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1、Unit 5 Book5 写作导学案一, 自主预习检测(词组)1. 实施急救2. 患上;遭遇3. 苏醒4. 人工呼吸5. 受伤6. 注意7. 止血8. 医疗护理9. 有影响;起(重要作用)10. 运用;应用二, 自主预习检测(句子)1. Dont rub the burned area, as this may break any blisters and _(伤口可能会感染)2. _3. .就是John的快速行动和急救知识挽救了Ms Slades的生命)4. It shows that a knowledge of first aid _起重要的作用5. _that we have made

2、 great development in the past years.(毫无疑问)三, 范文赏析(能熟练运用本单元词汇和倒装句)Students as we are , we should prepare for an emergency by learning something about first aid, which is urgently important in some accidents.For example, if someone suffers from a sprained ankle while doing sports, the best way to tre

3、at it is to put an ice pack or cold water on his ankle.Another case is that when treating a cut, we should take immediate action to clean the wound and stop the bleeding.Therefore, there is no doubt that knowing how to perform first aid is of great importance in our daily life, which sometimes means

4、 the difference between life and death.Only when we try our best to get the hang of more knowledge about first aid, and apply it to our life can we offer a helping hand when necessary. 四, 技巧点拨:本单元的写作项目是描绘急救内容或过程,在此类写作中要注意内容的条理性和对过渡词的合理使用。过渡词在文章中有着承上启下,连接上下文的作用。恰当地运动过渡词可使文章读起来有连贯,流畅之美。因此,掌握好过渡词是十分必要的

5、。描写急救时常以程序或时间先后为写作顺序。表程序先后的过渡词有:firstly, secondly, thirdly, last but not least表时间先后的过渡词有:then, later, in the meantime, at the same time, immediately, eventually, in the end 本单元还要求掌握如何表达某事物的重要性。1)Responsibility is essential to us.2)Protecting water is of great importance to the life in the future. Fi

6、rst and foremost, SecondlyOnly by protecting our valuable water resource, can we3)In my opinion, no lesson is more important than the one on personal safety.4) Hobbies and interests play an important role in ones growing.5) I think it is very important for parents to cultivate their childrens indepe

7、ndence. Firstly, Secondly,Finally,6) In my view, goal is crucial in guiding our lives. To begin with,Moreover, Finally,7) Honesty is of great significance in our life. 8) There ,creating a green campus is of great benefit to us. 总结表达重要性的句型1)._2)_3)_4_5_6_7_8)_五,经典例题基础写作下面简单介绍了当遇到车祸时应采用的急救方法及应急措施。请用英

8、语写一篇短文。在日常生活中, 学习一些急救知识, 对每个人来说都很重要。例如: 一个人发生了车祸, 在医生到来之前, 需要对他进行医疗护理, 做急救时, 应注意以下三点。 首先, 如果他停止了呼吸, 掰开他的嘴巴看看喉咙口有无食物。其次, 假如他不能呼吸, 就采取人工呼吸的方法, 尽快使他开始呼吸。第三, 如果他伤得很重, 应立即止血, 然后送往医院。如果他失去三分之一的血, 那么他有可能会死。写作要求:只能用五个句子表达全部内容评分标准:句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯(1) 例题导写:认真审题,把短文划分成五个句子;_注意在表达“做急救时应注意的三点”应正确使用表程序的过渡词。_(2)

9、合作探究句1信息点:(2) 急救知识_(3) 在日常生活中_ (3) 对某人来说某物很重要_句2信息点:(1) 发生了车祸_(2) 医疗护理_(3) 注意_(4) 做急救时, 应注意以下三点with three things_(用with的复合结构翻译)句3信息点:(1) 停止呼吸_句4信息点(1) 立刻_(2) 采取人工呼吸的方法_此句为三个句子,可考虑使用分词做状语,整合和一个句子。If _, do your best to _ using _句4信息点(1). 伤得很重_(2) 送往医院_句5信息点(1) 失去三分之一的血_(2) 考虑用分词做状语_, he may also _. 巩固反馈,连句成篇_读写任务 以一段文字(约50字)谈谈学习一些医学常识的重要性。_5


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