黄鹤楼 英文简介.ppt

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1、Yellow Crane Tower located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Yangtze River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi),It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent

2、outlook and its imposing architectural style.,The Legend of Yellow Crane Tower,Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance when

3、ever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins bu

4、ilt a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower.,First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years.Rebuilt in 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower Park occupies a hilly area and consists of towers, pavilions and corridors, forming an architecture complex and a garden complex of man-made and natu

5、ral scenery.,The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1985. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles an

6、d red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one.,It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of piping times of peace in peoples minds. Scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems and scores of writings in praise of the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower. The legend about the tower has become a bright pearl of the Chinese literature.,


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