新概念英语第二册 Lesson 16.ppt

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1、2021/2/14,Lesson 16 A polite request,2021/2/14,Discussion,1. Have you ever noticed the traffic signs in streets? 2. Can you guess the meanings of the signs below?,2021/2/14,Traffic lights and street signs,2021/2/14,Stop and wait. No honking. You mustnt turn right. Your speed mustnt over 90 km/h.,202

2、1/2/14,No parking. No passing. Body limit of height is under 3.5metres.,2021/2/14,What will happen if you ignore these signs?,New words and expressions,park / p:k / v.停放(汽车) traffic / trfk n.交通 ticket / tkt / n.交通违规罚款单 note / tkt / n.便条 area / eri/ n.地段 sign / san / n.指示牌 reminder / rmand/ n.提示 fail

3、 / fel/ v.无视,忘记 obey / ube / v.服从,2021/2/14,park,2021/2/14,New words and expressions,park / p:k / v.停放(汽车),1) n.公园,the Central Park,中央公园,2) v.停放;停放车辆,park oneself,sit down,你不能把车停在这条街上。,You cant park in this street.,2021/2/14,traffic n. 交通,traffic police,traffic lights,traffic jam,2021/2/14,traffic /

4、 trfk / n.交通,heavy traffic,往来车辆很多,light traffic,往来车辆不多,交通事故,a traffic accident,ticket / tkt / n.交通违规罚款单,1)n.票(机票、车票、电影票等),你想要张单程票还是双程票? Do you want a single or a return ticket?,2021/2/14,2) n.罚款单,get a parking ticket,违章停车罚款单,a speeding ticket,超速驾驶罚款单,2021/2/14,note-book,笔记本,记事本,leave sb a note,给.留个便

5、条,note paper,便条纸,paper money,学生们在教室中忙着做笔记。,Students are busy taking notes in class.,2) n.短信,便条,3) n.纸币,note / tkt / n.便条,1)n.笔记,摘记,做笔记,make note,take note,2021/2/14,area / eri/ n.地段,a desert area,沙漠地带,bussiness area,商业地区,sign / san / n.指示牌,1)n.记号,符号,+ -,2)n.牌子,指示牌,shop sign,商店招牌,street signs,街道指示牌,2

6、021/2/14,3)n.手势,sign language,手势语,手语,4)v.签名,Sign your name here, please.,请在这签名。,2021/2/14,reminder / rmand/ n.提示,给某人客气的提醒去付账单,reminder,n.提醒,Give sb a gentle reminder to pay the bill,2021/2/14,remind sb to do sth,提醒某人做某事,Its my dream that reminds me to get up, but not the alarm-clock.,每天叫醒我的不是闹钟,而是梦想

7、。,remind sb of sth,1)提醒某人做某事 2)令人回想起某事,remind v.提示,老照片让我想起了童年。,An older photo reminded me of my childhood.,2021/2/14,fail / fel/ v.无视,忘记,1)v.失败,succeed,fail in sth,在失败,fail to do sth,不能,没有做到,她没有找到工作。,She fails to find a job.,She fails in finding a job.,2)v.不及格 fail the exams,2021/2/14,obey / ube / v

8、.服从,Soldiers are trained to obey without questions.,士兵被训练成绝对服从命令。,obey rules,服从规则,服从命令,obey order,obedience n. obedient adj.,2021/2/14,1.Youd better obey the boss of your company. 2.If you dont study hard, you will fail the exam. 3.When I got home, I saw a note on my desk from my mother. 4.There is

9、always too much traffic on the roads in Beijing. 5.He lives in the area where there are a few parks. 6. Helen gave me a reminder to tell me that is was my turn to clean the floor.,Word check,2021/2/14,Text,If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be ve

10、ry lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: sir, we welcome you to out city. This is a “No Parking” area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to ou

11、r street signs. This note is only a reminder. If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!,2021/2/14,Allow vs Let,allow sb. to do sth. (较为正式) sb. is allowed to do sth. let sb. do sth. (通常不用于被动语态) 我们不允许大家在教室里吸烟。 We dont allow people to smoke in the classroom. 我会让你用我的字典的。 I will let

