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1、Unit1 Playing sports Topic1 Im going to play basketball.Section A一、话题导学:(学习目标)1.Learn some new words and phrases:during, against, team, win, cheer, cheeron, practice, row, quiet, join, skate, tennis2. Talk about plans and intentions and Learn the future tense with be going to: (1) What are you going

2、 to do?Im going to play basketball.(2) We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.(3) Are you going to join the school rowing team?Yes, I am./ No, Im not.3.Talk about preference.(1) Which sport do you prefer, swimming or rowing? I prefer rowing.(2) Which sport do you prefer

3、 , or?二、预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆1) during 2)win 3)practice 4)skate 5)quite _2、短语互译与记忆1) have a basketball game 2) cheeron 3)preferto 4)在暑假期间 5)练习做某事 3、句子理解与熟读1) I often saw you play basketball during the summer holidays.2)We are going to have a basketball game against Class Three on Sunday.3) Would you like t

4、o cheer us on?4)Which sport do you prefer, swimming or rowing?三、课堂导练:1、选词填空win, play, cheer, swim, practice1) What are you going to do?I_ basketball.2)Would you like to come and _ us on?3) Michael has to _ playing basketball every day.4) Which sport do you prefer, _ or rowing?5) I hope our team will

5、_.2. 单项选择( ) 1. Would you like to climb mountains with me this afternoon? Id love to. But I _ play table tennis between classes.A. am goingB. am going to C. am D. going to( ) 2. Mike prefers _ to _.A. to swim; skating B. swimming; skating C. to swim; skateD. swimming; skate( ) 3. Do you ski much? -Y

6、es, quite_ A. seldom. B. bit C. a lot D. lot( ) 4. _ do you prefer, walking or running?I like running better.A. What B. HowC. WhenD. Which( ) 5. Are you going to _ our English club?Yes, I am.A. joins B. joinC. joiningD. joined四、复习自测:完成对话:A: _ sport do you prefer, running or swimming?B: I _ swimming.

7、A: Do you _ much?B: Yes, quite a lot.A: Are you going to _the swimming club?B: _. 五、课文解读:(1) What are you going to do? 你要去干什么?Im going to play basketball. 我要去打篮球。be going to do 表示“打算/计划做某事。”(2) Which sport do you prefer, swimming or rowing? 游泳和划船,你更喜欢哪项运动? I prefer rowing.我更喜欢划船。 Prefer意为“更喜欢”,其后可接名词、动名词或动词不定式。如:1)Which do you prefer, apples or oranges? I prefer apples.2) I prefer skating to swimming. prefer doingto doing“和相比更喜欢”3) I prefer to live in the countryside.六、评价内容等级自评小组长评价预习情况ABCD课堂表现ABCD小组合作ABCD


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