾语从句,granny,Penny,I have just arrived in Scotland. He says hes just arrived in Scotland. Im staying at a Youth Hostel. He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. Ill write to you soon . He says hell write a letter soon. I hope you are all. He says he hopes we are all well.,一是使用引号

10、引出人家的原话,叫做直接引语; 一是用自己的话把人家的话转述出来,叫做间接引语。,tired,He says that he is/feels tired.,cold,ill,thirsty,They say that they are thirsty,What does he say?,Whats the matter with them?,an earache,a headache,a toothache,a cold,Whats the matter with him/them? He says that he has a cold.,a haricut,an X- ray,a lice

11、nce,some money,What does he want/need? He says that he needs a haircut,1 read sth to sb. 把 读给某人 请给我读这份报纸。 Read the newspaper to me please. 2 “ I have just arrived in Scotland and I am staying at a Youth hostel. arrive in + 大地方 arrive at+小地方 转述: He says he has just arrived in Scotland and he is stayi

12、ng at a Youth Hostel. 2 He is a member of Y.H.A. 所有格,5 I will write a letter soon. He says he will write a letter soon . 6 I hope you are all well. He says (that) he hopes we are all well. 7 Speak up. 大声说。 Whats up? 什么事?,8、He doesnt say very much, does he? 反意疑问句: 定义:表示提问人的看法,但没有把握,需要对方的证实。 结构:陈述句+简短

13、疑问句。前肯后否,前否后肯。 两部分的人称和时态要保持一致。 You are Jimmy, arent you? They wont leave, will they? 回答时要根据事实,Yes/No也要与后面一致: No, he doesnt. 是,他没写多少。 Yes, he does. 不,他写了很多。 -,Exercise: 1 She has been to ShangHai , _. 2 Mary read a book last night,_. 3 You cant hear the movie,_. 4 The children like P.E class,_. 5 The

14、y are upstars, _. 6 I am an engineer. He says_ _ 7 “ I want to be a doctor. “ He says _,Lesson101 A card from Jimmy Grandmother: Read Jimmys card to me please, Mary. Mary: “I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.” Grandmother: Eh? Mary: He says hes just arrived in Scotland.

15、 He says hes staying at a Youth Hostel. You know hes a member of the Y.H.A. Grandmother: The what? Mary: The Y.H.A., mother. The Youth Hostels Association. Grandmother: What else does he say? Mary: “Ill write a letter soon. I hope you are all well.” Grandmother: What? Speak up, Mary. Im afraid I cant hear you. Mary: He says hell write a letter soon. He hopes we are all well. “ Love, Jimmy.” Grandmother: Is that all? He doesnt say very much, does he? Mary: He cant write very much on a card, mother.,


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