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1、Unit 9 What time is it?(the first period)中山市黄圃镇培红小学 王敏玲一、Teaching aims:1.Knowledge objective:(1)Enable students to master the numbers from one to twelve.(2)Enable students to talk about the time,using the sentences:”What time is it?Its _ oclock.”2.Ability objectiveStudents can ask about and tell the

2、 time correctly.3.Emotion objective:(1)To develop students interest in learning English and cultivate their spirit of cooperation.(2)To make students to cherish the time and love their life.二、Key points of teaching1.Students can master the numbers from one to twelve.2.Students can ask about and tell

3、 the time correctly,using “What time is it?Its _ oclock.”三、Difficult points of teaching1.Students can use the sentences:”Is it _ oclock? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”to communicate with others.2.The pronunciation of “eleven”and “twelve”.四、Teaching procedureStep 1 GreetingStep 2 Warm up1.Lead in and crea

4、te a situation.(1)The teacher shows the title.(2)Tony, Jenny and Gogo are going to play outside. Lets play with them.2.Sing the song.Have students to sing the counting song togerther.Step 3 Presentation1.Lead in (Gogo:Tony, Jenny!I get a gift.)Have studetns listen to the sound and guess what the gif

5、t is.2.Have Ss count the numbers from one to twelve.3.Teach the word”eleven”and “twelve”.4.GameTraffic light.5.Present the new sentences”What time is it?Its _ oclock.”6.Have students sing the song:What time is it?What time is it?One oclock, one oclock.What time is it?What time is it?Two oclock, two

6、oclock.7.Watch the vedio.8.Present the new sentences:”Is it _ oclock? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.”9.Play a guessing game.10.Work in pairs.Have students make a dialogue with their partners.11.Learn the sentences of Target.(1)Listen to the tape and repeat.(2)Read together.(3)Role play the dialogue.Step 4 ExtentionIts time to _. What time is it?Its _ oclock.Step 5 Moral education:Time is life.Dont waste time, please.Step 6 Summay3


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