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1、,M7U4 Project Preventing traffic accidents,1. Number: 500,000 per year 2. Deaths: 100,000 per year =one death every 5 minutes =one injury every minute,Guess what it is,Video watching,How do you feel about it?,Fast reading Skim the whole passage and decide whether the following statements are True or

2、 False.,1. The number of road accidents is on the increase in recent years. 2. In the authors opinion, drivers are to blame for most of the traffic accidents. 3. Bicycles are completely not allowed on the pavement.,Careful reading,Scan Part1 &4 (paras1,2 &5) and fill in the blanks,arising,aimed,pede

3、strians,responsibility,prevent,The injuries and deaths 1._ from the accidents have increased over the past years .The police release the notice 2._ at promoting peoples awareness of the problem . Drivers of vehicles as well as cyclists and 3._ must be aware of the potential causes of traffic acciden

4、ts. Every one of us should have a 4._ to 5._ /_road accidents by paying attention to road safety.,avoid,As a driver, you should pay attention to the _ _ not be_ /_ in a traffic jam when caught in a traffic jam not speak on a mobile phone, or you will be be _for your behavior. not drive after _ alcoh

5、olic drinks . If so , you are _ the law. pay attention to your _.,surrounding traffic,annoyed,1,2,3,4,5,Scan Part 2 and fill in the blanks,fined,consuming,aggressive,violating,speed,Scan part 3 and fill in the blanks,There are many causes of accidents 1._to cyclists and pedestrians. First of all, cy

6、clists often fail to keep a safe 2._from cars. They even make the 3._that traffic laws do not 4._ to them. Worse still ,they sometimes ride bicycles on the 5._, which can be dangerous for pedestrians. On top of that ,another 6._to accidents is overloading the bikes. Besides, bicycles without lights

7、or in need of 7._ are easily leading to accidents. So , check the bicycles regularly and keep the bicycles in good 8._. More importantly , Pedestrians should always cross the road on a 9._, looking both ways and listening for cars .Last but not least , every one should never 10._ traffic lights .,re

8、lated,distance,assumption,apply,pavement,invitation,repair,condition,crossing,ignore,responsible,drivers,cyclists and pedestrians,Consolidation 1 Fill in the blanks according to the passage (no more than 3 words),aim/purpose,causes,Conclusion/ Summary,involving,aware of,ways,paying attention to,cons

9、olidation 2,Answer the questions according to the passage. 1. What is the purpose of the notice? (no more than 9 words) 2. How can we avoid road accidents? (no more than 7 words) 3.What information has the passage given to you? (no more than 15 words),1. What is the purpose of the notice? (no more t

10、han 9 words),To increase peoples awareness of the traffic problem.,2. How can we avoid road accidents? (no more than 7 words),By paying attention to road safety.,3.What information has the passage given to you? (no more than 15 words),The causes of the traffic accidents and how to be safe on the road.,Further thinking,What enlightenments(启发) have you got from this period?,C_ our lives , observe the traffic rules.,herish,No rules ,no s_.,tandards,Homework:,Preview language points Finish exercises on your reference book,


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