Unit7Howmucharethesesocks (3).doc

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1、城基中学2012-2013学年度第一学期初一级英语科测试卷Unit 7 How much are these socks? 命题人: 黄 冰 2012.12.08 Class_ Name _ No. _ Marks _一、单项选择 20分 ( B ) 1. - Can I help you? - _A. Thank youB. Yes, please. C. Youre welcome. D. Im sorry.( B ) 2. - Are these your trousers? - Yes, _.A. theyre B. they are C. these are D. therere(

2、B ) 3. We have _ breakfast _ morning. A. the; in B. /; in the C. the; in the D. /; in( C ) 4. She wants to buy a shirt _ her son.A. toB. onC. forD. in( B ) 5. - _ is the computer game? - Its 31.00.A. How many B. How much C. How about D. How big( A ) 6. Lets _and see her new skirt.A. go B. comes C. g

3、oes D. going( D ) 7. - How much are the trousers? - _¥49.00.A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are( A ) 8. John has a sweater, but he _ a jacket. A. doesnt have B. havent C. dont have D. has ( B ) 9. - The shorts are only¥18.00. - Ill _.A. buy itB. take them C. sale them D. sell it( B ) 10. I have

4、 white shirts but my brother _.A. doesB. doesntC. doesnt like D. likes red, too( B ) 11. My friend, Alan _sports but I dont.A. dontB. likesC. likeD. doesnt( C ) 12. - What color is it? - _.A. Its a green hat B. Its a green C. Its green D. Its green hat( A ) 13. We have _ baseballs.A. twenty-fourB. t

5、woty-fourC. twenty four D. twelve-four( A ) 14. We _ T-shirts _ only $13.00.A. have; forB. has; forC. have; in D. has; in( B ) 15. Please call me _ 8989766. A. in B. at C. about D. with( D ) 16. -Where _ Toms socks? - _On the bed. A. are; Theyre B. is; Its C. is; / D. are; /( C ) 17. That is _ Li. S

6、he is our teacher. We all like_.A. Mrs.; he B. Miss; himC. Mrs.; her D. Mr.; him( B ) 18. What do you_ do? A. want B. want to C. like D. to like( C ) 19. Mary and Tom are brother and sister. Mr. Brown is _father.A. his B. her C. their D. our( C ) 20. The shirt_white is _. A. in; my brother B. at; my

7、 brothers C. in; my brothers D. at; my brothers二、单词拼写 15分1. -How much is this _(双)of _(鞋)? -_(20)_(美元).2. We have _(毛衣)in_(所有的)colors for only 12.00.3. Come and_(购买)your _(衣服)at our great _(特价销售)4. We have some _(裙子)at very good_(价格)。5. I _(需要)two yellow_(T恤衫).6. Are _(15)_(女人)in the room?三、按要求改写句子,

8、每空一词。 10分(第4句为2分)1. The boy sells nice clothes. (改为一般疑问句并进行否定回答) _the boy_ nice clothes? No, _ _.2. The sweater is thirty yuan. (就划线部分提问)_ _is the sweater?3. We have red hats. (就划线部分提问) _ _you have?4. the; is; $ 20; hat ( ? ) (连词成句) _四、根据中文意思用英语完成句子,词数不限。 10分1、我们有质优价廉的各种颜色的毛衣。We have good sweaters i

9、n all colors _.2、Tom有一件黑色的夹克。 Tom _.3、那男孩喜欢这袜子。_these socks.4、这顶帽子看起来挺好看。 This _nice. 5、那个袋子多少钱? _五、完形填空 10分Alan works in a small store. Its near a 1 . Every day students come to 2 some things.In the 3 . Alan gets up (起床) at 6:00. And then he has 4 .He gets to (到达) the 5 at about 6:50. The store ope

10、ns(营业) at 7:00. He sells food and drink. He has school things, 6 , and some 7 and girls are often in his store. He has 8 in the store.At 7:00 9 the evening the store is closed(不营业). He goes home 10 have dinner.( C ) 1. A. farm B. factoryC. schoolD. river( A ) 2. A. buyB. sell C. takeD. want( D ) 3.

11、A. evening B. afternoon C. night D. morning( C ) 4. A. dinner. B. lunch C. breakfast D. rices( C ) 5. A. classroom. B. schoolC. storeD. book( A ) 6. A. too B. also C. andD. but( D ) 7. A. womanB. man C. boiesD. boys( D ) 8. A. dinner B. breakfast C. hamburger D. lunch( A ) 9 A. in B. on C. atD. from

12、( A ) 10. A. to B. at C. withD. for六. 阅读理解 10分Mr. Green and his daughter, Mary are in a big store. Mr. Green likes Mary and wants to buy a new skirt for her. Its thirty dollars. Mary doesnt like the new skirt. She likes something to eat. And her father buys two apples for her, too. Mary wants to buy

13、 some picture-books and pencils, too. There are many things and many people(人) in the store. They all want to buy something there. The people in the store are very nice. ( B )1. Does Mr. Green like his daughter? _. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he isnt. D. No, he doesnt.( B )2. The skirt is

14、 _. A. ¥13.00 B. 30.00 C. ¥30.00 D. 13.00( C )3. Mary likes to buy _. A. a new skirt B. story-books C. pencils D. pens( D )4. Mr. Green buys _for Mary. A. two apples B. a skirt C. a sweater D. A and B( B )5. Mr. Green is Marys _. A. son B. father C. uncle D. brother七、看图填词 10分boy/student, School,like

15、s, watches,on,is, His,She, asks/says, amTom is a (1) . Hes in No. 2 Middle (2) . He (3) soccer very much. One Monday(星期一) evening, Tom (4) soccer games (5) TV in his room . He is very excited(兴奋). It is late. That night he goes to bed(上床睡觉) after 12:00. The next morning, it (6) 7:45. It is late for

16、Tom to go to school. But he is still(仍然) in bed . Tom goes into the classroom at 8:00. (7) teacher is already beginning her lesson(已经上课). (8) is angry(生气) and (9) , “What time is it now, Tom ?” And Tom says, “I (10) sorry.” 八、读写综合 15分A) 信息归纳(5分) 根据短文提供的信息完成表格内容,并将答案(不能超过5个单词)填在表格相应题目的横线上。My name is

17、Bill White. I take my brown schoolbag and my sports shoes to school every day. I need them. Some books, an English dictionary and a pencil box are in my schoolbag. I like my yellow pencil box. A brown eraser, a green ruler, a blue pen and 2 red pencils are in my pencil box. I like my sports shoes, t

18、oo. I like sports very much. I can play soccer and basketball very well. I think my schoolbag and sports shoes are my good friends. Information CardHow many colors in the passage(在文中)?(1) 5 /Five .Does Bill have a dictionary?(2) .What color is Bills pencil box?(3) .What is Bills last name?(4) .What does Bill take to school every day?His (5) .4


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