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1、Lesson71 Hesawful!,Review L69-70,Words and expressions,year,j; j,school year,res,race,the car race,tan,town,near our town,krad,crowd,in the crowd,stand,stnd,stand up,ksat,exciting,very exciting,dst,just,just so so,fn,finish,finish up,winner,wn,The Winner,bhand,behind,just behind,we,way,on the way,Se

2、ntence pattern,1、在我们镇子附近每年都有一场汽车比赛。,2、许许多多人都去了赛场。,3、其他5辆汽车跟在他后面。,4、你可以在人群中看到我们.,5、在回家的途中。,Thereisacarracenearourtown. +2,Therewerehundredsofpeoplethere. +3,Fiveothercarswerejustbehindhim. +2,Youcan seeusinthecrowd.+1,Onthewayhome. +1,Text,Thereisacarracenearourtowneveryyear. In1995,therewasaverybigr

3、ace.Therewerehundredsofpeoplethere.MywifeandI wereattherace.OurfriendsJulieandJackwerethere,too. Youcan seeusinthecrowd. Wearestandingontheleft. Thereweretwentycarsintherace.,TherewereEnglishcars,Frenchcares,Germancars.Italiancars.AmericancarsandJapanese cars.Itwasanexcitingfinish.ThewinnerwasBillyS

4、tewart.Hewasincarnumberfifteen. Fiveothercarswerejustbehindhim.Onthewayhome,mywifesaidtome, Dontdrivesoquickly!YourenotBillyStewart!,Lead-in,New words and expressions,awful,fl,awful truth,telfn,telephone,mobile telephone,tam,time,many times,ns,answer,answer the telephone,last,lst,at last,fn,phone,ph

5、one number,n,again,never again,se,say,say what,Listening&Comprehension,Q&A,How didPaulineanswerthe Telephone atnineoclock?,Q&A,1、Who telephoned Pauline?,2.How many times did Ron telephone Pauline?,3、Didhetelephoneagain?,RonMarston phoned Pauline. +2,Seven times. +1,No,hedidnt! +2,Retell the text,Tex

6、t analysis & Grammar points,1、概念: 过去时间发生的动作 或存在的状态。,语法回顾(一),一般过去时(I),be 的过去式是was 和were, was 用于第一人称和第三人称单数, were用于其他人称.,如:We were there at four oclock.(P140) Were you at the butchers.(P133) I was at home on Saturday.(P136),语法回顾(一),本课重点语法 do句型,1.一般在动词后直接加-ed) answer-answered wait-waited 2.以不发音的e结尾的动词直

7、接加_d telephone-telephoned arrive-arrived 3.以辅音加y结尾的,把y改为i,再加ed empty-emptied,一般过去时的练习,air- clean- open- sharpen-turn on- Listen- boil- arrive- play- stay- shave- climb- call- telephone- empty-,一般现在时改写句子,1. She walks to school every day.,否定句:,She doesnt walk to school every day.,一般疑问:,Does she walk t

8、o school every day?,画线部分提问:,Where does she walk every day?,一般现在时注意事项:1.确定动词 2. 注意人称 3. 找时间,助动词do does 的过去式 did (特殊变化),如何将它改为过去时?,一般过去时do句型变化,变否定句,I arrived home last night.,did,arrive,not,I did not arrive home last night.,I didnt arrive home last night.,句型变化,变一般疑问句,I arrived home last night.,did,arr

9、ive,Did you arrive home last night?,Yes, I did. No, I didnt.,Grammar,一般过去时 要跟表示过去的时间状语连用 今天 today 昨天 yesterday 前天 the day before yesterday five years ago ten minutes ago,现在进行时变一般过去时,She is airing the room now. She aired it yesterday. 1. It is raining now. It yesterday. 2. It is snowing now. It yeste

10、rday. 3. He is boiling some eggs. He some yesterday. 4. We are enjoying our lunch. We it yesterday, too.,rained,snowed,boiled,enjoyed,she/air the room/ yesterday Did she air the room yesterday? She aired the room yesterday.,1. they/clean their shoes/ yesterday Did they clean their shoes yesterday? S

11、he cleaned their shoes yesterday.,疑问句:,陈述句:,疑问句:,陈述句:,Practice,1、I played a game yesterday. 2、She arrived in Beijing last evening. 3、Jack called Amy the day before yesterday. 4、My mother emptied the bin last morning.,变否定& 一般疑问句,What did she/he/they do? 1、they/ cleaned their shoes/ yesterday 2、he/ op

12、ened the box/ last night 3、they/ sharpened their pencils/ this evening 4、she/ listened to the radio/ last night 5、they/ played a game/ yesterday afternoon,真题演练,II.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Where _ you _ (go) last weekend? 2. I _ (not type) this letter for him yesterday. 3. He telephoned again, but I _ (not answer) the phone. 4. What time _ your sister usually _(get) up? 5. They called me four _ (time) yesterday.,did,go,didnt type,didnt answer,does,get,times,


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