高级英语写作Narrative Writing-ejm.ppt

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1、Narrative Writing,What is Narrative Writing?,A narrative is a story containing specific elements that work together to create interest for not only the author but also the reader. This type of writing makes the reader feel as if her or she were part of the story, as if it was being told directly to

2、him or her.,Elements of Narrative Writing,The who, what, where, when, why, and how outline that gives the narrative direction. What is the story about? Events unfold as they happen. The frame of the narrative.,PLOT,Plot Structure of Narrative Writing,Beginning: Enticing opening to capture readers in

3、terest. Setting revealed. Main characters introduced. Conflict presented.,Plot Structure of Narrative Writing,Middle Characters attempt to resolve conflicts or problems. Action progresses sequentially, step by step. Climax The turning point of the narrative. Reveals the process involved for solving

4、the conflicts.,Plot Structure of Narrative Writing,End Tells how the resolution of the conflicts have affected the characters. No new characters or plot ideas introduced. Theme or message understood by reader.,Elements of Narrative Writing,CHARACTERS,The people, animals, or inanimate objects who are

5、 affected by the actions of the plot or who are the cause of certain events. Characters, real or imaginative, should be brought to life through the narrative. If a character is not described well, the story will not be believable.,Elements of Narrative Writing,Where and when the narrative takes plac

6、e. Allows the readers to visualize the scenes and the characters in those scenes. Although the setting may be clear for the author, he/she must create a picture for the readers.,SETTING,Elements of Narrative Writing,The figurative language (similes, metaphors, etc.), sensory imagery, vivid verbs, st

7、rong sentences, dialogue, and point of view that makes each author unique. Every student has his/her own style and technique. Although we have the same topic, everyone will write differently.,STYLE,Elements of Narrative Writing,The problem that must be overcome or resolved so that the readers will n

8、ot be left hanging. Types of Conflict: Person versus Self Person versus Person Person versus Society Person versus Machine/Technology Person versus Nature,CONFLICT,Types of Conflict: Examples,Person versus Self: One month ago, Abby was assigned a book to read for a book report. Upon sitting at the c

9、omputer to work on it, Abby struggled with the decision to do the reading or to surf the web instead. She felt guilty, knowing she should do the work, but was really motivated by her desire to look up new information about her favorite rock band.,Types of Conflict: Examples,Person versus Person: Abb

10、y and her best friend Megan are working together on a group project. Abby did not do any work, leaving it all for Megan to do. When the girls get together to do the project, Megan finds out Abby did not do any work. She becomes angry, yells at Abby, and storms out of the room.,Types of Conflict: Exa

11、mples,Person versus Society: Abby needs to go to the library to begin working on her project. When she arrives, she finds out that juveniles under the age of eighteen cannot enter the library without a parent. Her mom is at work. Abby is mad about this thing, totally out of her control. She writes a

12、 letter to the library, expressing her disgust.,Types of Conflict: Examples,Person versus Machine/Technology Abby begins her report, finally! All of the sudden, there is a power surge and her computer crashes. She loses all of the information that she has been working on for four hours.,Types of Con

13、flict: Examples,Person versus Nature: Abby tries to remember exactly where she left her book for the report. She remembers that she was sitting on a bench outside of her house, so she returns to that spot. She finds it, however, it had rained the night before and the book is in shambles.,Elements of

14、 Narrative Writing,A theme is a message revealed in the story. It may be directly stated, like in a fable where the moral is told at the conclusion. It may be indirect, leaving the reader to decide the storys message. There can be more than one theme for a narrative.,THEME,Different Points of View,W

15、ho is telling the story? First Person point of view “I” as the narrator Good for personal accounts. Example: I will never forget the day that my hamster died,Different Points of View,Third Person point of view Limited “He,” “she,” “it,” “they” perspective Written as if the story is observed from out

16、side of the characters. Reader must guess the feelings of the characters by their actions and words. Example: He pounded his fist against the wall and screamed, “Let me out!”,Different Points of View,Third Person point of view Omniscient “He,” “she,” “it,” “they” perspective Narrator can write about

17、 the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. Example: “She called him a liar, though she knew he was telling the truth.”,5 W+H Questions Method,Answering the 5 W and H questions provides the basic info needed to begin a story. WHO will be in the narrative? WHERE will the narrative take place? W

18、HY will the characters do what they do? WHAT is the narrative about? WHEN will the events happen? HOW will the conflict be resolved?,Sensory Imagery,Using the five senses when writing a narrative helps the reader picture and feel what is going on. Describe what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell

19、 to make your reader become involved in the story.,Figurative Language,Figurative Language is the use of descriptive words that bring your reader into the story.,Figurative Language,SIMILES A simile is a comparison between two unlike things, using like or as. Examples: Her smile was so wide it looke

20、d like a piano keyboard. He was as sick as a dog.,Figurative Language,METAPHOR A metaphor directly compares two unlike things without using like or as. Example: The boy was a golden knight, protecting his little sister from the fire-breathing dragon that lives in the sandbox.,Figurative Language,PER

21、SONIFICATION Personification assigns human characteristics and traits to non-human objects. Example: The pencil fought furiously with the eraser, battling over question number three.,Figurative Language,HYPERBOLE Hyperbole is the use of gross exaggeration to describe something that could never happe

22、n in real life. Example: The teachers voice was so loud the astronauts orbiting Earth could hear her lecture.,Figurative Language,ALLITERATION Alliteration is the repetition of two or more sounds. Example: The witchs washed-out, withered lips whispered, “Watch what awaits you at the bewitching hour!” (Alliteration of the “W” sound),Figurative Language,ONOMATOPOEIA Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound. Example: The cow moos in the pasture. (Moo is the onomatopoeia.),Be sure to:* Revise Check for Content* Edit Check for Grammar, Usage, and Spelling,A Final Copy Should Be FLAWLESS!,


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