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1、PEP六年级上册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1:How do you go there? 经,乘_ 脚_ 自行车 _公共汽车_火车_ 怎样_上学 _ 交通 _交通灯_ 交通规则 _ 停,停车站_ 等待 _ 到达_1、 How do you go to school, Sarah? _2、 Usually I go to school on foot. / Sometimes I go by bike. _3、How can I get to Zhongshan Park? _ You can go by the No. 15 bus. _Unit 2:Where Is the Science M

2、useum? 图书馆 _邮局 _医院 _电影院_书店 _在哪里,到哪里_ 请_ 与相邻_ 转弯_ 右边_左边_成直线地_然后_ 1、 Where is the cinema, please? _ Its next to the hospital._ 2、 Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. Its on the left._Unit 3: What Are You Going to Do? 下周_今天上午_ 今天下午_今天晚上_ 漫画书_ 明信片 _报纸_ 购买_1、What are you going to do on the weekend

3、?_Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend._2、 Where are you going this afternoon? _ Im going to the bookstore._3、 What are you going to buy?_ Im going to buy a comic book._4、 When are you going?_I am going at 3 oclock。_Unit 4: I Have a Pen Pal 爱好_ 骑自行车_ 跳水_ 拉小提琴_ 制作风筝_ 集邮_ 居住_ 教_ 去 _ 看_ 读,看_

4、1、 Whats your hobby? _ I like collecting stamps._ 2、 He likes collecting stamps, too._ 3、 Does she teach math? _ - Yes, she does._Does she teach English?_- No, she doesnt._She teaches math._Unit 5: What Does She Do? 歌唱家,歌手_作家 _男演员 _ 女演员 _画家 _ 电视台记者 _工程师 _会计_男警察 _销售员_清洁工 _在哪里,到哪里_工作_1、 What does your

5、 mother do? _She is a TV reporter._2、What does your father do? _He is an accountant._3、Where does she work? _ She works in a car company._4、How does she go to work? _ She goes to work by bus._Unit 6: The Story of Rain 雨_ 云 _太阳 _ 河,溪 _来自,从来 _种子_土壤 _ 苗,芽 _ 植物,种植_ 应该_ 然后_1、Where does the rain come from

6、? _- It comes from the clouds._2、Where does the cloud come from? _- It comes from the vapour._3、Where does the vapour come from?_ It comes from the water in the river._4、 How can the water become vapour?_ - The sun shines and the water becomes vapour._5. 、How do you do that?_6、 What should you do th

7、en?_PEP六年级下册四会单词及句子Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 更高的_更矮的_更强壮的_年龄更大的 _ 更年轻的 _更大的_ 更重的_ 更长的_ 更瘦的_ (体型)更小的_1. How tall are you ? Im 164 cm tall. _2. You are shorter than me ._3.You are 4 cm taller than me. _4. How heavy are you? Im 48 kg. _5.Im thinner than you, and shorter. _Unit 2 Whats the Matter, Mike?

8、发烧 _ 喉咙疼_ 感冒 _牙疼_头疼 _事情,麻烦_疼的_疼痛_ 鼻子_疲劳的,累的_兴奋的_生气的 _高兴的 _无聊的,烦人的_忧伤的,悲伤的_1. Whats the matter? _2.My throat is sore. My nose hurts. _3. How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy. _4. You look sad today. _Unit 3 Last Weekend 看_ 洗_打扫 _玩_ 看望 _上一个周末_去 _去公园_去游泳 _去钓鱼 _读 _去郊游_1.What did you do last weekend? _ 2.I played football. _3.Did you read books?_ Yes, I did. No, I didnt. _Unit 4 My Holiday 学汉语_ 唱歌和跳舞 _吃好吃的食物 _照相 _爬 _买礼物_ 划船 _看大象 go _去滑雪 _去滑冰 _怎么,如何 _到达_上一个的,仅余的,留在最后的_1. Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. _2.How did you go there?I went by train_2


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