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1、复习练习1.Lecture classes_(人数从20到200不等)although seminars are on the whole much smaller.2._(据估计中国拥有)69.4 billion tons of onshore oil reserves, but only 25 per cent of it has been verified.3.It usually takes much less time to fly from one country to another than _(坐火车旅行).4._(无论多复杂),all machines are combin

2、ations of simpler machines.5.The supervisors could have prevented this problem_(如果他们事先知道的话).6.The bank is reported in the local newspaper_(被抢劫了)in broad daylight yesterday.7.The invention of the steam engine_(为铺平道路)the development of industry. 8 John cannot afford to go to the university,_更不用说出国了。20

3、08年12月真题1 Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems_他们至今还没有答案。2 _大多数父母所关心的is providing the best education possible for their children.3 Youd better take a sweater with you _以防天气变冷。4 Through the project,many people have received training and _决定自己创业。5 The anti virus agent w

4、as not known _直到一名医生偶然发现了它。模拟练习题:1 The rise of salary_(意味着提高了购买力).1. _(他没有工作去做,也不必养家),he is free.2. The more fully the proposal is considered,_(似乎越感到提案的不妥).3. Had we known it in time,_(这场灾难就避免了).4. Once you have decided to do something,_(就应当把它做到底).5. _(由于市政府采取了有效措施),the rate of accident has decrease

5、d greatly.6. His devotion to her mother was _(无法用言语表达).7. Many experts point out that_(体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康).8. If it were to snow tomorrow,_(我们就不外出游玩了).9. The tower of London_(在里面曾有许多人丧命)is now a tourist attraction.10. The hotel went bankrupt_(由于经营不善).11. But for the storm,_(我们会到得更早一些).12. After the accid

6、ent she_(昏迷了两个小时).13. He declared that_(他不应该负责他太太欠的债).14. She_(对我们的警告充耳不闻)and got lost.15. They requested that_(我们派他们去那儿工作).16. He said that he was _(为错过那样好的机会 而高到非常遗憾).17. At least he overemphasized_(健康饮食对孩子的重要性).18. Teenagers who_(中途辍学)have trouble finding jobs in the future.19. Anyone who is blin

7、d to this point may_(付出巨大的代价).20. Its important that_(我们掌握一门外语).21. He is said to_(与这犯罪事件有关).22. _(考虑到问题的严重性),we must take effective measures.23. He did give mee some books,but_(不是白送的).24. Prices are going up rapidly.Petrol now is _(价格是几年前的两倍).25. Her special abilities_(使她能胜任这项工作).26. _(如果我那时拒绝了你的帮助

8、),I would have made a big mistake.27. The man has to_(因年迈而辞职).28. _(艾莉丝知道生了孩子才了解)how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.29. No invention has received_(象互联网受到如此多的赞扬和批评).30. The President_(拒绝回答关于)the rumors of his resignation.31. Mr.johnson made full preparatio

9、n for the experiment_(以便实验能顺利进行).32. I believed she meant something,but I _(没有理会).33. While traveling,they_(把孩子交给临时保姆看管).34. AT the beginning of the game_(我们队占上风).35. To our surprise,she_(镇定自若地回答这些令人为难的问题).36. If were you,I _(可不忍心把孩子们放在家里没人照看).37. Whether he comes or not is _(对她来说是无足轻重的).38. _(有些大一新

10、生打定主意)to pursue a masters degree after undergraduate studies.39. I would_(不会诉诸)a court of law if I hadnt been so desperate.40. The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou is_(我无法用言语来描述).41. Hes the boss.You_(没有资格对他那样讲话).42. It is no good waiting for the bus._(我们不妨走回家吧).43. He was disabled from birth,but

11、 he never felt frustrated,_(也从未屈服于任何困难).44. My father was looking through the evening paper_(突然惊讶地喊了一声).45. Youd better not put them in the same group,for_(他俩不合).46. But for the suns heat,_(地球将是一个冰冷的星球).47. Last week,Tom and his friends celebrated his twentieth birthday,_(尽情地唱歌跳舞).48. My sister always_(站在爸爸那一边)in my argument with him.49. John cannot afford to go to the university,_(更不用说出国了).50.51. 52. 53. (注:素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注!)54.55.56.


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