The age of exploration 大航海时代.ppt

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《The age of exploration 大航海时代.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The age of exploration 大航海时代.ppt(22页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、,The Age of Exploration,Class: Tourism English 4 Group: 1 Group members: 王雨萌 任莎莎 辛悦 刘锐 李欢,earlier explorers of the New World,Conditions at Sea,The legacy of the Puritans,Immigration before Columbus,Mayfllower and Thanksgiving,structure,Immigration before Columbus,1. Native American(Indians) 2. Early

2、 Europeans(Norse) 3. Economic Opportunities and Convicts(indentures servants契约佣工, convicts),The earlier explorers of the New World,Dias 迪亚士,Vasco da Gama 达伽马,Magellan,Columbus,in 1487, the Portugal explorer Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope (好望角) in Africa from Europe.,In 1492,the Italian explorer

3、Columbus attempted to reached the Asia and finally found the New World called America.,In 1497, the vasco da Gama (达伽马)went through the cape of Good Hope , finally arrived in the south of India.,Between1512 and 1522, Magellan finished the navigation of all over the world. In addition ,there were oth

4、er countries explorers during this time such as Champlain from France and John Capote represented the England .,Conditions at Sea,dangerous cilimate, (such as sea wave、sea ice、tsunami、storm surge(风暴潮)) Limited kinds of food The shortage of water supply. suffering from disease(scurvy坏血病) No advanced

5、transportation,The legacy of the Puritans,Definition Development Beliefs Impact,Definition,Puritans, the most reverent Protestants who had the most holy life .,Development,During the early 1600s, as a result of Reformation, the Catholic Church split apart and many new Christian organizations called

6、Protestants were formed. In England,a new protestant religion called Puritans evolved.The ruling Anglican church disapproved of Puritans beliefs and persecuted the Puritans. Though Puritans did gain control of England for a short time(Oliver Cromwell),many fled England and came to New World(America)

7、 to eacape religious persecution.,Beliefs,Original sin (原罪论) The only way to be saved was by the grace of God Predestination(宿命论) The Bible,the direct word of God, was seen as an infallible guide Man must follow the Bible exactly and live a holy life.,Impact,Creating a deeply religious, socially tig

8、ht-knit, and politically innovative culture Economically, fulfilling the expectations of its founders. Making great contributions to art,sculpture,drama,economy,science,technology,etc. Spreading their ideas and values throughout the land.,Mayflower,Time: September 1620 Point of departure: Plymouth (

9、a port on the southern coast of England) passengers: 102(Nearly 40 of these passengers were Protestant Separatists),The Mayflower Compact After two miserable months at sea, the ship finally reached the New World. Under these dubious(无把握的) circumstances, 41 of the Saints and Strangers drafted and sig

10、ned a document called the Mayflower Compact.,Influences,a.Creating a “civil Body Politick” governed by elected officials and “just and equal laws.” b.Swore allegiance to the English king. c.Becoming the footstone of the development of the American government.,Origin Hard circumstance made no food, c

11、lothes. The local Indians brought their food and clothes, taught them how to plant, hunt, feed turkey. In order to express the feeling of gratitude to God and return the local people s kindness, they held a three-day thanksgiving feast.,Thanksgiving,Food,Development George Washington proclaimed a Na

12、tional Day of Thanksgiving in 1789. Later, President Thomas Jefferson scoffed at the idea of having a day of Thanksgiving. In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a national day of Thanksgiving. And in 1941, Thanksgiving was finally sanctioned by Congress as a legal holiday, as the Fourth Thursday in November.,Thanks for Watching!,


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