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1、Lesson 7 Too late,Its too late!,Who is he?,He is a detective.,侦探小说家:阿瑟柯南道尔: Arthur Conan Doyle detective stories :摩尔摩斯探案全集,Sherlock Holmes,Detective (n.),detective(adj) detective methods detective story,Detect 发觉 ;觉察 detection 侦查 detector 发现者;发觉者,airport,air 空气 Port harbor(同义词) 机场;航空站 港口 避风港;避难场所 Po

2、rt of Lianyungang Port of Shanghai,expect 1.期望,期待,指望 2.等待 n. expectedness adj. expectable adv. expectably,They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds.,I expect that you could come.,expect的用法 (1)expect sth/sb. expect a result/an answer/ an baby (2)expect sb to do sth Eg. I expect him to send me

3、 a message. (3)expect (that) I expect that you can do me a favor. -I expect so:我想会的,The cat is expecting a fish.,The students are expecting a bright future.,diamond,valuable n. something of value,adj.(贵重的)同义词: worthful/precious,Eg. The diamond is valuable. The diamond has great value.,+,Love =,The w

4、edding ring is very precious.,Precious,同义词: cherished , treasured , wanted (珍贵的(主观),precious characterized by feeling or showing fond affection for,valuable having great material or monetary value especially for use or exchange,Valuable diamond,Precious time,Parcel a parcel of 一包 同义词:package,There a

5、re two parcels.,steal (stole;stolen) .,Eg. The thief stole my cell phone. Eg.He stole my cell phone away,Police catches thieves,thief thieves,格言: Once a thief , always a thief. 江山易改,本性难移。,One thief will not rob another. 盗亦有道。,What is the main item of the picture ?,Music.,main the most important,What

6、 is the main item of the picture ?,You are a main role in my life.,So ,what is your main task now?,Study?,For me ,the main task now is play well,airfield air+field 停机坪,while others were waiting on the airfield.,airfield,guard Eg. My uncle is an guard. Keep guard,They are keeping guard at door.,Our l

7、ovely door guard.,stone,sand,复习单词,Try my best! I can do it!,airport,detective,expect,valuable,parcel,diamond,steal,main,airfield,guard,precious,stone,sand,quick response,precious,precious,valuable,valuable,expect,expect,main,main,steal,steal,airport,airport,stone,stone,diamond,diamond,detective,dete

8、ctive,sand,sand,guard,guard,Did the detectives save the diamonds? No!,1.How long were detectives waiting at the air port? All morning . 2.What were they expecting from south Africa? A parcel valuable of diamonds. 3.Where did the two men take the parcel after the arrival of the plane? Customs House .

9、 4.How many detectives opened it? Two.,Excellent! Keep on going !,The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning . 讲故事(故事中常常用到“过去进行时“): 一个男孩在火车站等待了近一个小时。 A boy was waiting at the railway station for nearly an hour.,They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from Sou

10、th Africa. 他在期待从英国来的女朋友,Maggie. He was expecting his girlfriend, Maggie, from England.,South Africa南非(国家),在这里expecting=waiting for,老外喜欢用不同的词,而中国人喜欢用并列,A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. 二十四小时前,女孩告诉男孩说她将要来上海了。 24 hours earlier, the girl had

11、told the boy that she would come to Shanghai. 故事背景是“过去时”,所以“将要”(will)也用上过去时(would); 故事背景是“过去时”,“告诉”(tell)发生在过去的过去(had told)。过去完成时本课不做重点。,thief小偷;thieves复数形式 steal偷;was stolen被动形式,When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the air

12、field. 她的一个男朋友等在主楼外,另一个男朋友等在站台(platform)上。 One of her boyfriends were waiting outside the main building while the other were waiting on the platform.,Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.,take off常用的三个意思: 1)(上文) 拿出来 2)He took off his clothes and got into the ba

13、th. 脱掉 3)The plane took off at 8:30 a.m. 起飞,While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. 当Jason还站在雨中的时候,Bruce正在把Maggie带走。 While Jason was standing in the rain, Bruce was taking Maggie away.,security guard保安, prison guard看守, bodyguard保镖,To their surprise, the pre

14、cious parcel was full of stones and sand!,常用To ones surprise作为句子开头,Check yourself,The plane was late and _were waiting at the _all morning . They were expecting a _ _of _from South Africa. A few hours earlier , someone had told the police that _would try to _the diamonds . When the plane arrived , s

15、ome of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.,detectives,airport,valuable parcel,diamonds,thieves,steal,Two men _the parcel_ theplane and carried it into the Custom House . While two detectives were _ _at the door , two others opened the parce

16、l . _ _ _ , the _parcel _ _ _stones and sand!,took,off,keeping guard,To their surprise,precious,was full of,来小结一下“A做某事的同时B在做另一件事”: was doing + while + was doing While was doing, did/ was doing.,Key structures 1.When I was watering the garden, it began to rain. 2.While we were having a party, the lig

17、ht went out . 3.As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.,Key structures 1.When I was watering the garden, it began to rain. 2.While we were having a party, the light went out . 3.As I was getting on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.,有点像现在进行时!,1.I was having breakfast when the tele

18、phone rang. 2.George was reading while his wife was listening to the radio.,观察:when和while的区别,When 和 while 的区别?,when 后面跟的词表示时间较短 while 一般后面跟延续长时间的词,让我仔细想想!,当某人做的时候,发生了。 1.When /while sb was doing sth, sth happened. 2.Sb was doing sth when / while /as sth happened. (持续性动词用过去进行时) 当某人正的时候,某人也在.。 3.Sb wa

19、s doing sth while sb was doing sth.,When the girl played with the dog , it was raining,说的是过去某一时间发生的事情吗?,更准确的说,应该是过去某一时间正在进行的动作或状态!,我们把这样的时态称为过去进行时!,过去进行时(past continue tense) 表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作或状态。 was /were + V-ing 常与表示过去的时间状语连用,小组讨论,与现在进行时的区别?,与一般过去时的区别?,大家一起说:,As my father was leaving the h

20、ouse , the postman arrived. Tom was working in the garden while I was sitting in the sun .,小组讨论:,While he was reading the letter, he heard a knock at the door. She dropped the tray when I was speaking to her.,个人回答,5.As I (walk) down the street, I (meet ) Charlie 6.While my mother (prepare)lunch, Janet (set) the table .,个人回答,5.As I was walking (walk) down the street, I met (meet ) Charlie 6.While my mother was preparing (prepare)lunch, Janet set (set) the table .,Class is over !,


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