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1、Unit 14 Lesson 53Teaching aims:1 words and expressions : excited leather wear out try on 2 .Key sentences :u Are you excited about going to Beijing?u me too.u How about 9:00 on Saturday morning?u What size do you need?u I dont have a 38 in this color.u Have you got any other color /size / kind ?u Ye

2、s, do please.u Thats a bit expensive. Ill think about it.u I dont think Ill take it.u How much does it cost? How much is it?3. Grammar : The past perfect tense Teaching important and difficult points:1. How to master : The past perfect tense 2 .Master several drills and some words and expressions .

3、Teaching aids: Pictures of gloves .shoes etc. Recorder Teaching procedures and ways :Step 1 Revison and lead in Practise the dialogue and present some dialogues written for homework . Show pictures of gloves .shoes . Let Ss describe the pictures in English Step 2 Listening Listen to the tape and ans

4、wer the question What did Miqiko and Miyoko decide to do first before going to Beijing?Step 3 Read the dialogue more carefully and answer the question. Did Miqiko buy a pair of leather tennis shoes ?Step 4 Language pointsu Excited . be excited about = be excited at 对 -感到兴奋 激动u wear out 把-穿旧 磨坏 u be

5、worn out -坏了u try on 试穿 试戴u What size do you need ? what size 多大号u Thats a bit expensive. a bit 相当于 a little 有点儿u I dont have a 38 in this color. in this/ that -color 这种、那种颜色的u in your size 你这个号码的u in this kind 这种的u in the back of 在-后面 u -do please.请(去看看)吧u even though /if 即使Step 5 Practise Make sim

6、ilar dialogues about : dark blue trousers /light green dresses . Use some of sentences in the following.Have you got any other color/size/kind?Thats too expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?Thats a bit expensive .Ill think about it./I dont think Ill take it.How much does it cost? /How much is it?Step 5 Exercise and Homework1.Read the dialogue and answer the questions.2.Complete the dialogue and practice it with a partner in Page 169.


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