12、 you use my dictionary.,Grammarif引导的条件句,If “如果, 假如” 它引导的句子表示某事发生所需的条件,即“在条件下,某事才能发生”,在句子中充当状语,因此称之为条件状语从句.,条件句中,将来时用现在是表示,即:主将从现,条件状语从句 主句 If一般现在时 主语+will/shall/can +动原 If he comes, he will take us to the zoo. If you study hard, you can pass the exam.,2021/2/14,If you are happy, what will you do?,If

13、 I am happy, I will smile.,2021/2/14,If you are sad, what will you do?,If I am sad, I will cry.,2021/2/14,你要是不抓紧时间的话,你会错过火车。,You will miss the train if you dont hurry.,如果他在工作的话,我就不打扰了。,If he is working, I wont disturb him.,如果我有足够的钱,我就去环游世界,If I have enough money, I will travel around the world.,2021

14、/2/14,有时主句主语可以省略;(祈使句),要是你犯了错误的话改正它。,If you make a mistake, correct it.,要是你不喜欢这食物的话,就不要吃了。,If you dont like the food, dont eat it.,2021/2/14,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,1.Im sure if he _(go) to the party, he_ (have) a great time. 2.If the rain _(stop) tonight, we will go to the cinema. 3.Ill buy a computer if I

15、_(have) enough money. 4.You _(not get) nervous if you _(do ) enough exercise. 5.If she _ (be) kind to me , I _(not argue) with her. 6.I want to know if he _(come) tomorrow, if he _(come), I _(give) the massage to him. 7.If you _(pay) more attention to that, he _ (not get) injured.,goes,will have,sto

16、ps,have,wont get,do,is,wont argue,comes,will come,will give,pay,wont get,2021/2/14,Dear Jenny,Thanks for inviting me to the party. Of course ,present, you are happy. I hope it wont rain that day. ,Because if it wont rain, my little son will come, too. ,If he comes, you arent disappointed, he is real

17、ly funny.,OK, see you on the party.,Yours,will be,doesnt,give,wont be,Ill go to the party. And I think if I will give you a ,Rose,阅读下面短文把文中出现的语法错误改正过来。,Exercise A,1. If it _(rain) , I shall take an umbrella with me. 2. If he _(be) here before 10 oclock, I shall see him. 3. If he plays well, he _ (ge

18、t) into the team. 4. You will never _ (pass) this test if you dont work hard.,rains,is,will get,pass,Exercise B,A mother received a letter from her eight-year-old daughter. Here is part of it: If I _ (listen) to the radio, dont tell me to do my homework. If I _ (do) something wrong, _ (shout) at me.

19、 If the house _ (be) untidy, _ (not blame) me. If you _ (want) me to do something,am listening,do,dont shout,is,dont blame,want,_ (not forget) to say “please”. If I _ (play) a nice game, _ (not send) me to bed. If I _ (ask) for something, dont always say “No!” If it _ (be) cold, _ (not put) the cat

20、out. Dont say “dont” so often!,dont forget,am playing,dont send,is,ask,dont put,Language Points,1. If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.,if引导的条件句,wrong,adj. 不合适的,错误的,right,在合适的时间做不合适的事。,Do the wrong things in the right time.,traffic policeman,交警,2021/2/14,Wi

21、thout water, fish cannot live.,没有水,鱼儿不能生存。,3. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a No Parking area.,on my car,指车的外面,in the car,welcome you to our city,欢迎某人来某地,北京欢迎你.,Welcome you to Beijing.,4. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay att

22、ention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder.,You will enjoy your stay here.,Youll have a good time here.,Please pay attention to the blackboard.,pay attention to,注意,请注意黑板。,care,v.在乎,2021/2/14,我不在意别人的关注。,I dont care the attention of others.,take care of,look after,照顾,照料,Please take care

23、of/look after the children for me when I am out.,当我在外的时候,请帮我照料小孩子。,reminder,n.提醒,remind,v.提醒,2021/2/14,remind sb. of sth.,remind sb. to do sth.,我提醒他去把我的信件寄了。,I reminded him to post my letter.,remember,v. 记起, 记得,remember to do sth.,remember doing sth.,I remembered sending the letter.,Remember to send the letter.,4. If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!,cannot fail to do sth.,一定能做某事,cannot fail to obey it,= you are certain to obey it,


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