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1、过去分词的用法,现在分词: 表示动作是主动的和正在进行 过去分词: 表示动作是被动的和完成,分词在句中可以作表语、定语、宾语补足语和状语。,1. 及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是被动关系,表示主语的状态,既表示被动,又表示完成。 (1) The cup is broken. 茶杯破了。 2. 不及物动词的过去分词作表语,与句子主语是主动关系,表示主语的状态,只表示动作的完成。 (2) He is retired. 他已退休。 3. 有些过去分词作表语时,构成的谓语很接近被动结构。 (3)The city is surrounded on three sides by mountains.

2、 这座城市三面环山。,过去分词作表语,【注意】过去分词作表语与被动语态的区别:过去分词作表语,主要是表示主语的状态,而被动语态则表示动作。 (1) The cup was broken by my little sister yesterday. 茶杯是昨天我小妹打碎的。(是被动语态,表示动作) (2) The library is now closed. 图书馆关门了。(过去分词作表语) 【注意】过去分词表示被动或完成, -ing 形式表示主动或进行。有些动词如 interest, bore, worry, surprise, frighten 等通常用其过去分词形式来修饰人,用 -ing

3、形式来修饰物。 (3) The book is interesting and Im interested in it. 这本书很有趣,我对它很感兴趣。,过去分词作定语 作定语用的过去分词相当于形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词。及物动词的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成;不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表完成。 1. 过去分词用作定语,如果是单个的,常置于其所修饰的名词之前。 We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况。 2. 过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后,其意义相当于

4、一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,多用于书面语中。 The concert given by their friends was a success.他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功。,3.过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号。 (1)The meeting, attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero. 他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,到会的有五千多人。,过去分词作状语 1. 过去分词作状语表示被动的和完成的动作。 (1) Written in a hurry, this article was not so g

5、ood! 因为写得匆忙,这篇文章不是很好。 【注意】written 为过去分词作状语,表示这篇文章是被写的,而且已经被写。 (2) Lost / Absorbed in deep thought, he didnt hear the sound.因为沉溺于思考之中,所以他没听到那个声音。,2. 过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为主句的主语,此时应注意人称一致。 (1) Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. 再给我一个小时,我也能解这道题。(given 为过去分词作状语,它的逻辑主语为主句主语 I ,即 I 被再给一个小时。) (2

6、) Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful to us. 从山顶看城市,城市显得更漂亮。(seen 为过去分词作状语,表“被看”,由语境可知,它的逻辑主语必须是城市,而不是“我们”,因为“我们”应主动看城市。),3. 过去分词作状语来源于状语从句。 (1) Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了。 (caught in a heavy rain 为过去分词短语作原因状语,它来源于原因状语从句 Because he was caught i

7、n a heavy rain.) (2)Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快。( grown in rich soil 为过去分词作条件状语,它来源于条件状语从句 If these seeds are grown in rich soil.,【注意】状语从句改成过去分词作状语时有时还可保留连词,有时为了强调时间概念,过去分词之前可用表示时间的连词,构成“连词过去分词”结构作状语,如when,while等。例如: When given a medical examination, you shoul

8、d keep calm. 当你做体格检查时要保持镇定。 4. 过去分词作状语的位置。过去分词可放在主句前作句首状语,后面有逗号与主句隔开;也可放在主句后面,前面有逗号与主句隔开。 He stood there silently, moved to tears. = Moved to tears, he stood there silently. 他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶。,表示时间,Seen from the top of the hill,our city looks surrounded in the fog When it is seen from the top of the

9、 hill,our city looks surrounded in the fog 从山顶上看,我们的城市看起来像被雾气笼罩了。 Once published,the dictionary will be very popular Once it is published,the dictionary will be very popular 一旦出版,这本词典将大受欢迎。,拓展:,有时为了强调时间概念,过去分词之前可用表示时间的连词,如when,while等。例如: When completed,this railway will link many industrial cities t

10、o a seaport 这条铁路建成后,将把许多工业城市和一个海港连接起来。 When told to go to the teachers office,the girl began to cry 当被告知去老师办公室时,这女孩开始哭起来。,表示原因: Tired out by hard work,he soon fell asleep Since he was tired out by hard work,he soon fell asleep 由于干重活疲劳至极,他很快就睡着了。,表示条件: Given more time,we would certainly have finished

11、 the job much better If we had been given more time,we would certainly have finished the job much better 要是我们有更多的时间,我们肯定会把工作完成得更好些。 Beaten by the opposite team,the players were not discouraged Though they were beaten by the opposite team,the players were not discouraged 虽然被对方打败,但队员们没有泄气。,表示伴随: The p

12、rofessor sat there,surrounded by a lot of students 教授坐在那里,许多学生围着他。 He came back,utterly exhausted 他回来时疲惫不堪。,过去分词作宾语补足语 (一)能够接过去分词作宾补的动词有以下三类: 1. 表示感觉或心理状态的动词。如:see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, feel, notice, think等。 (1) I heard the song sung in English. 我听到有人用英语唱过这首歌。(过去分词sung的动作显然先于谓语动

13、作heard;) (2)He found his hometown greatly changed. 他发现他的家乡变化很大。(过去分词changed的动作显然先于谓语动作found),2. 表示“致使”意义的动词。如:have, make, get, keep, leave等。 (1) Ill have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我要理发。 (2) He got his tooth pulled out yesterday. 他昨天把牙拔了。 (3) Dont leave those things undone. 要把那些事情做完。 【注意】过去分词所表示的动作一定和宾

