新模式英语Unit3 Lesson1 What is for lunch.ppt

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《新模式英语Unit3 Lesson1 What is for lunch.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新模式英语Unit3 Lesson1 What is for lunch.ppt(12页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 3 Food,GOALS, Identify common meals and foods, Interpret food advertisements, Express needs, Compare prices, Place orders,My favorite meal is dinner.,favorite 特别喜爱的,meal 一顿饭 一餐饭,meals,breakfast 早餐,lunch 午餐,dinner晚餐,热身与回顾,时间的表示方法,I have breakfast at 7:00. I eat breakfast at 7:00.,Li Ming has bre

2、akfast from 6:40 to 7:00 Li Ming eats breakfast from 6:40 to 7:00.,新课导入,What do you like for lunch(breakfast、dinner)? 你午餐(早餐、晚餐)喜欢吃什么?,Today we will identify common meals and foods.,LESSON 1 Whats for you lunch?,新课内容,New words,toast 烤面包片 hamburger 汉堡包 pizza 皮萨饼 pasta 意大利面 salad 蔬菜沙拉 chips 薯片 french

3、fries炸薯条 fried chicken炸鸡,roast beef烤牛排 roll卷 sandwich三明治 soup汤 spaghetti(意大利式)实心面条 taco炸玉米卷,讲授A,toast烤面包片,hamburger 汉堡包,pizza 披萨,pasta 意大利面,salad 蔬菜沙拉,chips 薯片,french fries炸薯条,fried chicken炸鸡,roast beef烤牛排,sandwich三明治,soup汤,Spaghetti实心面条,taco炸玉米卷,toast烤面包片,pizza 披萨,pasta 意大利面,hamburger 汉堡包,salad 蔬菜沙

4、拉,chips 薯片,french fries炸薯条,fried chicken炸鸡,roast beef烤牛排,sandwich三明治,soup汤,Spaghetti 实心面条,taco炸玉米卷,练习(A),1)What does Dave do?,2)What does he like to do?,3)When does he eat dinner?,He is an English teacher.,He likes to eat.,Around six o clock。,Questions:,A.Read about Dave,讲授(B),B.Look at the picture

5、above.Write the foods you see in the chart.,Hello,my name is Dave.I am a teacher at Alexander Adult School.I eat lunch here.They have a cafeteria.I teach all day so I can eat here for all three meals.For breakfast before class,I eat eggs,cereal,and toast.For lunch after my first class,I eat a hambur

6、ger and french fries.Sometimes, I eat a sandwich for lunch instead of a hamburger.For dinner, I either have spaghetti,roast beef,or fried chicken.Spaghetti is my favorite.,D.What do you think Dave eats for breakfast,lunch,and dinner? Complete the diagram with the foods from the box.,听力练习,MEALS,Breakfast,cereal,toast,eggs,Lunch,Dinner,a hamburger,a sandwich,french fries,spaghetti,roast beef,fried chicken,


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