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1、the most serious racial discrimination:,the Americans,against,the black people,2021/2/14,what,a,pity,The reason. why the Americans against the black people .,As a result of the overwhelming majority of blacks deprived of the color enjoy the same treatment as whites. This means that the U.S. governme

2、nt in the formulation of the policy, had on black culture, behavior, ethics, made completely negative, which will determine the U.S. governments policy of black people not out of racism. 多数黑人因肤色被剥夺了享有与白人同等待遇的权利。 就是说,美国政府在制定该项政策之前,就已对黑人的文化、行为、道德作了彻底否定,决定了美国政府的黑人政策无法摆脱种族主义的影响。,1.The existence of an in

3、stitutionalized racism,存在制度化的种族主义,The existence of racial discrimination is the natural product of its institutionalized racism.,2.discrimination policies laid the foundation,相关政策埋下歧视基础,否认黑人享有获得政府福利救助的权利,拒绝给予黑人基本的生存保障。实施有种族主义倾向的经济举措。在广大黑人最基本的福利待遇被大刀阔斧地砍除时,许多白人却得到了政府的额外津贴。,First of all, to deny black

4、s access to government welfare assistance to enjoy the right to deny black people the basic guarantee of survival. In the overwhelming majority of black people the most basic benefits to be cut down drastically, many whites have been additional government subsidy.,In the black slave period, Negroes

5、have no voting rights and citizenship,The United States Civil War, blacks were liberated but never really achieved until 1868 the United States citizenship,to amend the constitution, black to obtain citizenship.,Democrats and Republicans in elections surprisingly together,they from their own interes

6、ts, are directed at people of color, particularly blacks.,Politics voting rights and citizenship,Living conditions,The United States whites average annual household income of $50622,only $30940 of the Black family, white than black income higher than the 2 / 3 .,White poverty rate is 8.3%, while the

7、 black poverty rate is 2 to 3 times.,Living in lodge,in the southeast of America on the beach of Miami a homeless Negro put himself in a plastic bag to protect the raid of typhoon,No home,Education,In the United States, more than half of the minority men failing to graduate from high school 53% blac

8、k children in after completing high school stopped accepting education,American education in the field of the fact that there exists serious racial segregation,The white schools and non-white school condition is quite Poor black schools do not get enough funds for education, but did not complete the

9、 school equipment.,Social security,There are 19.6% black and white with no medical insurance, this ratio is only 11.3%.,Blacks in employment and work long-term discriminated against.Black unemployment rate is more than two times the white.,Almost every 3 Latinos are among 1 people without health ins

10、urance, much higher than the similar proportion of white. this is a homeless Negro lying in the street,No health insurance,It is more difficult to get a job for Negro than the white man,No job security,3, the performance of black discrimination in the provision of an excuse,黑人表现提供歧视口实,有一些黑人,特别是一些黑人妇

11、女,他们习惯依赖政府的救济生活,不思进取。,There are black people, in particular, a number of black women, who used to rely on government relief of life, nothing.,This person is shot by racist,High criminal rate,While poverty, lack of opportunity, the criminal justice system of racial discrimination , is the leading cau

12、se of black incarceration rate was much higher than that of the white cause.,Racial segregation and discrimination caused by hate crimes increased,In judicial practice, black and minority ethnic crime tends to be more whites than heavier penalty,drugs,In prison,Out of a bar, some white police are hi

13、tting a old Negro,4 black struggle is still very short history,黑人斗争的历史还很短,美国建国200年后,才出现了马丁路德金为黑人争取权利的运动。在这个运动中,有一位黑人领袖说:自由只能用子弹才能得到。因而,美国黑人要想获得真正的平等,还必须不断地进行顽强的抗争。,Of the United States 200 years after Martin Luther King, Jr. emerged as the fight for black rights movement. In this campaign, a black leader, said: freedom can only be a bullet. As a result, African-American to be truly equal, it must be constantly carried out tenacity of the resistance.,


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