14、语有逻辑上的动宾关系。,(二)使役动词have接过去分词作宾补有两种情况。 1. 过去分词所表示的动作由他人完成。 (1) He had his money stolen.他的钱给偷了。(被别人偷去了) 2. 过去分词所表示的动作由句中的主语所经历。如: (2) He had his leg broken.他的腿断了。 (自己的经历),“with 宾语过去分词”结构 “with 宾语过去分词”结构中,过去分词用作介词 with的宾语补足语。这一结构通常在句中作时间、方式、条件、原因等状语。例如: (1) The murderer was brought in, with his hands t

15、ied behind his back. 凶手被带进来了,他的双手被绑在背后。(表方式) (2) With water heated, we can see the steam. 水一被加热,我们就会看到水蒸气。(表条件) (3) With the matter settled, we all went home. 事情得到解决,我们都回家了。(表原因) (4)She stood in front of him, with her eyes fixed on his face. 她站在他面前,眼睛注视着他。 (5) He stood for an instant with his hand s

16、till raised. 他仍然举着手站了一会儿。,1 _ time ,he will make a first-class tennis player . A Having given B To give C Giving D Given 2 _in 1636 ,Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States . A Being founded B It was founded C Founded D Founding 3 Unless _to speak ,you should remain silen

17、t at the conference . A invited B inviting C being invited D having invited,D,C,A,4 _,but he still couldnt understand it . A He had been told many times B Having been told many times C Told many times D Although he had been told many times 5 When first _to the market , these products enjoyed great s

18、uccess . A introducing B introduced C introduce D being introduced,A,B,6 There seemed to be nothing _to do but _for the doctor . A leave / send B left / to send C left / send D leaving / send 7_everywhere , the wolves had no where _themselves . A Hunting / hiding B To hunt / to hide C Hunted / hidin

19、g D Hunted / to hide,C,D,作介词but ,expect ,besides 的宾语,前面又有实意动词 do时,不定式通常省去to,8 . The _ morning, the father came into the lonely house, _ by his naughty boy.,following, following B. followed, followed C. following, followed D. followed, following,9. Mrs. White was glad to see the nurse _ after her son

20、 and was pleased to see the boy well _ care of in the nursery.,looked; taken B. looking; taken C. looked; took D. looking; taking,C,B,10. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.,being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied,11. _ more attention, the trees could have grown be

21、tter.,Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given,D,A,1. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B. C., didnt include women until 1912. A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be playing,考点点拨,简析: 首先,根据语法分析可知,待选部分是一个作定语、修饰 The Olympic Games的后置分词短语;再根据 The Olympic Games 对于动词 play 来说只能是被动承受,且已完

22、成 (in 776 B. C.)。因此,该题应选C。,2. Whats the language _ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speak 简析: 该题应选B。测试过去分词作后置定语表达被动,等于定语从句 which is spoken。,3. Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited 简析: 该题应选A。测试过去分词作

23、后置定语表达被动, 等于定语从句who were invited。,4. The computer centre, _ last year, is very popular among the students in this school. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened 简析: 该题应选D。测试过去分词短语作定语放在所修饰的名词后,可以用非限制性定语从句“which was opened last year”代替。,5. The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign

24、 language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written 简析: 该题应选D。测试过去分词作后置定语表达被动,等于定语从句which were written。,例: The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back. A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 简析: 很显然,待选部分的逻辑主语是 his hands

25、,而不是句子的主语 The murderer,而 his hands 对于动词 tie来说,只能是被动承受。因此,该题应选D。,_many times, he still cant understant it. A.Having been told B Having told C.Told D.Telling,Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, _ as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known,高考链接,B,解析:答案B。此处考查过去

26、分词作后置定语,3M与know之间是被动关系,故用过去分词表示被动。,2. The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded,高考链接,A,解析:答案A。此处考查过去分词作后置定语,disc与record之间是被动关系,故用过去分词表示。,3. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ only to people wit

27、h specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known,高考链接,D,解析:答案D。know与words,expressions,phrases构成动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动。,4. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt,高考链接,B,解析:答案B。此处

28、为现在分词作定语,修饰flowers。smell为系动词,不能用于被动语态,相当于which/that smells sweet。,Practice,1.Did you attend the meeting _yesterday? to be held B. having been held C. held D. being held Do you know the name of the play_ in the hall now? to be put on B. being put on C. put on D. putting on I borrowed a book _ by Mark

29、 Twain from the library last week. I like it very much. written B. writing C. was written D. to write 4.Please dont forget him. He is one of _. those invited B. invited those C. those inviting D. inviting those,C,B,A,A,3. The teacher walked to lab, _. A. followed by his students B. his students foll

30、owed C. and followed by his students D. both A and B,4. When _ into the warm room, ice soon changes into water. A. heating and taking B. heated, and taking C. heating or taken D. heated or taken,5. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C.

31、 beginning D. begun,6. Mr. Smith, _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel. (03北京春)A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring,9. _ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (01全国夏)A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered,10

32、. Before _, the machine must be checked. A. being used B. using it C. being used to D. using 11. Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices. (02京皖春)A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying,12.TheEmperorsNewClothes,isan_text.Allofusare_init.A.exciting; exciting

33、B.excited; excited C.excited; exciting D.exciting; excited,13. Sheaskedifthereisanything_ fortonight. A.toplan B.planned C.thatplans D.planning,15. _ these pictures, I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in Beijing and _ from the top of a thirty-stored building, Beijing looks more magnifi

34、cent. A. Seeing; seen B. Seen; seeing C. Seeing; seeing D. Seen; seen,16. _ better attention, the vegetables could have grown better with the sun shining brightly in the sky and _ them light. A. Giving; given B. Given; given C. Giving; giving D. Given; giving,17. Unless _ to speak, you should remain

35、 silent at the conference. A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited 18. When _, the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed,20. I found a car _ in a pool by the side of the road. A. to be stuck B. stuck C. sticking D. stick,


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